She didn't know what language was yet, let alone thinking and cognition, but an idea had been engraved in her mind.

This is me.

An idea struck her, and she bent down, dipped her fingers in the ashes on the ground, and began to draw by herself.

It's very rough, just a shapeless stick figure with a very childish style.

But the meaning is clear.

What she painted was a circle of"little people" from the tribe with food piled around them, while the"little people" from other tribes ran away when they saw them.

Afterwards, she left the cave satisfied

【We will also step into a brighter future. 】

Live broadcast room comment area

"I thought it was over immediately, but I didn’t expect there would be more content."

"Oops... this content really looks like a primitive era documentary!"

"Proving once again that player No. 100 has a wide range of interests"

"I'm just curious, where did he get so much time to know so many things?"

"The case is solved, Contestant No. 100 actually had a time anomaly that turned his 24 hours into 48 hours!"

"So after being burned, did 01's library jump directly to this timeline, or did it remain in a state where it was almost completely burned down?"

"I think it's the latter. I'll wait until the right person starts to burn it out."

"Is this portrait too abstract?"

"If we change the text, even this primitive man wouldn’t be able to understand it!"

"etc! I suddenly discovered that this female primitive seemed to be the younger version of Yin Yu!"

"It’s true if I go!"

"Judging from this trend, he should become a new librarian, so this is a reincarnation."

"SCP-4001 I really haven’t forgotten her…"

"It’s amazing, it didn’t take long to figure out how to change reality!"

"Well, I have to admit that although it is a setting where the world has been restarted like SCP-2000, it is indeed very innovative."

"In terms of touching and epic feeling, the Alexander Library is even better!"

After Yang Feng completed the inspection and proofreading, he rested for a few minutes and immediately began to write down a keyword [Watch].

That is SCP-4999"The person who watches over us"!

After deciding which one to write, he immediately started writing Opened a new page and started typing

【The following content is from the SCP Foundation Confidential Database】

【Item Number: SCP-4999】

【Containment Level: Keter】

【Special Containment Procedures: The relevant information and evidence currently known indicate that SCP-4999 will not appear in front of multiple people at the same time, and those who witness it will die immediately afterwards.】

【This means that SCP-4999 has effectively achieved self-containment and no more physical containment measures are needed.】

【The current mission is to investigate reports related to SCP-4999 obtained from surveillance cameras, photos, or similar means.】

【All secondary witnesses within the civilian population are to be amnesticized. 】

Live broadcast room comment area

"I went and started writing again. Now I am very curious, when will the No. 100 player run out of inspiration?"

"The answer is never"

"SCP-4999? The one who watches over us? I think this is going to be an epic project"

"That's right, it gives me a middle-class feeling when I listen to it."

"I wipe it, self-containment? Can you still play like this?"

"The information that can be determined so far is that SCP-4999 does not pose any danger."

"It's hard to say, everyone who witnesses him will die immediately... I think this is the supernatural ability of SCP-4999"

"Even if that were the case, it wouldn't be on a large scale, otherwise we wouldn't be talking about self-containment."

"The point is to delete relevant information? How is this the same as SCP-1000?……"

"I bet this won't be very long"

"Upstairs, according to what you said, I will bet that this article will definitely write a story."

Before writing the description, Yang Feng first put an image of SCP-4999 created by AI drawing, and then wrote a small text below.

"SCP-4999, taken in , by professional photographer [REDACTED] three minutes before death."

After that, he began to write the description part

【Description: SCP-4999 is a humanoid entity of unknown composition, resembling a middle-aged male in appearance. Its appearance changes, but the only constant is that it wears a dark suit in each appearance.】

【Due to the rarity of recorded manifestations and the highly specific circumstances under which they occur, there is little data regarding the nature or intentions of SCP-4999.】

【However, its behavior remains consistent across recorded sightings】

【Furthermore, SCP-4999 will only appear to a single human being alone at a time.】

【In the records collected, all subjects who came into contact with the object were terminally ill, fatally injured, or on their deathbed.】

【SCP-4999 will appear somewhere nearby within sight, no earlier than 20 minutes before death.】

【SCP-4999 will only 353 appear when the subject is conscious and alone. It will not appear if the subject is comatose, asleep, or unconscious.】

【It will not appear if the subject is being cared for, accompanied, or otherwise under direct observation by another person. 】

Live broadcast room comment area

"Finally posted another picture, but who is this person in the picture?"

"Putting aside the fact that it may be the result of AI painting, just with this blur, I can’t tell who it is even if it’s a real person."

"This description makes me feel like it is a natural phenomenon disguised as a human being.……"

"It's like this, and it's regular."

"Now I understand why self-containment can be achieved. It turns out that it only appears in front of people who are about to die."

"Will it appear when the subject is awake but alone? Why do I feel like a professional companion?"

"I think it saves money for the SCP Foundation!"

"Combined with the last paragraph, I think SCP-4999 is quite warm and will accompany those who are about to die alone."

"If you say so, that's right too"

"Identified as the mildest SCP object."

PS: Please give me flowers, review votes, and monthly votes! Please give me all the data! This is the greatest support for my writing! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

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