"What's wrong?" Lin Feng raised his eyes and looked at Secretary Liu.

Secretary Liu shook his head, "It's okay. I lost my temper. I'll do it now!"

After Secretary Liu finished speaking, he turned and left the office.

Lin Feng was lost in thought. Could it be that his decision just now was so unexpected?

Or is it possible that all the things that have been revealed are based on evidence?

Thinking of these things, Lin Feng felt a little regretful.

If it's true, wouldn't it be you who suffers in the end?


Shen Qingxue saw the news on the Internet and was a little worried about Lin Feng, so she hurriedly called Lin Feng.

"Brother Lin, are you okay?"

"Well, I'm fine."

Shen Qingxue heard Lin Feng's deep voice on the other side of the phone and wondered if she had made the call at the right time.

"Am I disturbing you if I call you now?"

"No, I'm just a little tired, why don't you come and see me?" Lin Feng suddenly teased.

Shen Qingxue's face suddenly turned red.


"Forget it if you don't want to!" Lin Feng teased Shen Qingxue.

"I didn't, I was packing my things. Just in time, I made some dumplings for lunch. I brought them to you. You can try my handiwork!" Shen Qingxue's tone suddenly became excited.

Lin Feng was slightly startled.

"Okay! Call me when you get there. I'll go down and pick you up."


After hanging up the phone, Shen Qingxue began to prepare. When she was ready, Shen Qingxue went to the Lin Group.

After arriving at the door of Lin Group, Shen Qingxue originally wanted to call Lin Feng, but then she thought about it and wanted to give Lin Feng a small surprise, so she did not call Lin Feng and prepared to go up to find Lin Feng herself.

However, if Shen Qingxue knew what happened next, she would definitely not choose to do this.

Shen Qingxue found the front desk.

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

"I would like to ask, which floor is Mr. Lin's office on?"

"Excuse me, what do you want to do with Mr. Lin?"

"I'm Mr. Lin's girlfriend, and I'm here to bring him lunch." As soon as Shen Qingxue finished speaking, a sneer came from the side.

Shen Qingxue turned her head in the direction of the sound and saw a woman with coquettish makeup.

Even though the makeup on her face was so rich, it still couldn't hide the flaws of her overly plastic surgery face.

Shen Qingxue originally didn't want to talk to the woman, but continued to say to the front desk: "Please tell me where his office is, I want to give him a little surprise."

The front desk didn't know Shen Qingxue's true identity. After all, she thought Shen Qingxue was pretty, so she couldn't make up her mind for a while.

However, the woman who just scoffed took a few steps forward and said with sharp sarcasm: "Some people don't even look in the mirror to see what they look like, and they even try to climb high."

Shen Qingxue knew that the woman was talking about herself, so she turned around and said, "Madam, do you and I know each other?"

"do not know."

"Then why are you speaking evil words to me here? Have I offended you in some way?" Shen Qingxue said while holding back her anger.

The woman curled her lips, walked into Shen Qingxue, and looked at Shen Qingxue with her nostrils arrogantly.

"It seems that Shen Qingxue, you have really forgotten me!"

Shen Qingxue was shocked when she saw the woman like this.

This woman's demeanor is really familiar, especially like that rich girl Niu Fangfang who had been targeting and spreading rumors about her in high school.

Although the name is crude, Niu Fangfang's family is a serious nouveau riche, and they are one of the richest families.

"Niu Fangfang!"

When Niu Fangfang heard Shen Qingxue calling her real name, she immediately became angry, "Please call me Lisa, thank you!"

Shen Qingxue frowned and said nothing more.

Niu Fangfang continued: "I didn't expect that after so many years, you, Shen Qingxue, would really be licking such a face every day, like a vixen, flirting with people every day."

"But you hooked up with the wrong person this time. Mr. Lin won't like a woman like you!"

Shen Qingxue sneered, "How did you know?"

Niu Fangfang said arrogantly: "I just know who you think is like a vixen like you! To be honest, Mr. Lin even sent me flowers to express that he likes women like me, and even invited me to his home tonight!"

The shy expression on Niu Fangfang's face, paired with a face that had undergone excessive plastic surgery and almost overflowed with hyaluronic acid, was really disgusting.


Shen Qingxue naturally didn't believe what this woman said, but she didn't know how to refute her at the moment.

"Uh-huh! Let me tell you, Mr. Lin is my man. Don't think about it. You vixen is not worthy of him! In the whole world, I am the only one who can!"

Niu Fangfang said proudly.

The people around looked at Niu Fangfang with something strange.

But more people are looking at Shen Qingxue. After all, Shen Qingxue is a beauty that can be noticed at a glance in the vast sea of ​​people. She is beautiful but not gaudy. It is not an exaggeration to describe her as hibiscus blooming from clear water.

At this moment, a clear male voice came into everyone's ears.

"Haha! Why didn't I know I had an extra girlfriend!"

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound and saw Lin Feng at a glance. They hurriedly shouted in unison: "Hello, Mr. Lin!"

When Niu Fangfang heard what Lin Feng said, she naturally rushed forward and pointed at Shen Qingxue angrily: "Mr. Lin, look at this ugly guy, pretending to be your girlfriend here, let me humiliate you." After a while!"

"You said she dared to pretend to be your girlfriend without looking in the mirror to see what she looked like. That's really disgusting!"

Shen Qingxue felt a little embarrassed.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes, "Yeah! Some people don't even look in the mirror to see what they look like, and they pretend to be my girlfriend!"

When Niu Fangfang saw Lin Feng say this, she immediately became happy.

"I just said, how can this woman be your girlfriend, Mr. Lin!"

Niu Fangfang walked up to Shen Qingxue and said arrogantly: "You woman, get out of here quickly!"

Shen Qingxue looked at Lin Feng with a cold face.

"Brother Lin, this joke is not funny at all!"

Everyone was a little confused when they heard this, but in the next second they quickly understood what all this was about.

"I'm teasing you, you're still angry!"

Lin Feng stepped forward, hugged Shen Qingxue in his arms, and said dotingly: "Who told you not to call me when you came? If you had told me that I would come down to pick you up, wouldn't this be the case?"

Shen Qingxue was really a little angry this time, and turned her face to the side, "Who told you not to officially announce me in the circle of friends! Humph!"

Everyone's eyes widened and they looked at what was happening in front of them in disbelief.

What exactly is going on?

Seeing this, Niu Fangfang stepped forward in disbelief, "Mr. Lin, what are you doing? Did you make a mistake?"

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