I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 176 Look in the mirror

Lin Feng raised his head and looked at Niu Fangfang with a cold light in his eyes, making him feel as if he was in hell.

"Go to the Human Resources Department to collect your salary. Don't let me see you again, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences!"

When Niu Fangfang heard this, she felt as if she had fallen into an ice cellar.

"Mr. Lin, you can't do this to me! I am sincere to you, you are the only one in my heart!" Niu Fangfang stepped forward, pulled Lin Feng's clothes and cried.

Lin Feng's eyes were cold.

You bullied your real girlfriend, and you still have the nerve to beg for mercy?

"Your father originally paid for you to join the company. For your father's sake, I turned a blind eye to you, but now you are bullying my girlfriend. Do you think I will let you stay in this company again?"

"Get out of here, don't force me to hit a woman!"

Lin Feng threw Niu Fangfang away in disgust, and then left with Shen Qingxue.

Everyone looked at Niu Fangfang with some sympathy, but most of them thought that Niu Fangfang had brought it upon herself.

Even if Niu Fangfang wanted to take revenge, given her strength and identity, she might be crushed to death by Lin Feng before she could take revenge.

Lin Feng took Shen Qingxue to his office. As soon as he entered, he hugged Shen Qingxue and had a meal.

Shen Qingxue pushed Lin Feng away, her face full of dissatisfaction, and she seemed to still be angry about what happened just now.

Seeing this, Lin Feng smiled and hugged Shen Qingxue, coaxing him a few words.

"Oh, what's there to be angry about? I'm just teasing you."

"Besides, I told you, if you tell me, I'll go down to pick you up, won't there be so many things?"

"If the front desk hadn't called me and asked me, I wouldn't have known you were here!"

"Okay! I understand, let's eat dumplings!" Shen Qingxue pushed the rice to Lin Feng. Lin Feng smiled, let go of Shen Qingxue, and started eating dumplings. After all, his stomach was already growling with hunger.

On the other side, Niu Fangfang carried her things and ran out angrily, cursing.

"If you dare to bully me, I will make you look good when I have the opportunity in the future!"

"Shen Qingxue, you coquettish fox! If you hook up with my man, sooner or later I'll find someone to scratch your face!"

Just when Niu Fangfang was scolding, a handsome guy walked up to Niu Fangfang and blocked Niu Fangfang's way.

Niu Fangfang raised her head and originally wanted to curse, but after seeing the person clearly, she immediately shut her mouth.

"Hello, beautiful lady!"

"Hello! Handsome guy! What can I do for you?"

Ye Tian couldn't help but sneer when he saw the woman looking so infatuated, but considering how stupid and stupid the woman was, he thought he could make good use of her.

"I saw what happened just now, and I'm really angry for you!"

When Niu Fangfang heard what Ye Tian said, she was immediately moved to tears.

"I'm so touched to hear you say that. I still don't know your name, handsome guy. Why don't we add WeChat and make friends?" Niu Fangfang quickly took out her phone and wanted to add WeChat to Ye Tian. .

Ye Tiancai wouldn't say it out loud because he didn't want to get too entangled with this woman.

"I'm here to help you get revenge. I know you were bullied just now and you must want to take revenge. I have a good way to help you get revenge!"

Niu Fangfang looked at Ye Tian in surprise.

"What's the meaning?"

"The obvious meaning is that now I will give you a choice. Do you listen or not? If you listen, I will tell you. If you don't listen, forget it!"

Ye Tian gestured to leave, Niu Fangfang hurriedly stepped forward and pulled Ye Tian.

"I'll do it! You tell me first."

A proud smile flashed on Ye Tian's face.

"You also know that there have been frequent scandals in the Lin Group recently. You know..."

For a long time, Niu Fangfang was in shock.

"What's wrong? If you don't want to, forget it, just pretend I never showed up." Ye Tian gestured to leave. Niu Fangfang hurriedly stepped forward and took Ye Tian's arm, saying anxiously: "I do! I do!"

Niu Fangfang was naturally happy to be able to take revenge on that stupid couple, but she was a little worried that her family would be implicated.

"But I'm worried..."

Before Niu Fangfang finished speaking, Ye Tian hurriedly said: "There is nothing to worry about. As long as you do this, the Lin Group will naturally fall. By then, Lin Feng may have to rush to curry favor with you. You Wouldn’t it be natural to have a relationship with him?”

When Niu Fangfang heard this analysis, her eyes suddenly widened.

If it really develops as Ye Tian said, wouldn't Lin Feng be his pug by then? He has to do whatever you ask him to do, and he still has to laugh when you beat him.

Thinking of this, Niu Fangfang felt a surge of joy in her heart.

"Okay! Just do as you say!"

"I wish you good luck!" Ye Tian smiled slightly, turned and left.

Niu Fangfang looked at Ye Tian's handsome back and began to feel infatuated.

In the afternoon, Shen Qingxue watched Lin Feng and stared at him blankly. She felt that Lin Feng was very handsome when he was working. He could even be described as so handsome that people and gods were outraged.

At this moment, Shi Chuan knocked on the door and rushed in in a panic.

Shen Qingxue quickly put her eyes away.

Shi Chuan acted as if he hadn't seen it and said loudly: "Lin Feng, something serious has happened!"

Lin Feng frowned, "What a panic!"

"Did you know? There is a person who claims to be an employee of our company, and he broke the dirty information about our company. He even said it with nose and eyes. Now everyone on the Internet is attacking us!"

Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh when he saw Shi Chuan's appearance.

It's better to go to Secretary Liu. If Secretary Liu hadn't gone out to investigate, he wouldn't have been surprised by Shi Chuan.

"Okay, I get it!"

Shi Chuan was surprised to see Lin Feng's unhurried look.

"Lin Feng, are you scared out of your wits? Why haven't you reacted yet?"

Shi Chuan walked up to Lin Feng and wanted to attack Lin Feng.

"Stop!" Lin Feng yelled angrily.

Shi Chuan immediately stood there obediently, motionless.

"Secretary Liu is not here, so you are equivalent to my secretary. If anything happens, report it to me as soon as possible. You have done a good job in this matter, but look at you, you are so flustered that you can't even do the most basic things of calmness and calmness. , is really far from Secretary Liu!"

"Hurry up and think about what you need to do now!"

Shi Chuan was stunned.

For a long time, Shi Chuan couldn't say a word of nonsense.

Seeing this, Lin Feng sighed, and then said: "Has the person who posted the Weibo message been investigated?"

"Ah! Uh! It seems to be the employee who was fired just this afternoon."

"Like?" Lin Feng asked.

Seeing Lin Feng's questioning eyes, Shi Chuan said firmly:

"No! That's it! It's the employee who was fired this afternoon. His name is Niu Fangfang!"

Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction, "Well, good!"

"You go down first."


Shi Chuan left.

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