【After manifesting, SCP-4999 will sit close to the subject's bed. If there is no place to sit or a bed, it will stand or sit on the ground.】

【and, its body position allows direct, uninterrupted physical contact with the object】

【After this, the subject will take out a pack of cigarettes from the left coat pocket and offer one of the cigarettes to the subject.】

【If the subject accepts, SCP-4999 will place a cigarette between the subject's lips, take out one for itself, and light both】

【If the subject refuses, SCP-4999 will light the cigarette and smoke it on its own】

【SSP-4999's physical contact with the subject is generally a handshake, placing the hand on top of the subject's hand, or placing the hand on the subject's shoulder】

【SCP-4999 will then coexist with the subject, remaining silent and still until the subject dies.】

【SCP-4999 has never been observed to exhibit any other activity or behavior, and it disappears immediately upon death of the subject.】

【However, the cigarette will remain, providing the only physical evidence of SCP-4999's existence】

【To date, no subjects have been found to have flinched or otherwise rejected the entity, nor have any attempts been made to interrogate with it.】

【However, multiple subjects will acknowledge the presence of SCP-4999 through eye contact, adjusting their posture to respond to or assist the contact.】

【Others will burst into tears or verbally express their gratitude to the entity for providing the cigarettes. 】

Live broadcast room comment area

"Although this method is not very healthy and I don’t advocate it, I can only say that SCP-4999 is indeed accompanying these people who may or may not die alone."

"This SCP project gave me a long-lost feeling...a sense of relaxation"

"Indeed, it makes people warm"

"Watching the dying person... This is a serious question."

"To be honest, I hope SCP-4999 appears in reality, so that he can accompany those who will die alone.……"

"When I saw this number, I thought it would be the same type as SCP-3999. I didn’t expect it to be so heartwarming. I love it!"

"It's heartwarming, but the problem is that I haven't recovered from the epic story of SCP-4001.……"

"Contestant No. 100 has completely switched over and has to say"Eternal God"!"

"Honestly, how does he manage to be so unpredictable with his style?"

"The same question"

【Research on identified subjects has shown that SCP-4999 is more likely to manifest in the presence of a human individual if that individual possesses the following characteristics:】

【Living alone】

【believe god does not exist】

【poor or homeless】

【Have a history of mental illness】

【no criminal behavior】

【no living relatives】

【in a weak state】

【No major professional or personal achievements】

【There is no mutually supportive interpersonal relationship or the relationship is weak】

【Demonstrate certain traits or life experiences that render the individual undescribed, anonymous, ignored, or otherwise appear insignificant or insignificant within their respective societies】

【By order of the Ethics Committee, testing has been discontinued, as observation of the subject would prevent SCP-4999 from manifesting. 】

Live broadcast room comment area

"666 Ah! Specifically for it, right?"

"good!!! People who won’t accompany people who commit crimes now have to support them."

"It’s broken. I hit three of them."

"As long as you don't have a criminal record, the rest doesn't matter."

"So SCP-4999 is specifically meant to accompany those who are weaker in the world?"

"In sharp contrast to the waste SCP-3999, one is accompanied and the other tortured"

"SCP-3999 is not useless, right... Mainly because he met Talloran, a tough guy." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Why do I think this reason for banning related experiments has moral considerations?"

"The Ethics Committee came out and banned it, right?"

"The specific reason, I personally think, is that I don’t want those who die alone to really die alone because the SCP Foundation wants to conduct an experiment."

"Support the view above"

【Discovery: SCP-4999 initially arose as an urban legend, with footage of it appearing on hospital surveillance cameras around the world spread through the Internet and multiple television programs, and was eventually discovered by the SCP Foundation】

【Addendum: Further research and cross-referencing of SCP-4999 revealed the following facts】

【Although the advent of modern photography and videography has made conclusive evidence of its appearance more widely available, written and artistic depictions of SCP-4999 have long existed in history, culture, and legends around the world.】

【Some records are thousands of years old, and in some cases records have been found that predate human civilization.】

【It is currently unknown how pre-modern cultures were able to detect the existence of SCP-4999, and investigation is ongoing. 】

Live broadcast room comment area

"`Ah, I thought SCP-4999 was completely invisible to outside observers... I really didn't expect it to be caught on camera.……"

"So according to the world view inside, this SCP project has become part of world culture?"

"It should be. After all, it seems to have existed tens of thousands of years ago. There must be many people who know about it and have passed down its contents."(Zhao Lihao)

"The most difficult part should be that civilizations before human civilization also have relevant records, right? ? ?"

"etc! Can these accounts be understood and proven to be His words...did His image never change?"

"Is this guy the supreme god? He probably directly projected his image onto the entire timeline."

"Whenever I see the words pre-modern, I always wonder if this thing is related to the Crimson King.……"

"Just thinking about a human sitting next to a dinosaur and dying with it makes me want to laugh."



"Break formation!"

"Now I am looking forward to what the next contestant No. 100 will write."

PS: Please give me flowers, review votes, and monthly votes! Please give me all the data! This is the greatest support for my writing!

The picture in this chapter is the image of SCP-4999!

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