A teenage romantic comedy?

What is that?

Just hearing the name makes people feel envious.

To be honest, for this thing of youth romantic comedy.

I think there is.

It's just something that only appears in the anime world.

And in reality, how can there really be such a thing as a youth romantic comedy?

But even if there is such a thing as a youth romantic comedy in the real world.

It won't have anything to do with a gloomy type of boy like me.

will have something to do with a gloomy type of boy like me, probably only the tragedy of youth love...

And in fact, it is.

Just today, something extremely dramatic happened to me.

That's when I became my ex-girlfriend's tutor!

Yes, you heard me right, my ex-girlfriend, who made up my mind some time ago never to have any contact with her again, became my current tutor outside of school!

What could be more desperate than this kind of thing?

Perhaps, but that doesn't have much to do with me.

Because this is already the most desperate thing in my opinion.

If I could say no, I would very much like to say no.

However, her father and I had already signed a contract when we had a good conversation.

This also means...

If I unilaterally break the contract, I will have to pay liquidated damages.

What makes me even more desperate is that the amount of liquidated damages is astronomical to me.

Just imagining it, I feel incredibly big, let alone actually pay.

But when I think about my off-campus tutor, I am an ex-girlfriend who I never want to see again in my life, let alone have any contact with him.

My stomach just doesn't feel bad.


Why is that?

Why did such a dramatic life happen to me?

I've always kept to myself and never done anything jealous and resentful, why did I suffer such treatment!!


"Huh? What are you talking about, gloomy man? If I'm not mistaken, this should be my home, right? Even if you want to go out, shouldn't you go out?

"Or are you kidding me?"

"With our current incompatible relationship, do you think it's appropriate to joke?"

A young woman in loungewear looked at me with disdain, caressing her silver hair next to her ear.

It was as if I had seen something extremely disgusting.

Although it is true that my current relationship with her is not very good, but...

But no matter what, is it really appropriate to look at me with such disgusting maggot-like eyes?

It shouldn't be appropriate, right?

After all, I used to be her boyfriend too!


Although it's an ex-boyfriend relationship now...

I thought my mind would never be touched by her again, but... That's just what I thought, after all.

The composure I had forcibly disguised was shattered by the first sight of her.

I take her........ It's really the same as always, I can't help it.

Her name is Wen Mengdie, and she is the same age as me, both of whom are nineteen years old.

Of course, she will be nineteen years old after her birthday this year, and now, she is only an eighteen-year-old adult.

At this time, she was glaring at me fiercely with her playful-looking eyes....

I'd still like to see her smile if I could.


How did I come up with this idea without even noticing?

It's really a bit of a miscalculation.

As for who I am?

Speaking of which, I don't think I have introduced myself yet, have I?

So....... Allow me to take a moment to introduce myself.

My surname is Zhuang Zhou.

An extremely ordinary name, as ordinary as I am.

Maybe my parents had a good idea of my future, so they gave me such an ordinary name?

It was because I didn't expect that I just took a common name.

When I think about it, my life seems to have been a tragedy from the beginning!!

I'm 19 years old, and I'm 18 years old because I haven't had my birthday yet.

When I say that, I feel like I'm getting a little younger...

But if you're a boy, whether you're young or not, doesn't seem to have any significance.

I'm happy because of this, I don't think there's anything wrong with it.

Academically, I have just graduated from high school and am preparing to be promoted to a university student at the National University of Magic in September of this year.

As for why it is said to be prepared?

That's naturally because it's still summer.

The start of the National Capital University of Magic is September 1st, and it is only a little more than July, which means that there are still nearly two months before the official opening of the school.

If you want to introduce yourself, let's stop here for the time being, and I'll wait until I have time to explain the rest.

I think that if I continue to introduce myself, it may cause some people to be dissatisfied.


I can only pause it first...

"You're not mistaken, this is indeed your home, but now you and I are identified, have you figured it out?"

If she was so polite when she spoke to me, why should I be polite to her?

Even if the calmness I had forcibly pretended to be at the beginning was shattered when I saw her, I would never bow my head in front of her again!

That kind of humiliating thing, it is enough to happen once.

If I do it again, I'd better just change the planet and survive.

Although it is true that this is her home, it seems that my identity is higher than her now.

Because now she is my tutor, and I am her tutor!


If this is a plot that takes place in the anime, then the follow-up development should be towards the development of youth romantic comedy, right?

Unfortunately, it is...

This is not a two-dimensional world, but a three-dimensional real world that people hate deeply!

If I could, I'd like to shout "This damn real world, explode!! "

And it would be nice if the world really exploded as I just shouted.

It's not possible, though.

That's just my delusion.

"You... Hum!!! That's what you and my father have decided, and I haven't agreed to it yet, so I'm not going to call you that! Just give up!

Wen Mengdie shouted at me, and then rushed directly to her room.

With a loud "bang" sounded, Wen Mengdie's figure disappeared in front of my eyes.

In this regard, I had to sigh secretly in my heart, "Maybe........ This is God's punishment for me..."

Although I didn't do anything jealous and resentful, I can only comfort myself in this situation.

It's just...

That's really comforting...


Actually, in the past, I had a very good relationship with Wen Mengdie.

No..... Maybe it's not quite good to describe it, because our previous relationship was very close.

Whether it's me or her, when talking to each other, they always think about each other carefully.

Maybe it's just me worrying about her, and she hasn't worried about me.

Otherwise, why would we have come to the point of breaking up?


Unsatisfactory things in this world, nine times out of ten.

It seems normal for things to backfire.

She confessed to me, but I took the initiative to mention the breakup to her.

Maybe when you see this, you'll think I'm a scumbag, right?

After all, she is a beautiful and cute appearance, with an impeccable figure, where there should be meat, where there should be meat, where there should not be meat, there is no meat at all, and her personality is extremely gentle, and she is extremely intimate with her boyfriend.


If that's the case, how could I possibly break up with her?

After all, that kind of girl is the dream partner in every man's heart!

What I just said is just the appearance of her appearance in front of outsiders when she goes out.

The real her is actually a raunchy and hateful person who will only call me mercilessly.

She took my care for her for granted.

If it was just that, I wouldn't feel anything, after all, I'm a man.

As a boy, it can be said that it is normal to do everything you can to spoil your girlfriend.

But the main thing is that every time I spoil her, she will inadvertently show an expression that makes me obsessed.

That's so cute!


Her smiling face suddenly became childish, and if I could, I really wanted to keep watching.

If I hadn't heard those words from her mouth that day, maybe I would have spoiled her like this forever, right?

It's a pity that there is never an what ifs in this world.

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