I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 147: Identifying Women

"Xue'er, what are you doing in such a romantic place?" Ye Tian asked Song Yunxue angrily.

Song Yunxue had tears in her eyes.

"I don't want to, but I can't find a job at all, and my parents are still waiting for me to support them, so there's nothing I can do!"

Seeing Song Yunxue's appearance, Ye Tian couldn't blame her.

I also met this girl accidentally in the club. At that time, I thought she was pitiful, and when I asked about her name with the word snow in it, I felt pity for her.

I gave her a sum of money at that time to tell her not to come here again, but I didn't expect that she would come here again now.

Song Yunxue stepped forward and held Ye Tian's wrist pitifully.

"Brother Ye Tian, ​​Xue'er, I really appreciate you, but my family is in trouble. I have to go out to make money to support the family. My father is already sick."

"Don't be angry anymore. At worst, I will go out and work on the construction site, and I should earn a lot of money."

When Ye Tian heard this, he was still angry.

So how could I be willing to let such a delicate woman work on a construction site?

"Okay, I'm not angry anymore, but you promise me you won't come to this kind of place again. This place is not clean!"

Song Yunxue burst into tears when she heard this.

"Brother Ye Tian, ​​do you think Xueer is dirty?"

Ye Tiangang wanted to refute.

A sound of being beaten sounded in their ears.

"Do you still think you are so clean?"

The two of them looked back and saw Lin Feng standing there.

The person Ye Tian least wanted to see was Lin Feng.

"Mr. Lin, why are you here?" Ye Tian looked at Lin Feng with an unkind expression.

Lin Feng smiled slightly.

"Of course I'm here to find my woman!" Lin Feng turned to look at Song Yunxue.

"Song Yunxue, why don't you come over?"

Lin Feng looked at Song Yunxue coldly.

When Song Yunxue heard Lin Feng's words, she suddenly became excited.

She knew that Lin Feng still couldn't let go of her.

However, Song Yunxue still turned to look at Ye Tian.

After all, Ye Tian's big tree is not one that can be approached casually.

But in the final analysis, even if Ye Tian has certain talents, he is nothing compared to Lin Feng, who has a big family and a big business. After weighing several times, Song Yunxue still chose to walk towards Lin Feng.

Ye Tian looked at the scene in front of him in surprise, and then subconsciously grabbed Song Yunxue.

"Xue'er, do you know him?"

Song Yunxue looked at Lin Feng, who was tall, handsome and rich, and nodded shyly.


"What!" Ye Tian opened his mouth wide and looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

"Xue'er, tell me what happened. Did he force you?"

Ye Tian looked at Lin Feng fiercely, knowing in his mind that it was Lin Feng who forced Song Yunxue.

Lin Feng was helpless when he heard this, but in order to break up Ye Tian and Song Yunxue, he still couldn't let go of the relationship with Song Yunxue.

"Song Yunxue, you explain to him yourself, or I can leave."

Ye Tian looked at Lin Feng fiercely, "Mr. Lin, I'm not talking to you, so don't talk."

Song Yunxue was in a dilemma.

Seeing this, Ye Tian couldn't help but said, "Did you know that Lin Feng has a girlfriend, her name is Shen Qingxue."

"Now he says you are his woman, what on earth is going on?"

"Xue'er, you have to think carefully and don't be confused by the man in front of you."

Song Yunxue's beautiful eyes widened.

She knew that Lin Feng had always been romantic, but she didn't expect that Lin Feng already had a real girlfriend, and Ye Tian also exposed her. If she continued to stick to her, she would look very shameless.

But how could she be willing to give up the rich second generation who came to her door?

Lin Feng knew Song Yunxue better than Ye Tian.

"Song Yunxue, if you don't come with me, then we don't have to meet again in the future!"

Lin Feng said angrily.

When Song Yunxue heard this, she immediately panicked.

She didn't want to give up on Lin Feng's big tree so easily.

But Ye Tian is also a potential stock, and he is devoted to himself.

As for Lin Feng, there are so many women. If one day they abandon him, what will he do?

Ye Tian also said at the side: "Xue'er, why don't you say anything? Do you really want to leave with Mr. Lin?"

Song Yunxue looked at Ye Tian, ​​then at Lin Feng, and said aggrievedly: "I'm not a plaything, why do I have to go with you? I am an independent individual, and I want to go on my own!"

Song Yunxue walked in one direction without looking back.

Ye Tian looked at Song Yunxue in surprise.

Lin Feng was not surprised at all. After all, he had already thought that Song Yunxue would definitely be the green tea. There must be someone between him and Ye Tian who would chase him, so he dared to turn around and leave.

"Xue'er, don't leave!" Ye Tian stepped forward to chase her.

Song Yunxue stopped and said with a hint of tears: "Brother Ye Tian, ​​please stop chasing me."

"Xue'er, I know that I am not worthy of you, nor do I deserve your love and care for Xue'er. Xue'er should leave now!"

Ye Tian hurriedly explained: "No, that's not the case."

"Xue'er, listen to my explanation."

"You are the most beautiful in my heart. No one can compare to you. I know that Lin Feng must have deceived you."

"I believe you."

Song Yunxue was secretly happy and a little proud at the same time.

No matter who he is, he is still tightly held by himself.

Song Yunxue said aggrievedly: "Brother Ye Tian, ​​it's better you be nice to me!"


Song Yunxue raised her head, glanced at Lin Feng, and continued: "But I want to explain, Master Lin, he did not deceive me."

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, this was what he expected.

"Did you hear that? She said that I didn't lie to her."

"I still advise you two not to do this in front of me. It's useless."

"I also advise you to come back to me quickly, otherwise you will regret it later."

Seeing Lin Feng threatening Song Yunxue, Ye Tian hurriedly pulled Song Yunxue behind him.

"Mr. Lin, you are the general manager of the Lin Group, why are you trying to embarrass a little girl here?"

"Such a behavior is too derogatory."

Lin Feng sneered, "Which of your eyes saw me making things difficult for Song Yunxue?"

"You said you have a grudge against me because of Shen Qingxue."

"I know that you like Shen Qingxue and you can't compete with me. Now you want Song Yunxue to replace Shen Qingxue. But please open your eyes and take a good look. Is this woman in front of you even as good as Shen Qingxue?"

Song Yunxue was shocked when she heard this.

She originally thought that Ye Tian was an innocent young man from the countryside, but she didn't expect that he was not a good person now.

It's so abominable to use her as a substitute.

Suddenly, his favorability towards Ye Tian dropped.

Ye Tian saw Song Yunxue's downcast face and hurriedly explained: "Xue'er, listen to me, this is not the case!"

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