I became the Great Old One

Chapter 120 Son of Death (Subscribe)

Crutynes' voice gradually faded into the wind and ice that surged over Winterfell.

No one responded.

But Crutynes ​​could see the fighting spirit and fire burning in every dragonborn's eyes, and that was enough.

"Our home is behind us, and we have no way out."

Crutynes ​​said the last word, then took the lead and rushed towards the white-skeletal demon spider that jumped up the city wall. The remaining dragonborn followed the footsteps of the city lord and swarmed forward.

The body of the White Skeleton Demon Spider is shaped like a millstone, with four sharp spider spines on its left and right sides.

They don't spit out proteins to weave their webs. But these monsters have sharp upper and lower jaws capable of chewing steel, and the ability to spit venom.

For the Dragonborn.

The White Skeleton Demon Spider is a very difficult enemy to deal with.

There are weapons all over their bodies, and even the surface of their skin is covered with various poisonous spikes. If you don't pay attention, you will be injured.

Moreover, the poison of the White Skeleton Demon Spider can block the Dragonborn from sensing and using the power of the fire element. Many years ago, Donius, who had just arrived at Winterfell City, was plotted and fell under the walls of Winterfell City. , although he was finally rescued by the old city lord at the time, Dones fell into a disabled state for a long time after that.

It is also in this desperate situation.

Only then did Donius develop the bloodline tempering practice method.

Today, this path of cultivation has gradually spread with the expansion of the Dragonborn Kingdom. The Dragonborn not only study runes to learn how to use their innate fire power.

At the same time, they will continue to try to discover the treasures hidden in their own blood.

Compared with studying runes, the latter is more difficult.

It requires not only wisdom, but also perseverance.

Even if there are millions of dragon descendants as the base, there are very few beings who can master this technique, and so far only Donis is the only one who can practice to a great level.

For the dragonborn in Winterfell, in this case, the White Skeleton Demon Spider is simply a natural enemy.

Moreover, these monsters in front of us are larger than those recorded.

Also more powerful.

The powerful spider legs penetrated deeply into the thick ice covering the city wall, and then quickly rose as if walking on flat ground. In an instant, they appeared on the city wall, fighting with the dragonborn who were defending here. .

As time passed, the battlefield began to spread towards the interior of the city.

Fortunately, Winterland City is a fortress built entirely for war, and almost every dragonborn who grows up here is a natural warrior.

They relied on the messy buildings, lanes, various fortifications, etc. in the city to start a trembling battle with the huge demon spiders. Compared to the hand-to-hand combat that took place on the city walls, the wars that broke out in the city even required the dragonborn to fight. It has some advantages.

From children to the elderly.

Every dragonborn fights the enemy without fear of death.

The city has not experienced a major war for hundreds of years, and even Hispania once considered whether Winterfell could handle a sudden attack.

And now.

Crutynes ​​used his actual actions to prove the bravery and strength of the soldiers.

In this way, the war in Winterland City lasted for three days and three nights.

Every minute and every second, under the attacks of hordes of monsters, heroic warriors are sacrificing their lives, but the flames always burn in the city, resisting the cold and wind and snow coming from the north.

Until the dawn of the fourth day.

Brutally scarred, exhausted, and covered with fur and armor soaked with blood, Crutynes ​​stood up staggeringly from the city wall.

The cold sunlight fell on his body. He raised his head, and his vision was filled with overlapping phantoms.

His mouth was very dry, and the last bit of strength in his body was almost drained by him.

At this time, even the simple action of standing up and raising his head.

For Crutynes, it also required all his strength and willpower to barely complete it.

There are corpses everywhere in the big city of Nuo. Some corpses are still very fresh, while others have long been frozen in the wind and snow, and only their outlines can be barely seen.

Clutenius wanted to find a living person from the city.

But, he couldn't do it.

Only some standing figures can be seen on the battlefield. They are motionless, like standing monuments. It is not known whether they are dead or alive.

"The enemy has disappeared..."

Crutynes ​​pushed away the monster corpse in front of him, looked outside the city wall, and found that the ice field was clear and white, like a carefully wiped mirror in the palace.

"No! Not yet!"

Clutenes found traces of the monsters in the distance.

However, they knelt on the ground, motionless, like the ubiquitous snowdrifts on the ice sheet. In addition, Crutynes ​​was in a very bad state at this time, so he ignored them at the beginning.

"Why are they kneeling here?" Crutynes ​​murmured in a low voice.

Immediately afterwards.

The answer emerged.


Roaring thunder rolled from the end of the ice field, dark clouds gathered into whirlpools, and the north wind mixed with ice and snow turned into a huge white tide, spreading to the end of the sight, boundless.

And at the forefront of this force is a majestic figure.

He looked at least four or five hundred meters tall, and looked like a white giant ape covered with thick hair, with a strong body and an amazing sense of power.

The giant came with the north wind and ice and snow, and the fierce monsters knelt on both sides of the giant.

Every time he took a step, the earth rumbled twice.

In just a few breaths, the giant appeared in front of the city wall.

"Oh my God..."

Krutaenes stood shakily. He stood on the city wall more than 300 meters high, just enough to see the monster's eyes.

The pale eyes were almost the same size as Krutaenes.

The indifferent pupils were full of majesty, and they were shrinking slightly at this time, as if they noticed the small life trying to block in front of him.

"You have held on until now, you have done well, although it is meaningless." The giant said calmly: "My name is Anglaron, the son of the god of death. Your god will be completely destroyed, and my father will dominate this land. Now I can give you a chance to embrace the cold and gain a new life."


Crutanes was so weak that he could not speak, but he still tried his best to spit into the monster's eyes.


A trace of anger appeared on the monster's face.

The huge palm pressed down like a giant crushing machine.

The air suddenly solidified and then made a loud roar. The walls of Winterfell, which had stood for a thousand years, were completely shattered like tofu in front of the giant.

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