【Addendum SCP-348-2: It has been noted that after the soup produced by SCP-348 is consumed, a message will occasionally appear in the bowl.】

【The message appearing in the bowl appears to the naked eye as if it had been printed on the ceramic beforehand, and the language of the text changes according to the language of the person drinking the soup.】

【The message will disappear after a few hours or after SCP-348 produces another bowl of soup.】


Live broadcast room comment area

"From this description, it seems like SCP-348 is self-aware?"

"Even if there is, he should have no ill intentions towards humans."

"If I go, will I automatically be able to speak multiple languages?"

"As a translator, I am extremely envious."

"Am I the only one who cares about the material of the words that appear?"

"The angle upstairs is amazing!"


At the same time, Yang Feng wrote about the test part

【Test Record】

【Test subject: 8-year-old child with sore throat. Before taking the test, lived happily with both parents】

【Test content: The tester drank the soup in 30 minutes and later stated that the throat pain disappeared. Later physical examination also showed that this symptom had disappeared.】

【Test subject: A 10-year-old child who suffered a minor contusion from riding a bicycle. He lives with his parents, but his family relationship is not harmonious and he often quarrels with them.】

【Test content: The injury disappeared quickly, and the words"Don't forget to wash the dishes" appeared on the bowl.】

【Test subject: 11-year-old child with mild cold. Living with adoptive parents】

【Test content: The symptoms disappeared and the words"I'm glad you're happy" appeared on the bowl.】

【Test subject: 9-year-old child with mild cold. Living with his parents, but very irritable and the family relationship is extremely unharmonious】

【Test content: There is nothing particularly noteworthy. After drinking the soup, the tester said that although she did not feel the special taste, she still wanted to drink it. Subsequent investigations revealed that the test subjects recovered from their colds faster than expected.】

【Test subject: 6-year-old child, injured while playing with friends, resulting in minor scrapes and scrapes. In terms of family, her parents are divorced and she currently lives with her mother.】

【Test content: The injury gradually disappears, and the words"I'm sorry, kid" appear on the bowl】

【Test subject: 7-year-old child with cold. Living with mother and grandmother, his father died in a traffic accident】

【Test content: Symptoms disappeared, the words"I love" appeared on the bowl】


Following this test record, the discussion in the comment area of ​​the live broadcast room gradually became heated.

"It’s great to be able to directly make symptoms and injuries disappear or get better quickly!"

"It feels like he also plays the role of a psychiatrist? Regulate family relationships?"

"Is this SCP project playing a fatherly role?"

"So warm and healing"

"I think of my deceased father and really want a bowl like this……"


"Contestant No. 100 changed his sci-fi horror style and became a healing style……"

"I hope he writes more like this. Who says supernatural has to be scary?!"

"Breaking dark stereotypes is everyone’s responsibility!"


【Addendum SCP-348-3: According to a large number of experimental records, some people over the age of 18 will experience two reactions if they try to drink SCP-348 soup.】

【Some people recall a strange feeling of"something is missing", while most people who drank the soup said it had no different or strange taste.】

【According to its experimental records, it can be shown that although the bowl will display a message after a person over 18 years of age drinks, the message will appear to be faded and have some wear and tear.】

【Test Record】

【100 test subjects were randomly selected for testing, but only four obtained information about SCP-348】

【Test subject: 30-year-old female with headache. According to the background check, he had a bad time with both parents, refused to accept help from his father at work, and currently lives alone.】

【Test content: The pain caused by the headache is greatly reduced, and the word"Why" appears on the bowl】

【Tester: 35-year-old male with cold. According to the background check, her parents were divorced, but she visited her father and stepmother once a month, but did not visit her mother at her insistence.】

【Test content: The cold improved quickly, and the words"It will be fine" appeared on the bowl】

【Test subject: 40-year-old female with sore throat. According to a background check, he quarreled with his parents and ran away from home decades ago, but he still sends money to his parents and is responsible for their elderly care. His father passed away recently】

【Test content: The tester noticed that the soup was a little bitter at first, but still felt"satisfied" in the end, and found that the pain in the throat had almost disappeared. The words"Thank you" appear on the bowl】

【Test subject: 40-year-old male with mild back pain. According to a background check, he murdered his father a year ago】

【Test content: The tester drank some and refused to continue drinking the soup, complaining that it tasted bad. Later, he felt slight stomach pain】

【Immediately after the contents of SCP-348 were processed, SCP-348 was filled with salt water. The salt water remained for 3 hours before disappearing.】

【Test subject: 45-year-old male with arthritis. According to the background check, he is happily married and lives with his wife and children. I take the whole family to see my father every week. (Mother has passed away)】

【Test content: Feel the joint pain gradually disappear, and the words"I am proud of you" appear on the bowl】


Live broadcast room comment area

"He is really playing the role of a good father.……"

"So heartwarming, tears come to my eyes"

"I didn't understand the part about being filled with salt water at first. It took me a few seconds to realize... Those were tears."


"Here I wish everyone a happy and healthy family!"

"The most touching episode"

"The bowl filled with dust and salt water that had been waiting for three hours. I don’t know whether it was the sad and grieving father who cried for three hours, or the father who used salt water to relieve his son’s stomachache and waited for three hours.…"

"The man who killed his father was too naive!"


PS: Please give me flowers, evaluation votes, and monthly votes! Ask for all the data! This is the greatest support for my writing!

The image in this chapter is an image of SCP-348!

Suddenly I discovered that most of the famous supreme gods do not have their own separate entries, and many of them are popular concepts composed of multiple works...

How should I write this? Just pick a certain article?

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