I Became An Acre Of Haunted Land

Vol 2 Chapter 105: First Genius in Jiangnan City

On the devastated Shenwei Mountain, the already slightly dilapidated Shenwei Temple has been completely turned into ruins after being swept by the swarm.

Wu Daxiong, the chief disciple of Shenwei Temple, gathered a mass of water wall, and then kept his momentum, the torrent of water smashed all the rubble on the ruins of Shenwei Temple together.

Beside him, two transparent, jelly-like pretty figures were also carefully cleaning up the garbage at the edge of the gap.

Wu Daxiong achieved supernatural powers through the attack of ancient insects.

The strength that had been unable to break through before, after being nourished by the ancient insects, it seemed to have opened up the tricks of the whole body, and the strength increased by leaps and bounds.

Now, if it wasn't for his lack of battle experience, Wu Daxiong would be among the top players in the entire Jiangnan City.

If it was before, Wu Daxiong's master, Brother Cheng Yifan, would be overjoyed.

In Shenweiguan, apart from him, there is finally another person who can be brought to the stage.

Unfortunately, Senior Brother Cheng Yifan was not happy.

On the contrary, every time Wu Daxiong told Cheng Yifan about his improved cultivation, what he got was Cheng Yifan's merciless roar and scolding.

"Master, I don't know what's wrong recently. Since the intruder appeared, he has become depressed, and the habit of daily morning meditation and daytime reading has been completely forgotten."

Wu Daxiong carefully manipulated "Tifa" and "Yurha 2B" to clean up the rubble under his feet, while looking at an open space on the top of the mountain, thinking silently.

Now he has completely cultivated the ability of the water system to great success, "Tifa" and "Julha 2B" are his highest achievements.

In the transparent figure, the facial features are looming, and the details and textures are all imitated in proportion.

That is to say, after Wu Daxiong squeezed out this water-type human figure, he can completely enter the legendary land real fairyland, which is amazing (8).

It's a pity that Wu Daxiong's world-shocking cultivation didn't make Cheng Yifan look at him with admiration again.

First of all, when Wu Daxiong stepped into the realm of excellence (7) from the perfect (6), the master Cheng Yifan was extremely happy.

Every time I see him, I praise him as a genius who is unique in the world, and the way to ascend in the future is just around the corner.

But when Wu Daxiong experienced the invasion of swarms and was nourished by the swarms, he stepped from the state of excellence (7) to supernatural skills, which was at the same level as his master.

His master's face turned gloomy for an instant, and then he began to scold and scold him harshly.

It is said that he is useless all his life, and he can only pinch this useless water-type human form. His reputation for supernatural power has been made a mess by this guy who stinks of shit.

Wu Daxiong was very aggrieved at the time, the master who was so good to him at the beginning and even covered up all the rumors for him became strange in an instant, he didn't know what he did wrong, and he didn't know what to do.

He could only... keep his head in suspense, and continue his development of the water-type figure.

Although "Tifa" and "Yurha 2B" already have a humanoid body, they have the skills of refining.

Wu Daxiong hopes that these two water-type figures can continue to grow, and preferably, can they develop a brand-new training method, so that these two figures can not only do some simple things, but also have the ability of certain supernatural beings.

At present, these two water-type figures can only be regarded as vases, and they have no other abilities except for doing some chores.

Now, the figure of the intruder has appeared, and Wu Daxiong hopes that these two figures will have a certain ability to protect themselves.

"Is senior monk Cheng Yifan here?"

As a familiar voice sounded beside his ears, Wu Daxiong raised his head and saw Chief Luo from the Ability Bureau leading a group of Taoist priests to come to him.

Director Luo first glanced at the water figure who was cleaning up the garbage, and made a "tsk tsk" sound, then turned his head and looked at Wu Daxiong.

The powerful water system in Wu Daxiong's body was surging and mighty. For a moment, Director Luo and Fofang felt as if he was on an isolated island facing a monstrous tsunami.

He quickly shook his head, and stopped his behavior towards Wu Daxiong.

"He is the most gifted genius in Jiangnan City..."

"Wu Daxiong, your strength has already stepped into the miraculous skill (8), right?"

"Yes, that is, I just entered this level a few days ago. Because I am still consolidating my cultivation, I haven't reported my situation to the Ability Bureau yet."

Wu Daxiong said without humility at this time.

A high-level ability user like him must go to the Ability Bureau to report every time there is an improvement. The purpose is to allow the Ability Bureau to better manage them.

However, Wu Daxiong has only made a breakthrough recently, and at the same time he is rebuilding the Shenwei Temple, so naturally he has not reported it yet.

"You are old man Cheng's disciple, Wu Daxiong?"

"The strength is amazing (8)?"

"Hiss... You are so young... How could you step into the land of true immortals?"

After hearing Director Luo's tactful suggestion, the Taoist priests of Longhu Mountain who followed behind him gasped.

In front of him, Wu Daxiong didn't have the slightest demeanor of a master. At this moment, he was cleaning the ruins himself with a broom, and his eyes showed confusion and laziness.

How could such a young guy have such amazing skills (8)?

They don't believe it.

"Poverty Daoist Yuzhen Daoist, Longhushan Longhuguan Yunyin's head disciple sat down, and heard that the middle-aged and young generation in Jiangnan City are looking forward to Wu Daxiong. This time, Poverty Daoist came here to ask you for advice."

After finishing speaking, regardless of Wu Daxiong's reaction, Taoist Yuzhen jumped aside, drew out the saber he was wearing, and then pointed in the air, signaling Wu Daxiong to accept the move.

Director Luo looked at the Taoist Yuzhen who immediately opened up the battle, and other Taoists around him, and shook his head slightly. Do they really think that there is no one in Jiangnan City?

He has already revealed Wu Daxiong's true strength. Since these Taoists of Dragon and Tiger Temple are top-notch, let them experience it.

Director Luo looked around the top of Shenwei Mountain for a week, and saw Master Cheng Yifan sitting alone on the cliff, then looked at Wu Daxiong's somewhat embarrassed expression, smiled slightly, and rushed towards Cheng Yifan's position.

These Taoists of the Dragon and Tiger Temple are still a bit noble, and it is difficult for them to be used by the Ability Bureau if they do not suppress the arrogance of suppression.

As for finding Cheng Yifan, Cheng Yifan is also a member of the Ability Bureau.

He already knew what those immortals were. The reason why he acted like this towards Wu Daxiong was probably because Cheng Yifan didn't want Wu Daxiong to grow up again.

It's just that if they don't grow up, how can they have the strength to face the terrifying future?

During this trip, Director Luo persuaded Cheng Yifan to come here.

As for the Taoists of Longhu Mountain...

"Water escape... the technique of the Great Waterfall..."

Following Wu Daxiong's soft cry, a violent tsunami poured from the top of the mountain. The tsunami turned into a mountain torrent, and the mountain torrent turned into a mudslide.

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