While the comment area of ​​the live broadcast room was filled with howling ghosts and wolves, Yang Feng also finished writing the final content of SCP-1762, and then started checking and proofreading.

【update content】

【After almost eight years of inactivity, SCP-1762-1 began to emit purple smoke, expand on its own, and fall to the floor.】

【It removed a chunk of amethyst and a large leather-bound book. The content of this book details the various species living in the world within SCP-1762-2.】

【This book is now numbered 1762-BOL-1】

【The amethyst crystal is engraved with the following text:】

【the last time】

【SCP-1762-1 continued to emit smoke for the next 40 minutes after falling, then ceased all activity.】

【During attempts to recycle the box, it disintegrated and turned into a pile of ash. The remains have now been recovered.】


Live broadcast room comment area

"Knife me again?"

"M's knife is flying around!"

"So is there anyone who can write down the content of this book?"

"Go find those authors who write magical works!"

"All I can say is that SCP-1762 is a tragic story through and through."

"But then again, this article feels very little related to origami, right?"

"Shouldn't it just be relevant?"

"Upstairs, have you forgotten those works that were given low marks for being clickbait?"

"Let’s see what the judges say then."


After spending another half an hour, Yang Feng completed the school team and inspection.

After he saved and backed up the contents, he was ready to start writing the next SCP project.

As for the keyword, after thinking about it for a while, he decided to choose"father's love".

As for which one to write, he has already thought about it.

SCP-348"Gift from Father", one of the most healing SCP items!

After closing his eyes for a few minutes, he immediately started typing on the keyboard.

【The following content is from the SCP Foundation Confidential Database】

【Item Number: SCP-348】

【Object Level: Safe】

【Special Containment Procedures: SCP-348 is currently kept in a standard safe within Site-19.】

【Applicants wishing to test SCP-348 will need Level 3 or higher authorization, and will be required to record detailed information during the process】

【Description: SCP-348 is a white porcelain bowl decorated with light blue flowers, measuring 20 cm in diameter and 9 cm high. There is no production mark, and the words"Thinking of you" are engraved on the side of the bowl."】


Live broadcast room comment area

"Holy shit, I just finished one and started writing the next one? Player No. 100 is capable"

"Isn’t it recognized that player No. 100 is capable? But which keyword is he writing now?"

"Look at the three words {thinking of you} which should mean fatherly or motherly love. They can’t be brothers anyway."

"This special containment procedure seems to be the simplest he has ever written in the competition, right?"

"I have never seen anything so simple as what he added on the SCP Foundation official website.……"

"And it doesn’t feel complicated or strict. This SCP project should not have any danger or autonomy."

"What danger could there be in a white porcelain bowl?"

"But if that’s the case, why does testing require approval from such a senior person?"

"I think there may be any danger after being passive?"


【When in the presence of a human subject with minor illness or injury, such as a slight cough, runny nose, or scratch, SCP-348 will immediately fill up with soup. (Even if it is slowed down tens of thousands of times, the filling process cannot be clearly seen)】

【When the soup produced by SCP-348 was drunk by test subjects between the ages of 4 and 18, these test subjects stated that they enjoyed it very much and felt that"this soup reminded them of their parents making it" the taste of food"】

【Subject will completely consume the soup within SCP-348 if allowed.】

【Children who drink the soup produced by SCP-348 several times will often express feelings of satisfaction and happiness, and say that although they drank the soup alone, they did not feel lonely, as if they were accompanied by someone close to them.】


The comment area of ​​the live broadcast room is currently in a state of discussion.

"So the soup produced by SCP-384 can treat minor illnesses? It feels quite useful. I want it."

"The descriptions of these testers made me feel itchy...I really want to drink it.……"

"So the supernatural nature of this SCP item is reflected in its ability to produce soup out of thin air and provide minors with the psychological comfort of companionship?"

"Child psychiatrist's favorite"

"This should be the first SCP project that has a completely positive effect without any side effects, right?"

"Look at what’s written later, I don’t think it’s that simple"


Yang Feng quickly finished writing the description part. After yawning, he immediately started writing the next part.

【Object Discovery Log: An SCP Foundation field agent became aware of a man residing in█████████of█████Children have resilience beyond their human limits】

【During a covert inspection of the child's house, SCP-348 was discovered in the attic.】

【Subsequent investigations revealed that the child was extremely dependent on SCP-348, using it to replace his loneliness and sadness at being left out by his parents. Because his parents are busy with work, they refuse to admit their direct relationship with their children.】


Live broadcast room comment area

"Holy shit, found out through rumors and rumors? This is awesome!"

"These agents should have received professional and targeted training."

"Damn, this kid is so miserable! Can only rely on a supernatural item to make up for the missing emotions and growth process……"

"It’s caused by parents not being good people when they were born."

"Why do I think the SCP Foundation here is so indifferent, and directly conducted a secret search to take away the child's last hope?"

"This is a necessary evil. After all, who knows if this seemingly harmless bowl may exhibit any dangerous supernatural abilities.……"

"Alas, tears flowed down"

"But the child should be compensated. After all, the SCP Foundation is not short of money."

"I hope so"


PS: Please give me flowers, evaluation votes, and monthly votes! Ask for all the data! This is the greatest support for my writing!

In reply to someone in the comment section who asked me to write this. I didn't want to write this at first, but after thinking about it I decided to write it.

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