I Became An Acre Of Haunted Land

Vol 2 Chapter 133: Channel, see channel again!

Xiang Ye planned to go out for a walk and go to Jiangnan City to find inspiration.

Riding on the motorcycle, Xiang Ye immediately found the right direction and rushed straight away.

Regardless of the drizzle hitting his body, regardless of the breeze helping his face.

He rushed out in the direction of his Jiangnan City.

Except for staying in his own wasteland, Xiang Ye basically never left the local area.

Even now that Xiang Ye's main body has included Jiangnan City, he rarely pays attention to Jiangnan City's every move.

This time, with the purpose of finding a gift for Liu Jingjing, Xiang Ye came here again.

The energy of human beings is sufficient. After the ancient insect crisis was resolved, the entire Jiangnan City was full of vitality again. Countless people re-planned their own territory on their own territory.

Ancient worms are both a crisis and a hope.

The ancient shackles have been broken, and a new order has begun.

After experiencing such a catastrophe, and knowing that there are still a large number of invaders in Wangjing City, a new Jiangnan City defense system has been constructed.

A large number of military fortresses, underground air-raid shelters, long-range air defense systems, etc., directly turned Jiangnan City into a terrifying military fortress.

Xiang Ye knew very well that those intruders had brought a great sense of crisis to Jiangnan City.

In particular, when the invincible fleet was heading south, the fear of the city hall was further deepened.

They want to completely turn Jiangnan City into a war fortress.

Avoiding the entrance gate of Jiangnan City, Xiang Ye came to the familiar branch of Lushui River again. He looked at the barbed wire fence standing in front of him. Due to the distance from the suburbs, the pace of ancient insect invasion was far from here.

With one leap, Xiang Ye jumped directly to Jiangnan City.

This is the place where Xiang Ye came to Jiangnan City for the first time, although with Xiang Ye's current situation, there is absolutely no problem in walking into the city passage.

But, after all, the people in the Ability Bureau will know.

When he came this time, he just wanted to be quiet, and he didn't want anyone to disturb him.

"Ancient Bai Family Courtyard!"

It is a familiar scene again, and the mottled walls are still telling the ancient times here.

But now, because the Bai family has been captured by him to the ghost town, the place has regained its vitality.

From time to time, people came in and out of the ancient courtyard, and various dialects mixed with the breath of life circulated throughout the courtyard.

"Well...it's you again...you are the sister who knows kung fu..."

Not long after walking into the path of the ancient courtyard, a little boy ran out with a snotty nose and a windmill.

He stared at Jiang Xiaocheng and exclaimed loudly again.

Last year, he saw this sister jumping off the barbed wire fence, and this time, it seemed to be the same.

"Well, why is it you again?"

The first time I came here, it was this little guy who said he wanted to tell Grandma that a master came outside.

It stands to reason that under the control of the Bai family, all the survivors in the entire ancient courtyard are ghosts.

But this kid in front of me...

With his eyes fixed, as if he found something interesting, Xiang Ye fixed his eyes on the child and didn't move.

"Wow! My sister's eyes are so scary, she looks like she's going to eat me up, I'm going to tell Grandma!"

As if sensing Xiang Ye's malice, the little boy was startled, and then he ran away with the windmill, and disappeared into the path of the ancient courtyard in two or three steps.

"The last time I came here, I just went to trouble the Bai family and didn't notice you."

"Now, you ran out again, do you really think that you can come and go without a trace?"

"This time, let me see where you are going!"

Seeing the little boy disappear again, Xiang Ye directly used his body's perception ability this time.

The current perception ability has included the entire Jiangnan City, so it is no problem to perceive the figure of this little boy.

Soon, Xiang Ye found the little boy, and after a while, the little boy with a snotty nose ran away to a dilapidated courtyard at the southernmost end of the ancient Baijiayuan.

After knowing the direction, Xiang Ye rushed towards the south regardless of the ordinary residents staring at him.

After bypassing several deep paths and passing through several tall courtyard walls, Xiang Ye soon arrived at his destination.

He raised his head and looked at the dilapidated small courtyard in front of him that was completely uninhabitable. Weeds were overgrown, and the beams and columns of the house were even broken due to time. On the roof of the courtyard, there was a large pit nearly two meters in size. This was the environment. There are still people living here?

No matter how miserable Jiangnan City Hall is, it will never allow civilians to live in such a place.

Especially after Jiangnan City was invaded by ancient insects, Jiangnan City already had a large area, enough to house the victims.

"Huh? Disappeared?"

Xiang Ye, who was about to step into the courtyard to look for the little boy, suddenly "saw" the figure who had been hiding in the corner of the dilapidated house disappear suddenly, which shocked Xiang Ye.

All "things" on his body can be discovered by him.

Whether it was a living thing or a dead thing, as long as it was on his body, Xiang Ye could see it.

But in broad daylight, the little boy disappeared?

Even if it was a ghost, it had to follow the rules of the ghost town, and this little boy, looking at Xiang Ye, knew that the little boy was definitely not a ghost, but a living person.

But, how could a living person disappear under his nose?

What the hell!

Sensing the disappearance of the little boy, Xiang Ye couldn't bear it anymore and rushed towards the dilapidated house in the yard.

The body's perception couldn't observe the little boy's trace at all, and it didn't seem to leave by some kind of teleportation method, just disappeared out of thin air.

How could it disappear out of thin air?

With deep curiosity, Xiang Ye broke into the house directly.

The crooked chairs were scattered on the ground, and a dilapidated Eight Immortals table was missing a leg, and the table was full of dust.

A completely weathered framed picture was hung in the center of the room, and the sunlight from the big hole in the roof shone down. Due to Xiang Ye's disturbance, the dust drifting under the sunlight could be seen.

Some messy tools were placed in the corner. Due to the long time, Xiang Ye couldn't tell what they were.

Other than that, there was nothing else in the room.

"Huh? Where's the little brat?"

"A kid so big, he just disappeared right under my nose?"

Looking around, Xiang Ye could no longer see the little boy except for the footprints left by the little boy.

"Is it really weird?"

Going around the house again, looking at all corners of the house, Xiang Ye still didn't get anything.

It was as if the little boy in front of him had really disappeared!

"No... This little boy can never disappear out of thin air."

"There are no secret passages in this underground, and there are no traces under the ground. This little boy disappeared in this room."


Xiang Ye raised his head at this moment, and in the framed painting placed in the center of the room illuminated by the sun, a passage exuding a glistening white light suddenly appeared.

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