I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 214 Feng Shui Kanyu Technique

"This Lin Feng is really merciless. He is his uncle after all, and he actually talks to his uncle like that!"

"Yes, yes! A little doll really thinks he is something!"

"Shh! Stop talking. Lin Feng will operate on you again later. Let me see what you do!"

"Let's go, let's go, the matter is a foregone conclusion, we just need to sit back and wait for the dividends!"

Shareholders gradually left.

Lin Feng also turned off the monitor on the screen.

It seems that doing so still has some effect.

Then Lin Feng spent money to buy a treasure from the mall and gave it to Long Zheng. Long Zheng was still happy after receiving it and had a good impression of Lin Feng.

"This antique vase is worth a lot of money at first glance. Are you really willing to give it to me?" Long Zheng asked Lin Feng.

Lin Feng smiled slightly, "It's natural to give it up. After all, it's for you. What else can I be reluctant to part with?"

"Please accept it well!"

"Haha! Okay!" Mr. Long said hello repeatedly.

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first!" Lin Feng was about to leave.

Mr. Long persuaded him to stay, "Seeing that it's almost noon, why don't we stay and have a meal together?"

"No, I won't bother you anymore!"

"What are you bothering me about? I told you to stay for dinner, so stay for dinner!"

Lin Feng saw this and said, "Then I'd rather be respectful than obey your orders!"

Mr. Long laughed a few times, "I just happen to have a new friend here. You are all young people, so you must be very easy to communicate with."

When Lin Feng heard this, he suddenly had a bad feeling.

Could it be that the protagonist is jumping around again?

I haven't had time to take care of him recently, so he came out on his own?

"This is our new Feng Shui master. Let me tell you, his Feng Shui exploration skills are excellent. I'll ask him to show you your face and Feng Shui in a moment."

"Okay, thank you Mr. Long!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the doorbell rang, and the servant hurried to open the door.

"Mr. Long, Mr. Ye is here!"

"Please come in quickly!" Mr. Long said happily.

Ye Tian gradually walked over and appeared in front of Lin Feng.

"Mr. Long!" Ye Tian greeted Mr. Long with a smile and walked to his side.

Treating Lin Feng is like looking at a stranger.

"Let me introduce you, this is the chairman of Lin Feng Lin Group."

"Hello, Director Lin!" Ye Tian smiled and greeted Lin Feng.

When Lin Feng saw this, he started to wonder if Ye Tian was being silly.

Mr. Long turned to look at Lin Feng, "You must remember the last antique auction exchange meeting, kid. Didn't you two have a little conflict?"

Lin Feng nodded, "Everything is just a trivial matter. I never take it seriously, just because I'm afraid Brother Ye is still angry."

"What are you talking about, Director Lin? How dare I get angry with you? Don't make fun of me."

Lin Feng was surprised by Ye Tian's decent language.

Ye Tian could be a different person, why did he become so polite when talking to him?

Lin Feng also couldn't figure it out. How could he get in touch with Mr. Long again even though he had already stolen his limelight in front of Mr. Long last time?

"Haha! Come on, sit down and talk!"

Mr. Long took the two of them to sit on the sofa in the living room.

"Food will be ready in a while. Since you are here today, Ye Tian, ​​help Brother Lin and I take a look at our recent fortunes."

"Okay." Ye Tianneng came up with a set of fortune telling tools and placed them on the coffee table in the living room.

"Mr. Long, let me show you first."

"Okay." Elder Long stretched out his hand.

Ye Tian stared at Mr. Long's hands and face for a long time.

He also took out something similar to a Bagua plate and rotated it in Elder Long's hand.

I saw the Bagua disk in Ye Tian's hand emitting a golden light, which went straight to the palms and eyebrows of Mr. Long.

This must be the Bagua Kanyu Pan.

After a long time, the golden light dissipated.

Ye Tian put away the Bagua Kanyu plate.

"Ye Tian, ​​how is my luck?"

Ye Tian nodded and shook his head, with a mysterious color in his eyes.

"Ye Tian, ​​what do you mean?"

Ye Tian then said slowly: "Mr. Long has good luck, but it's better to be careful today. Don't go up steps or anything like that to prevent him from falling."

"Okay. Then if I play a few games in the next few days, can I win?"

Ye Tian nodded, "Of course, Mr. Long, your financial luck is excellent."

"Haha, that's fine. I have to find those old guys to take a gamble these days!"

After Mr. Long was happy, he turned to look at Lin Feng.

"Brother Lin, please stretch out your hand, and then Ye Tian will show you!"

Lin Feng was naturally unwilling. He was afraid that Ye Tian would do something bad to him.

A trace of evil flashed in Ye Tian's eyes.

"Director Lin, my Feng Shui skills are very good, you don't have to be afraid."


When things came to a close, Lin Feng couldn't back down, otherwise he would be a joke to others.

Lin Feng stretched out his hand.

At the same time, Lin Feng kept calling for the system in his mind.

"System, system, come out quickly, help!"

"Ding, what kind of help does the host need?"

"I want to start the Feng Shui Kanyu technique!"

"Yes, but it will cost 4,000 plot points!"

"4000! Why don't you go and grab it?"

"Host, this is activated in advance, and naturally you need to pay a corresponding price. If it is activated randomly, there will definitely be no need to consume plot points."

"In addition, while opening the Feng Shui Kanyu technique for you, the skills will also be automatically upgraded to the primary stage."

In reality, Lin Feng saw that Ye Tian was about to attack him, so he didn't care about anything and hurriedly said: "Okay, hurry up and drive!"

"Skills are being activated..."

"Skill activated successfully!"

"Congratulations to the host for acquiring the Feng Shui Kanyu skill, and the skill has reached the primary stage."

"Host's remaining plot points: 1,200 points."

Lin Feng suddenly felt that all the knowledge about Feng Shui Kanyu was pouring into his mind, and everyone was lining up to learn it.

"I still have a question, what is the level of the protagonist's Feng Shui skills?"

"Equivalent to an advanced level."


Lin Feng felt that he had unlocked new skills in vain.

However, Lin Feng turned around and thought, it is better to open it than not to open it, otherwise he would not even know what the protagonist did to him.

In reality, Ye Tian took out the Bagua Kanyu Pan to gauge Lin Feng's fortune.

But the pointer on the disk moved back and forth in a chaotic and irregular manner.

Elder Long also saw something was wrong.

"What on earth is going on?" Ye Tian looked at Lin Feng in shock.

Lin Feng looked innocent, he didn't know what was going on.

Mr. Long next to him touched his beard and said enigmatically: "I'm afraid this boy's fate is so unpredictable that it's hard to predict."

Seeing this, Lin Feng smiled and said: "I have always controlled my own destiny, but if Mr. Ye can't detect it, I'm afraid it's because his skills are not up to the mark!"

Lin Feng's words pierced Ye Tian's spine.

Ye Tian's expression suddenly changed.

He finally climbed up to Long Lao by relying on the Feng Shui tree, but now he is afraid that he will be screwed up by Lin Feng again.

"Director Lin, that's not what you said. It was just a small accident."

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