I Became An Acre Of Haunted Land

Vol 2 Chapter 104: Taoist priests come down the mountain

"Director Luo, we Dragon and Tiger Mountain Sect members traveled thousands of miles down the mountain to come to Jiangnan City on this trip, not for anything else but for the lightning strike wood here."

"I heard that there is a peach tree in Jiangnan City that became a spirit. On the day of becoming a spirit, a thunderbolt struck it. You have already obtained the fine lightning strike wood that fell to the ground."

"So, Pindao just said bluntly, if we want to get these lightning strike wood, what will we need to pay?"

In the newly rebuilt city hall building in Jiangnan City, a group of people came. They wore green shirts and crescent moon crowns, just like Taoist priests.

At this time, they were sitting quietly cross-legged in Director Luo's office, and the leader was negotiating with Director Luo.

The news of the lightning strike tree finally spread from Jiangnan City, even to Longhu Mountain thousands of miles away. rushed over.

Although the journey was far away, just hearing the news of the real lightning strike on the tree, no one in the entire Longhu Mountain from top to bottom could calmly meditate every day without caring about worldly affairs.

Other Taoist sects may have a dispensable attitude towards Lei Jianmu, but to Longhushan, it is their life and everything to them.

At present, due to the recovery of spiritual energy and the emergence of demons and monsters, there are fewer and fewer mahogany swords used to slay demons and demons. Not to mention the mahogany swords made of lightning strike wood, even the ordinary mahogany wood that has been around for a hundred years or a thousand years has become extremely rare.

Now, in the entire Longhu Mountain, there is nothing else except the last real mahogany sword made of lightning strike wood worn by the head token.

The mahogany sword made of lightning strike wood has become a token of the head.

Now it is heard that there are peach trees that have become mature in Jiangnan City, and the rumored thunder catastrophe appeared on the day of becoming mature.

Isn't this really the lightning strike wood?

Therefore, this trip to Longhushan must take down the lightning strike wood no matter what.

Director Luo picked up a teapot, glanced at the Taoist priests in Longhu Mountain, and felt happy.

Damn it, it's you **** who hide in the mountains every day to cultivate immortals. They have all the strength, but they don't want to go out to help. This Yunlan country is in this crisis, and if you don't go out to serve the country, you still hide every day. Cultivate immortals on the mountain?

Now those immortals are all fake and nothingness. I want to tell you this, are you afraid that you will go crazy right away?

However, Director Luo would definitely not tell them these things.

Lord Yunlan has issued a death order, and anyone who dares to tell the origin of the strange figure that appeared in the passage of Jiangnan City will be punished as treason.

Although the entire Jiangnan city had seen the strange figure, the official announcement of their origin was all based on the alien invaders.

They will never reveal the true identities of these intruders.

Otherwise, the entire Yunlan Nation would be in chaos.

"This Lightning Strike Wood is also the hard work of our Jiangnan City Ability Bureau. The price we paid is hard to bear even for our entire Ability Bureau."

Director Luo said unhurriedly at this time.

This batch of lightning strike wood did indeed pay a great price as he said.

After all, dealing with the 1,200-year-old monster Jiangnan Wang, and trying to take advantage of him, is extremely difficult.

The King of Jiangnan was exclusive to Taolin by relying on lightning to strike wood, but he killed them severely.

If it wasn't for the need for the lightning strike wood to attract the Daomen who hide in the mountains every day to come out of the mountain, the city hall would not have allocated a budget to them at all after looking at the requests made by King Jiangnan.

Now that the impact of the lightning strike on the wood has appeared, Director Luo should talk to these Taoists carefully.

Not only did he want these Taoists to work for the Ability Bureau, but he also wanted to get back from these Taoists what he had lost from the Jiangnan King.

"Look, Jiangnan City is in crisis, if it wasn't for that..."


At this time, the director of the city hall, Chen Feng, suddenly coughed twice, and Director Luo understood it in an instant.

"If it weren't for that group of soldiers from the military department who devoted themselves to the battle and vowed to die in the face of the ancient insects, our Jiangnan City would really be in ruins."

"Now Jiangnan City is employing people, and it needs Taoists with amazing magical powers to handle many things."

"If the Taoists of Longhu Mountain are willing to help our Jiangnan City rebuild and deal with some cult members, our Ability Bureau is willing to provide the Taoist priests with the best mahogany swords."

Director Luo said tactfully at this time.

This Longhu Mountain, after all, is far away from Jiangnan City, and is in the midst of mountains and mountains. He is so focused on cultivation that he doesn't care about anything else.

The country loves and hates these people.

What I love is that these people practice meditation every day, day after day, year after year, even if they have incomparable strength, they will not easily step out of the mountain gate and do anything wrong with their own strength.

It's not like that group of monks, with a little bit of cultivation, they can't wait to let everyone in the world know about it, and then enter the Buddhist gate to practice their Dharma.

The same is true for hate, who obviously has great strength, but because of that indifferent habit, he just refuses to go down the mountain, preferring to nest on the mountain and continue to pursue the illusory dream of cultivating immortals.

I am an immortal, and all kinds of things in the world have nothing to do with me. I will stand still even if the world changes.

Damn, Jiangnan City is almost gone, and it hasn't come out yet.

If it weren't for that...

Forget it, although these Taoist people sometimes behave extremely hateful, but in terms of national stability, these people are not bad.

Unlike those cultists, the intruder just showed his face, and all kinds of strange sects and beliefs in Jiangnan City ran out.

Originally, the reconstruction of Jiangnan City was the top priority before the city hall, but at this juncture, all kinds of cults emerged one after another, which made Director Luo very annoying.

Clans, Lord, Dominator, those sects that Director Luo had never heard of before all ran out.

If it weren't for the top priority of rebuilding Jiangnan City now, he would have to chop these people up.

Faith invaders? They must be very sick.

Requires Iron Fist warning.

"Director Luo means that the Taoists from Longhu Mountain are willing to give us the Lightning Strike Wood if we let the Taoists from Longhu Mountain join the Ability Bureau?"

Hearing this, the leading Taoist quickly understood.

Although staying on the mountain seldom deals with official people, but basically, when these official people find them, nothing good will happen.

Either let them handle this chore or that chore.

If you really want them to give up their cultivation and devote themselves to this world of mortals, this is the last thing many Taoists want to do.

Entering the world of mortals is a matter of a lifetime, staying away from the road of cultivating immortals, and not chasing the road of ascension...

"Director Luo, let's talk, we are bound to win this lightning strike tree!"

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