I became the Great Old One

Chapter 119 The Redeemer (Subscription Request)


The vast horn sounded on the walls of Winterland City, accompanied by the biting north wind, echoing on the snow-covered city.

"What happened?" The remaining sleepiness in Crutynes' heart was swept away by the desolate howling, and then he noticed the ground shaking slightly up and down.


The door to the room was suddenly pushed open.

The cold wind mixed with the white snow like sand and dust poured into the room, bringing a pain like a knife.

A young dragonborn appeared in the wind and snow. He was wearing a cloak and holding a silver spear in his hand. Only his bright black eyes were exposed.

"Sir, it's not good!"

The dragon-born boy said: "There are monsters everywhere outside the city wall, and the undead on the ice field have appeared again."

An unprecedented war is coming.

Even the city lord like Crutynes ​​felt a little scared in his heart, but the dragon-born boy holding the silver gun in front of him seemed unusually calm, his slightly thin figure standing in the white wind and snow.

"Damn it!"

Crutynes ​​hurriedly got up from the bed and put on his clothes and armor.

While putting on his equipment, he hurriedly issued an order: "Calling all dragonborn to gather and prepare for the battle. Immediately send people to convey news to the queen and nearby cities to ask for help."


The dragon-born boy nodded and left from the door of the room.

The figure was quickly buried in the wind and snow.

Crutynes ​​came to the city wall. Although the city of Winterfell has been peaceful for hundreds of years, fortunately, during the great purge, many Granian nobles were exiled to this bitter cold land. In the middle of the ground.

It is precisely for this reason that Winterland City's defense capabilities are pretty good at this time.

In this cold city, there are more than 10,000 dragon descendants living at this time. The dragonborn who can survive here are all very strong, and they are all warriors above the qualification line.

On the city wall at this time.

A large number of dragonborn had gathered. Their bodies were stiff, their expressions were frightened, and they were looking towards the depths of the ice field.

"Damn it, you bastards!"

The battle is coming soon, but these guys just stand here blankly.

When Crutynes, who was covered with thick fur armor and looked like a mammoth, saw this scene on the city wall, he was immediately furious. Before the people arrived, the angry curses were already carried against the wind. Snow is coming.

"City Lord! It's the City Lord who is here!"

"Winterland is going to be doomed. We have to get out of here quickly."

After hearing Crutynes' loud scolding, the dragon-born soldiers on the city wall were not afraid. Instead, they looked at Crutynes ​​one after another as if they had found a backbone, with concealment in their eyes. Constant fear and confusion.

"Get out of the way, aren't they just some monsters?"

Crutynes ​​stretched out his thick and powerful palms and pushed away the dragonborn standing in front of him.

As he walked towards the edge of the city wall, he couldn't help cursing and said: "Three hundred years ago, hundreds of exiles could hold on to this city. You are descendants of the Grania family, and the blood flowing in your body You have the blood of heroes, but look at what you look like now, they are just some monsters that scare you—"

When Crutynes ​​came to the edge of the city wall, he saw the scenery on the ice field.

His voice suddenly stopped in the snow.

After a while.

The angry scolding turned into a desperate sigh: "Oh my god, is this a nightmare?"

Crutynes ​​stood in a sheltered spot on the edge of the city wall. In front of him was the endless ice field. He stood on the city wall and looked into the distance. The ice field was covered with a thick layer of creeping white blanket, and his ferocious dark golden pupils were densely packed. Just one glance was enough to make one's scalp numb and the whole body tremble. They ran calmly on the ice field, walking on flat ground on the undulating ice.

White-skeletal spiders, ice trolls, ghosts...

Monsters that had disappeared for hundreds of years reappeared in front of the dragonborn, and they were far larger and more numerous than what was recorded. They looked like a white ocean. They marched silently on the ice field, without any roaring sound, but the shadow of coldness and death spread like a poisonous snake in Crutynes' heart, dragging his consciousness bit by bit to the point of despair. In the abyss.


Crutynes ​​looked at the monsters approaching quickly and couldn't help but lament in his heart.

He tried to find some words to describe his mood at this moment, but in vain. Fear was like an indigestible meal, rolling back and forth in his stomach until he wanted to bend over and vomit.

"City Lord..."

The adjutant beside him said, "With the strength in the city, we will never be able to defend this city. Moreover, it is too far away from the surrounding cities. When the news is passed, it will take more than ten days for the nearest city to send reinforcements. In more than ten days, the entire city will be razed to the ground by the monsters. We can’t hold on until then... Why don’t we retreat from the city as soon as possible?”

The White Skeleton Demon Spider's single-target combat capability is even higher than that of the Dragonborn.

The monsters in front of them, numbering in the tens of thousands, stretch to the end of the ice field. The remaining part is obscured by the white wind and snow, and many ice giants hundreds of meters above can be vaguely seen.

The defensive force in the city is not weak, but it is absolutely impossible to withstand this wave of troops.

It is better to retreat early, preserve the manpower, and unite with other cities to complete the counterattack.

Many thoughts emerged in Krutaenes' heart, trying to convince himself, but in the end he made up his mind to hold on. He clenched the hilt of the sword in his hand and shook his head: "No!"

"Winterfall City cannot be lost, we must hold on." He said: "Behind Winterfall City is a vast plain. The city on the plain has just been built and has a history of less than a hundred years. There are only troops responsible for public security. If we give up here, the civilians in those cities will face these enemies in front of us defenselessly. They will die, and the entire Dragonborn Dynasty will be greatly impacted."

Krutaenes looked around at the dragonborns around him, and his voice gradually became higher: "I know that some of you are still resentful and dissatisfied with the queen. She took away everything from you and exiled you from the warm palace to this wasteland, but even so, we are still warriors of the gods, The shield that protects the kingdom. "

"We have committed sins, but the gods are merciful. Atonement, this is the meaning of our existence, and it is also our responsibility and destiny. We will die bravely and resolutely. You must know that even the most insignificant sacrifice will be remembered on this land and redeem the sins we have committed. "

"Our actions will speed up the arrival of that day! That great moment that will surely come - our sins will be washed away, and the descendants of the Grania family will be redeemed in front of the omniscient, all-seeing and almighty primordial fire. "

"From then on, our short lives will become eternal!"

In Hispania's view, Crutaenes is a weak dragonborn, otherwise he would not be the first to surrender in that great purge. Such people are most easily controlled, and it is for this consideration that Crutaenes will become the lord of this city. However, no matter how cowardly a dragonborn is, there is a flame burning in his heart.

When it touches the bottom line, this flame will bloom with unprecedented light and power.

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