I Became An Acre Of Haunted Land

Vol 2 Chapter 134: weird

The tunnel that exudes gleaming white light is exactly the same as the tunnel that hung above the sky in Jiangnan City before.

It's just that compared to the huge passage in Jiangnan City, the passage in front of you is very small.

It was quietly hanging on the framed painting, if Xiang Ye hadn't been sharp-eyed, he wouldn't have noticed it at all.

"Secret realm? Did the little boy hide in it?"

Looking at the passage in front of him, Xiang Ye thought about it.

If the little boy really entered the secret realm through this passage, into another world that Xiang Ye couldn't perceive, then the reason for his disappearance would make sense.

However, the problem facing Xiang Ye right now is.

Does he want to enter this passage?

It is very likely that there is another "world" hidden in it?

Before in Jiangnan City, when she took over the pen fairy Fengling, Fengling said that what affected her at that time was the underground secret realm.

Since Xiang Ye was in a hurry to return to the wasteland, he had no time to worry about the secret realm.

Now, another secret realm appeared in front of him. This time, it was really in front of him. Should he go in?

Soon, Xiang Ye stretched out his hand, and stretched in towards the white passage.

There was no sense of obstruction, and the outstretched hand spun around inside. The inside was empty, and there seemed to be no danger.

Immediately afterwards, Xiang Ye moved his body, and his whole body got into the weathered framed painting.

In just an instant, Xiang Ye completely disappeared in Jiangnan City.

As soon as he closed and opened his eyes, Xiang Ye found himself in a strange land.

On the desolate land, not a single blade of grass grows, and brown-yellow ridges are continuous. From Xiang Ye's perspective, the other world at the passage is a completely lifeless world.

The dry and cracked land, the weathered rocks, and the gusts of wind blowing from the mountains, "whining" said the barrenness of the whole land.

If the wasteland before Xiang Ye could still be called a wasteland, then the scene before him could be described as a Jedi.

Silent, without any life.

“I hate places like this!”

Sensing the barrenness of this land, Xiang Ye frowned.

Due to the loss of the perception of the body, Xiang Ye can only observe everything he sees with his eyes.

He saw desolation, he saw extinction, and he even "saw" the wailing of the dying beings.

Originally, this place was supposed to be a place full of vitality, but now, the creatures have turned into dark winds, and they are telling Xiang Ye about the death of this land.

Accompanied by the hunting wind, Xiang Ye raised his foot and walked forward.

Not far away, under the desolate yellow-brown hilltop, there are several lonely wooden houses at the corner.

Not surprisingly, the little boy must have returned here.

As the wooden house got closer to Xiang Ye, the style of the wooden house gradually appeared in Xiang Ye's eyes.

Simple and quaint.

It seems to be built randomly, without any skills at all.

This kind of house building skills, Xiang Ye only knew about in history books.

Such were the houses built by the more remote ancients.

In addition to being able to shelter from wind and rain, it has no function.

"You are finally here, Spirit of Death!"

Before approaching the wooden house, an old voice came from the wooden house.

As if dying and only the last time was left, that voice sounded beside Xiang Ye's ear.

Xiang Ye's heart skipped a beat, and after a few jumps, he rushed directly to the door of the wooden house.

Immediately afterwards, the wooden door opened automatically, and a figure with a snotty nose and a windmill came out.

He stared at Xiang Ye with his round eyes, and then shouted nervously.

"Grandma, grandma, it's her, it's her!"

Accompanied by bursts of crisp sounds, the cabin instantly brightened up.

Xiang Ye was not interested in the little boy at this time, so he stepped forward and walked in from the outside of the wooden house.

A strange figure with a height of nearly one foot appeared in front of Xiang Ye. It sat slumped on the wooden bed, with layers of fat-like withered and yellow meat piled up on its body. Seeing Xiang Ye's arrival, The layers of meat were shaking rapidly, and it looked like, like ripples.

The weird figure was on the bed at this time, and its overall appearance was like an enlarged version of a pear.

Two eyes shining like night pearls are staring at Jiang Xiaocheng closely at this moment.

Xiang Ye was looking at the weird "person" in front of him, but the person in front of him was also looking at him at the same time.

"The last time you came to the Bai Family Ancient Courtyard... I begged Ye Xingxing to call you over..."

"But it's a pity... Ye Xingxing failed..."

"However, this time you are finally here. I have been waiting for a long time, spirit of death!"

"You finally came!"

"Your arrival can finally set me free..."

"A new catastrophe is coming again, but I... I really can't bear it..."

"Spirit of extreme death...I make a deal with you..."

"As long as you can protect Ye Xingxing well... I... I will give you the key to this secret realm..."

"In addition to the key... there are... there are... the real... skills practiced by our people..."

"The spiritual energy in this world... is incomplete... Your way of cultivation is just cattle and sheep raised in captivity... Without real skills, it is difficult for you to lead your tribe to escape the hunt of the catastrophe..."

"That time, the arrival of Klans...I already knew...you were able to scare it away...because...Klans passed through the passage, and he was...seriously injured..."

"Soon...Krans...will come with...its...army..."

"The spirit of extreme death...you can't stop it..."

"This secret realm... can avoid Crans's... pursuit..."

"I believe...you can turn the wasteland of Jiangnan City into a forest...the same way...you can turn this piece of Jedi... into a blessed land..."

"Spirit of extreme death... Would you like to..."

After a long speech, the weirdness in front of him stopped talking, it was gasping for breath, and its shining eyes also began to dim at this time.

Obviously, the weirdness in front of him seems to be the same as the figure who ran out of the Jiangnan City Passage.

But the problem arises again.

The weirdness in front of him was already on the verge of death, even if Xiang Ye couldn't feel it, he could still check it through the perspective, it didn't last long.

As for the deal...

He looked at the little boy with a snot in his nose and holding a windmill. Not surprisingly, this little boy is the night star?

Xiang Ye was silent, he didn't care about the deal that Weird said in front of him, he only cared a little.

"Crans will come?"

Then the mechanical sound sounded!

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