"Little accident? Then why can't you even measure my luck?" Lin Feng pressed forward step by step.

Ye Tian's face became increasingly ugly, and he gradually fell into a stalemate.

Seeing this, Mr. Long came to the rescue and said: "This little brother showed it to me. It was quite accurate. Maybe it was an accident just now. Why don't you let him take a look at it again?"

Lin Feng shook his head, "No need, I control my own destiny and don't need anyone else to predict it."

"But I also know a little bit about Feng Shui. Maybe I can compete with Mr. Ye."

Lin Feng pointed directly at Ye Tian.

Ye Tian thought of how many times Lin Feng had ruined his good deeds before, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"How can the art of Feng Shui be used for competition?" Ye Tian wanted to reject Lin Feng's proposal.

But Lin Feng had a mission and couldn't let Ye Tian go so easily.

"Mr. Ye, don't you dare to compete with me? Are you afraid of this kind of thing even if you are a tall and dignified man? Or is it that your Feng Shui skills are just for show." Lin Feng's words completely angered Ye sky.

Ye Tian suppressed the anger in his heart and said with a smile: "Director Lin, you are just joking!"

"Why should I not dare? I'm just afraid that I'll offend you and make you unhappy."

"If you insist on competing, I think there is no harm in competing. I just heard that Mr. Lin has superb medical skills. How about we also compete in medical skills?"

Ye Tian is rebelling against General Lin Feng's army.

Lin Feng suddenly regretted his decision, but he was not afraid.

"Okay, let's compete!"

"How do you think this Feng Shui technique compares?"

Ye Tian thought about it carefully. If it were a face reading, he really couldn't tell Lin Feng's face. Lin Feng's face was really strange.

What about testing the previous life?

"How about testing the previous life?" Ye Tiandao said.

"Okay!" Qian Qiansheng can he still be afraid of this turtle grandson?

He knew everything about the first half of this grandson's life.

Elder Long was very surprised, what does this past life mean?

"Does this past life mean the first half of your life?"

Ye Tian nodded, "Yes, it is to measure a person's fortune, experience, etc. in the first half of his life."

"That's right, then this is interesting."

"Then you two compete and let me open my eyes too!"

"Okay, Mr. Long, just watch!"

Lin Feng looked up at Ye Tian.

Ye Tian took out his Feng Shui Kanyu plate, placed it in front of Lin Feng, and closed his eyes to calculate.

A golden light emerges from the center of the feng shui plate.

The top of the golden light connected to the center of Lin Feng's eyebrows.

Lin Feng opened his eyes and looked at Ye Tian, ​​only to see that Ye Tian had his eyes tightly closed and cold sweat seeped out from his forehead.

Why is Ye Tian struggling so much even though he is short of Qiao Shan? His Feng Shui tree is only at this level?

Lin Feng had some doubts, was Ye Tian the protagonist?

The system's voice suddenly echoed in Lin Feng's mind.


"The system proactively answers the host's questions. Because the system exists on the host, he cannot view the host's past life and predict the host's future."

"If he wants to check the host's past life, he needs to check the emotional intelligence of the soul that the host has traveled through. Because it happened before the time traveled, he cannot check it."

"So that's it, there's actually a reason behind this!" Lin Feng felt even more confident when he saw this.

How could Ye Tian compare to himself.

After a long time, Ye Tian opened his eyes, and a golden light flashed in his eyes.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "I wonder what information Mr. Ye found about me?"

Before Ye Tian could answer, Lin Feng continued: "Mr. Yiye has so many magical powers, I'm afraid he has found out a lot of information about me. Why don't you tell us about it?"

Ye Tian knew that Lin Feng was trying to flatter him, and his resentment towards Lin Feng increased even more.

Long Zheng was surprised to find that Ye Tian had been silent.

"Ye Tian, ​​why don't you speak?"

Ye Tian's face darkened, and then he said: "Your life has been smooth, and you rarely encountered any ups and downs. You had several girlfriends, but they all broke up."

"Now you have a girlfriend and are about to get married."

"In addition, your mother died when you were very young. It was your father who raised you up. You and your father have a very good relationship."

Lin Feng couldn't help but sneer when he heard Ye Tian's words, "Is that all? To be honest, anyone can find it with a little effort. Can you get some real information?"

"For example, how many mobile phones have I changed? Or what bad or good things have I done before?"

Ye Tian frowned. To be honest, he didn't find out anything just now, and now he just relied on his own memory to tell about Lin Feng.

"These are all what I found. I need time to pay attention to other details." Ye Tian could only make excuses.

But Mr. Long didn't like it.

He has seen what Ye Tian is capable of, but he never likes people to lie.

Mr. Long turned to look at Lin Feng, "Your little brother, are you trying to test him?"

Lin Feng nodded and shook his head, "No need, I just finished the test."

Ye Tian was shocked.

When did Lin Feng take the test?

I didn't feel any power pouring into my body.

"Ye Tian, ​​I have sensed everything about you. Now just listen to me and tell you everything."

Lin Feng said confidently: "Ye Tian was born in a village. He met a mysterious master and learned a lot of skills. He is very powerful in medical, Feng Shui and martial arts."

"This mysterious master has never revealed his name to Ye Tian, ​​so I don't know who he is."

"Ye Tian came to the big city and wanted to stand out with his own skills, but he was repeatedly frustrated. Now he relies on Feng Shui to help you, Mr. Long. You must have already thought about how to show off your ambitions."

Lin Feng made Ye Tian's ambition clear.

Ye Tian's face became increasingly ugly.

The same is true for Long Zheng.

Long Zheng hated others taking advantage of him. Although he could guess that Noda was ambitious, he would inevitably feel unhappy when someone said it openly.

Ye Tian hurriedly turned around and wanted to explain to Long Zheng.

"Mr. Long, please listen to my explanation, this is not the case."

"That's not true. You didn't measure Lin Feng's first half of his life just now. You lied."

Long Zheng directly exposed Ye Tian.

Ye Tian's expression became panicked, "Mr. Long, please listen to my explanation, this is not the case."

"Okay, stop talking!"

"Get out of here, I don't want to see you again!"

Old Long turned his head to the side and did not listen to Ye Tian's explanation at all.

Ye Tian knew that he was hopeless, so he turned to look at Lin Feng angrily, then raised his feet and left.

The system's voice sounded in Lin Feng's mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining 20 hatred points. Current hatred value: 80."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for plundering the protagonist's destiny value of 20,000."

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