I Became An Acre Of Haunted Land

Vol 2 Chapter 107: manipulation myth

"Are you sure these words can speak to Daoist Cheng?"

Director Luo, who returned to the Ability Bureau, took off the windbreaker he was wearing outside, and then looked at a figure in the office with his chest straight.

This "myth recovery" plan, no matter how you look at it, there is a big problem.

As the think tank of the military department, he was suddenly given such a task, and it was hard for him to understand that Lord Yunlan would agree to such an exaggerated plan.

"Maintaining stability is currently the most important policy of Yunlan Nation."

Major Lan picked up a cup of hot tea, blew on the noodles, and continued.

"Since those fictitious records and those weird legends can be passed down among ordinary people, it is obvious that they have already accumulated enough precipitation."

"Even if it is fake, it has been passed on for so long and it is so popular that no one will think it is fake anymore."

"So, we have to refine the fake into the real."

"Let the true myths and legends spread on the earth."

"Only in this way, when the vast majority of people are facing despair, they can pray to the gods and Buddhas in the sky for help."

Gently buttoning the cup and taking a sip of strong tea, Major Lan paused.

This is the meaning of the above, and he is just passing on a message.

"However, when gods and Buddhas all over the sky show miracles in front of the crowd, when more and more people believe in gods and Buddha Lords, will they still treat Yunlan Kingdom, will they treat the city hall, will they... "

Hearing this, Director Luo hurriedly asked.

This revival of the myth is really going to be carried out. When the time comes, the country will not be the country, and the city hall will not be the city hall. This is entirely in...

"It depends on which angle you think from!"

"If the invaders are strong enough, so strong that our Yunlan Nation has no ability to resist, then does the country... have any meaning to exist?"

"When they incarnate into the legendary gods and Buddhas and came to the world one after another, leading all living beings to fight each other..."

"Tell me, is the myth recovery plan still useful?"

Major Lan's eyes flashed coldly, and he said coldly.

Since those intruders can pretend to be gods, immortals, Buddhas, and demons to come to the world, thus launching a war of faith and harvesting all living beings with ease.

Well, obviously, they're going to keep doing that.

As the head of a country, he naturally has to consider more comprehensively.

In order to prevent the intruders who came down from pretending to be ghosts again, they must go to the front and block this road.

Whether it is a **** or a Buddha, the ignorant people are easily manipulated by these powerful invaders.

Not to mention that the invaders came in person and pretended to be gods and Buddhas. The figure who descended from the Jiangnan City Passage just stayed in the sky for a while, and the entire Jiangnan City did not know how many believers believed in it.

This is still in Jiangnan City, where Buddhism has a relatively large influence. If it is changed to another place...

Needless to say, in other places where passages appeared, before the intruder's body descended in person, there were already a large number of cultists warning the world by using the quotations of the gods descending into the world.

The country has not yet figured out how to face the coming invaders in the future, and they themselves are in chaos.

This wind cannot rise!

Since the ancient myth still has a deep-rooted influence among the general public, why don't they take the lead and create a real "god"?

As long as the Buddhist Kingdom and Immortal Court are still under the control of Yunlan Nation, and at the same time prevent the invaders from manipulating ordinary people with their beliefs again, their plan is completely feasible.

"I see!"

Director Luo nodded and understood instantly.

The greatest purpose of this Divine Might Immortal Court and this Pure Land Buddha Kingdom is to gather people's hearts and prevent invaders from using their deep-rooted beliefs to disturb the people whose hearts are already unstable, so that the whole country will gather together to fight against the invaders.

After all, it is the Lord Yunlan who has the courage to break the current deadlock.

As long as the real "God" appears in front of the world, those ignorant people will all wake up.

And those cultists who stick to their own views and believe that the invaders are the real gods will be judged by the "Heavenly Court".

"Understood? Just understand."

Major Lan looked at Director Luo who had realized something, and nodded.

Then, he continued to ask.

"This time you went to persuade Cheng Daozhang, what was the result?"

Of course, the most important part of the "myth recovery" plan was on Cheng Daozhang.

Cheng Daochang's cultivation ranks among the top in the entire Jiangnan City, and it would be appropriate for him to preside over the matter of Shenwei Tianjiang.

When his path of cultivation is cut off, and he needs to face the terrifying supernatural being directly as rations, it is better to let him join this huge plan.

Cheng Daochang himself has a very high popularity in Jiangnan City, and at the same time, the majority of the people call him "The Real Immortal of the Land", which is a suitable entry point.

As long as the city hall, the Ability Bureau, and the military department are helping him, even if Cheng Daochang can't become a real fairy, he will become a "living fairy" that people praise in Jiangnan City.

With the help of aura to revive the changing aura, Cheng Daozhang would not be able to become a "fairy".

"Cheng Daochang said that he still needs to think about it. After all, his path of cultivation has been cut off, and it is inevitable to be disheartened for a while."

"However, if Qianye's road to the Buddha's Kingdom can be harvested, it will definitely affect Cheng Daozhang's decision-making."

"Cheng Daochang was lonely and arrogant all his life, and there are only five fingers who can convince him. If Host Qianye really wants to start a new path to becoming a Buddha, with Cheng Daochang's unyielding temperament, he is naturally unwilling to lag behind."

Director Luo spoke at this moment.

Although Cheng Daochang is many times stronger than Qianye, especially when the swarms invaded, Cheng Daochang led Wu Daxiong to fight to the death in Jiangnan City, and got a great fortune.

But compared with what Chiba hosted, it still lacked a lot.

When the presiding officer Qianye faced a crisis in Jiangnan City, he raised his arms and shouted. All the Buddhist sects respected them. They were all born from the temple, and rushed into Jiangnan City, contributing a lot to saving the people in Jiangnan City who had encountered accidents.

It was also at this point that the presiding officer of Qianye became the leader of Buddhism from the presiding of Huangshan Temple in Jiangnan City.

And Daochang Cheng...

After all, he is a cultivator, even if he goes down the mountain to practice, he will only take his apprentice with him, and the two of them will fight alone in the front line of the insect swarm.

No one knew what they did, and of course, they didn't care whether others knew what contributions they had made to the safety of Jiangnan City.

A person who cultivates the Tao has a pure heart and few desires, and fame and fortune are all floating clouds.

"Then provide assistance to the Qianye presiding officer. In this troubled world, we need a Buddhist kingdom that makes people peaceful, and we need a... Buddha who lives in the world to guide all living beings."

Speaking of this, Major Lan drank the last cup of tea in the teacup, and then walked towards the door.

However, when he was about to go out, Major Lan suddenly said another sentence.

"Shenwei Heavenly Court and Pure Land Buddha Kingdom...they...forget it, Director Luo, you can figure it out yourself."

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