Lin Feng fanned the flames and said, "Isn't it like this, or something else? You blocked the door of my girlfriend's house a few days ago. If I hadn't rushed there in time, you might have done something to my girlfriend!"

"And the woman you are seducing now is also my woman. I advise you to let go as soon as possible!"

"Otherwise you will be the one who is embarrassed on the street."

Lin Feng turned to look at Song Yunxue and said sincerely: "Song Yunxue, I miss the friendship between the two of us, so I am here to advise you to leave this man."

"I also know your current difficulties, I can introduce you to a job!"

"Or if I think about it, I can support you, as long as you are willing to leave him!"

There was a hint of surprise in Song Yunxue's black eyes.

Lin Feng actually said that he would support her, which was the most willing thing for her.

The Ye Tian in front of him was originally a high-quality man, but he didn't expect that he was half-hearted, and he didn't have the ability to support himself. He was not as good as Lin Fenglai.

After much thought, Song Yunxue decided to go with Lin Feng.

Song Yunxue looked at Ye Tian angrily, "Brother Ye Tian, ​​I didn't expect you to be such a man!"

"I thought you were devoted to me, but I didn't expect that I am just a substitute for you!"

"You really disappoint me!"

Song Yunxue walked towards Lin Feng and took Lin Feng's arm.

"Brother Lin Feng, thank you for helping me expose Ye Tian's true face."

"You're welcome!" Lin Feng curled his lips.

He knew that once he said that he would support him, Song Yunxue would definitely stick with him.

"Song Yunxue, what do you mean?" Ye Tian said angrily.

Just now he called Brother Ye Tian, ​​and now he wanted to hang on Lin Feng.

Song Yunxue looked at Ye Tian with a look of disgust, and then looked at Lin Feng with an aggrieved look, "Brother Lin Feng, brother Ye Tian, ​​this makes me so scared!"

"What did Xue'er do wrong? Why did he talk to Xue'er like this?"

Just when Song Yunxue thought that Lin Feng would help her vent her anger, Lin Feng pushed Song Yunxue away.

Lin Feng looked at Song Yunxue with disgust, "Don't hug me, I find it disgusting!"

Song Yunxue looked at Lin Feng in shock. Obviously, she didn't understand how Lin Feng could suddenly treat her like this.

Lin Feng turned to look at Ye Tian, ​​"Ye Tian, ​​have you seen the true face of this woman?"

"I'm only helping you for the sake of our acquaintance."

"This woman is not a good thing!"

Ye Tian and Song Yunxue both looked at Lin Feng in surprise.

Song Yunxue smiled reluctantly and said, "Brother Lin Feng, what are you doing?"

When Lin Feng heard this, he almost vomited out stomach acid.

"Don't call me that, it's disgusting!"

Song Yunxue tried to pull Lin Feng away, but Lin Feng threw Song Yunxue away.


Lin Feng turned around and left, walked to the corner, and began to observe secretly.

Song Yunxue was also dumbfounded and looked towards Ye Tian hurriedly.

"Brother Ye Tian, ​​what on earth is going on?"

Ye Tian saw Song Yunxue's pitiful eyes and felt extremely sick at this moment.

"Get out! Don't let me see you again!"

Ye Tian turned and left.

Song Yunxue was left alone.

She never imagined that she would make mistakes in judgment.

Song Yunxue felt extremely regretful, and her intestines were green with regret.

Ye Tian sat in the car and smashed the steering wheel angrily.

Why is it that this guy Lin Feng comes out to cause trouble every time? How did he offend him?

However, Ye Tian couldn't understand what Lin Feng's purpose was for doing this this time.

Is it simply because he can't stand Song Yunxue, a prostitute, showing off in front of him?

Forget it, never mind!

From now on, when looking at women, you still have to polish them, and in the final analysis, Shen Qingxue is better.

But this woman can’t get it!

"Damn it!" Thinking of this, Ye Tian became even more angry.

Why is Lin Feng always suppressing him? Why did he offend him?

Lin Feng, just wait for me!

Ye Tian's eyes were filled with anger.

"Ah!" Lin Feng couldn't help sneezing.

"Who scolded me?" Lin Feng rubbed his nose and turned to leave.

Seeing Ye Tian and Song Yunxue completely break up, I felt much relieved.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully changing the plot and gaining 1,500 villain plot points."

"The host's current remaining villain energy is: 1500."

"Open the system interface."

"The system interface is opening..."

The most powerful anti-pretending system]

[Host: Lin Feng]

[Personal assets: 3 billion]

[Strength value: 500]

[Agility value: 150]

[Physique value: 110]

[Charm value: 116]

[Lucky value: 400]

[Note: The above values ​​are converted to 100 for ordinary people]

[Skills acquired]

[Superpower - Golden Vision: Can see through things and analyze their economic value]

[Medical skills: Medical skills are upgraded to primary. 】

[Martial Arts Skills: Master primary martial arts skills and can learn various primary martial arts. 】

[Guitar playing skills (gifted by the system)]

[Anti-intellectual halo]

[Villain Energy: 1500]

[Current novel trigger: Doctor 3: Across the World. After the completion reaches a certain value, there is a chance that other novel plots will be triggered]

Lin Feng looked at it and found that it was generally good, but he wanted to better improve his force value.

Otherwise, what if Ye Tian didn't like him and hit him that day?

Although Ye Tian now dislikes himself.

Lin Feng first spent 300 villain energy to go to the training room to confront NPC Ye Tian.

Of course, Lin Feng still couldn't beat Ye Tian and was severely beaten.

By the time Lin Feng opened his eyes, one day had passed.

Lin Feng turned on his cell phone and found that there were many missed calls. Lin Feng took a closer look and found that Yudie had called him more than 50 times!

What happened to Yu Die?

Lin Feng hurriedly called Yu Die, but who knew that the phone was turned off.

"Something must have happened to her. I have to go find her."

Lin Feng put on his clothes and went to where Yu Die worked first. It was already closed.

Lin Feng stepped forward and looked at the dust. It seemed that he had not been here for a long time.

Where is Yu Die now?

On the other side, in the dark basement, a fragile woman as beautiful as a butterfly slowly opened her eyes.

This woman is Yu Die.

Yu Die looked around blankly and found that this was the basement of his home.

A familiar figure stood with his back to him.


How could Yu Die not recognize the back of the person who had been with him day and night for more than 20 years.

Feather Mother slowly turned her head, her eyes filled with sternness.

"Wake up, little girl!"

"Mom, what are you doing?" Yu Die looked at Yu's mother blankly.

Mother Yu saw Yu Die pretending to be stupid and sneered: "You are still pretending, do you think I don't know what you little liar did?"

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