I Became An Acre Of Haunted Land

Vol 2 Chapter 106: heaven

The rolling flood washed away all the Taoists in the Dragon and Tiger Temple in an instant. Wu Daxiong was expressionless, and just looked at everything in front of him indifferently.

He is no longer the submissive and capable Wu Daxiong from last year.

The lack of combat experience he mentioned does not mean lack of combat experience with people who are inferior to him.

When the strength reaches a peak and the strength is worse than Wu Daxiong's, he can naturally use his strength to break through.

Ever since that embarrassing arrest of Xi Hongshi, Cheng Yifan has trained him severely.

Except for those who have truly gone through hundreds of battles and whose strength is outstanding (7) above, it is possible to hurt him.

As for Taoist Yuzhen of Longhu Mountain, his strength is only as good as a master (6), and he is not at the same level as him at all.

It was no surprise that he was directly washed away with his water ability.

This is because he released the water. If he didn't release the water and used the technique taught by Master Cheng Yifan, the power...

Brother Cheng Yifan, who was sitting on the edge of the cliff, had already stood up at this moment. He looked at Wu Daxiong's actions at the foot of the mountain kindly, and finally couldn't help but speak.

"You see, Wu Daxiong is only two decades old, and his cultivation has already reached my level, but I don't know how old he is."

"It can be said that Wu Daxiong is the genius who has the most hope to achieve the ability to break the void and ascend."

"But... the motto of the intruder has been floating in the mind of the poor until now."

"This...Ascension...is a disaster!"

At this moment Cheng Yifan smiled wryly and shook his head, a little lifeless.

All his life, he hid on Shenwei Mountain, cultivated his body and mind, breathed out turbid qi, for what?

Isn't it just to take advantage of the revival of spiritual energy, transcend this worldly world, and become a **** at ease?

The gods have descended. Originally, great monk Cheng Yifan could use the gods to descend into the world, and get a glimpse of a trace of the true immortal way, but who would have thought.

What the "fairy" brings is not a smooth avenue, but a hopeless and fearful future.

Since then, the dream of cultivation has been completely shattered. When he really takes that step, what will meet him?

When Wu Daxiong also followed him and entered the "world" imagined by the invaders, what would he gain?

Shenwei Temple completely cut off the incense, and the road of cultivation is completely locked and closed.

As the top expert in Jiangnan City, what will he do in the future?

"Master Cheng, what time is it, and you still think about cultivating immortals? You Taoist priests are really dead-brained. It's not like you don't know what the final result of those cultivators is."

Director Luo looked at the lifeless Cheng Yifan, and couldn't get out of his anger.

The most important thing now is to rebuild Jiangnan City, and then form their own forces to counterattack those invaders.

Still thinking about cultivating immortals, when those invaders make a comeback, their entire Yunlan country, and even the entire planet, will be in danger of being destroyed.

"Cheng Daozhang, I'm here this time to hope you can cheer up."

"The immortal is fake, and the Buddha is also fake. If we don't try to gather all our strength, we will be wiped out by those invaders sooner or later?"

"Did you hear that? We are just lambs grazing on the planet... And your big monks who shattered the void and ascended to the sky, and the great monks who became Buddhas instantly are just the fattest lambs in the sheepfold."

"Yeah, Pindao knows that, so..."

"The more we practice, the stronger we will become, and the happier those herders will be."

"Then what's the point of us cultivating the Dao of True Immortals..."

Cheng Yifan, who was in a waning mood, spoke at this time.

The Tongtian Dao is completely cut off, so what is the point of their Taoist cultivation?

"Of course it makes sense!"

At this moment, Director Luo's expression became serious. He looked at the most powerful old man in Jiangnan City, and then spoke again.

"Even Host Qianye knows that Mantian Buddha Lord is just a fake, but he has never given up on the idea in his heart."

"Do you know what Host Chiba is going to do?"

"What does that kid Qianye plan to do? Or build his Buddha Kingdom on earth?"

Cheng Yifan raised his eyebrows, and his tone changed a little at this time.

Although the presiding officer of Qianye is not liked by the people in the city hall, what he does is to save sentient beings.

If there is anyone in Jiangnan City that Cheng Yifan can really raise his eyes to take seriously, then Host Qianye is definitely one of them.

Cheng Yifan knew very well that the Qianye host also knew the secrets of those intruders, and also knew that the rumored Buddhas and Bodhisattvas were nothing but falsehoods.

But he still seems to be unaffected, and has been presiding over the work of rebuilding the temple in Jiangnan City.

Could it be that, after suffering such a heavy blow, can he continue to believe in the "Buddha" he believes in?

"Buddha kingdom on earth?"

"Do not!"

"It's a real Buddha country!"

At this time, Director Luo's tone became more serious. When Director Luo said "true Buddhist country", it seemed that he also believed that presiding over Qianye could really create a real Buddhist country.

"Heh... the monks don't lie. After realizing that the Buddha Lord is fake, has the Qianye Chair become fake?"

Hearing this, Cheng Yifan just smiled softly, as if he was amused by Qianye's behavior.

Can't even create a Buddhist kingdom on earth, and still want to build a real Buddhist kingdom. Is the presiding officer Qianye planning to become a Buddha on his own?

"Yes, Host Qianye treats himself as a real "Buddha" now."

As if he had guessed what Cheng Daochang was thinking, Director Luo said firmly at this time.

"After Qianye presides over it, it will be a Buddha, a real Buddha, a Buddha recognized by all the people in the city hall and all the people in Jiangnan City."

"I know, this statement is like a child's play, but!"

"If your faith is lacking and your path to immortality is cut off, if you continue to degenerate, how can you look like a great monk who doesn't care about the world?"

"Since Host Qianye can find his direction, I believe, Daozhang Cheng, you can also find your own direction."

"You are not a fairy!"

"However, our city hall and all the people in Jiangnan City believe in you. If you believe in you, you are a fairy."

"Jiangnan City not only needs real Buddhas, but also real immortals."

"See the man I brought you today?"

"They... will be the immortals in the fairy court, the heavenly soldiers and generals who slay demons and demons in the fairy court..."

"Cheng Daozhang, since there are no immortals in this world, then let's create one ourselves..."

"Shenwei Heavenly Court, Pure Land Buddha Kingdom, these...we want them all!"

"Since those weird intruders have fabricated those falsehoods, let's make them real!"

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