"I really envy Mengdie, I can find an excellent boyfriend like You Zhuang Zhou, not only prepares breakfast for you early every day, but also makes all the plans for the day for you every time, as long as Mengdie is unhappy, he will try his best to please you."

"Tsk, what's there to envy about this? Not only is he not handsome, but he is also not a straight man, but he was slightly confessed by the cute I looked, and he followed my ass every day, if he wasn't still a little useful, I would have kicked him off a long time ago, and then found another boyfriend! "

Eh... It turns out that in Mengdie's heart, is You Zhuang Zhou such a person?

"What if it doesn't? Do you really think I really like him? Don't be stupid, a man like him who is not handsome, straight, and doesn't know how to please girls, how can I really like him, the reason why I confess to him is just because I think he has some usefulness and can help me deal with some things that I am too lazy to deal with. "

Listening to Mengdie, you said this, I suddenly felt that You Zhuang Zhou was so miserable, hahahaha."

"I really don't know what you just said and what you just said that was heard by You Zhuang Zhou, what will happen to him!"

"Tsk, what else? But I just didn't hear it, and then I continued to do what I did before..."

You Zhuang Zhou is such a person..."


Those conversations above were only part of the time, and as for the rest, I don't want to recall them anymore.


Not handsome, and straight man.

I don't know how to please girls.

It's just that he was confessed by a cute-looking girl.,So I'm busy every day and follow behind.。

It turns out that my impression in her mind is like this?

I want to give my all for the person I like, and in the end, give the other person a feeling, is that?


I'm stupid.

Still, it seems like a normal thing, right?

After all, how could such a thing as a youth romantic comedy happen to a boy with a gloomy personality like me.

It's something I've known for a long time, but I still have illusions about this kind of thing, and I really can't recognize myself.

Perhaps, I just misheard?

Actually, that's not what she thinks in her heart?

After all, people will always say something against their will because of various occasions.

Although I knew that I was disgusted to think so, and it was clear that those words came from her mouth, I still couldn't help but want to defend her.

Just because she was the first girl to confess to me.


That night, I texted her on a chat app and asked her out.

As long as she says that she doesn't mean what she says, and that she only says it for some special reason, I can convince myself to forgive her.

As she said at the time, even if I did hear those words, I would just treat them as if I didn't hear them, and then what happened before and how it will continue to do after that.


Her understanding of me is really a little incomplete.

Even a boy with a gloomy personality like me still has a little bit of self-esteem.

This little bit of self-esteem is my final bottom line as a human being.

Whatever the reason, I will not exceed this last bottom line.

It was soon evening.

When she received my message, she didn't plan to come out for the appointment, but after my repeated pestering, she finally came out.

"Don't you know that the temperature is very low right now? What is it that makes it necessary for me to come out at such a time? "

This should be tsundere, right?

Obviously, what she said was so harsh, but what she actually did was the exact opposite of what she said.

She's so cute.

"No... It's nothing...... Only...... Just one thing to think about... I want to ask you. "

Although..... Though..... Although it can also be said on chat software... But..... But I always feel a little un.... Not very good, so.... That's why .... I asked you out. "

Really.... I'm really embarrassed..."

I'm really ashamed!"

Talk as you speak, why is it still intermittent?

Seriously, I really hate me from the bottom of my heart for being so cowardly!

However, there is nothing I can do about it, because I am such a person.

Even if I wanted to break this habit in a while, I wouldn't be able to do it.

Because I'm not a great person, I'm just an ordinary person who can be seen everywhere.

"Tsk..... Just say it, it's cold outside, and I don't want to waste any more time.

After Wen Mengdie heard my words, she suddenly became a little anxious for some reason.

But this is my problem after all, after all, the current temperature is more than ten degrees below zero, and it is normal for her to be like this in this low temperature.


I recounted to her what I had heard during the day, and asked her if there was any special reason for saying that.

It's a pity....

That's just my fantasy after all.

At first, when she heard the words I repeated, she had a shocked look on her face, as if she didn't expect that those words would be heard by me in their entirety.

"Tsk..... Now that you've heard it all, forget it, what do you want to say? Her

expression was calm.

When he said this, he also looked calm, and he didn't seem to feel anything bad.


I don't even want to explain.

"You... You said those things at the time, didn't you..... Is there some kind of distress or special reason or something? "

Seriously, no matter how shameless I am, when I say these words, I really want to die.

After all, I'm still a human being after all, and there is still some such thing as self-esteem.

But the only self-esteem she has is dispensable compared to hers.

After all, she is the most important thing in my heart.

"There is no special reason and suffering, those words are my true words, since you have heard it, I have heard it, if you have nothing to do, I want to go back."

With these words, she turned and walked towards the door.

And I... Until the end, she was not stopped.

Because all the good thoughts I had about her were turned to ashes when she said those words.


There is no bitterness.

There is no special reason.

The words she said during the day were all her sincere words.

In her eyes, I'm just a dark man who is not handsome, a straight man, and doesn't know how to please girls.

"Let's break up."

Even I, after being told by her to this extent, could not continue to persevere.


After she left.

I stood alone in front of a big tree about ten meters in front of her house and pondered for several hours.

I sent those words to her on the chat app.

You Zhuang Zhou, Wen Mengdie.

At the time, I thought our names were a perfect match.

It's like fate.

Otherwise, how could I be called Zhuang Zhou, and her name is Mengdie?


Zhuang Zhou Mengdie.

Zhuang Zhou Mengdie, it's really Zhuang Zhou Mengdie.

What I subconsciously forgot at that time finally happened in reality.

You Zhuang Zhou, Wen Mengdie, Zhuang Zhou Mengdie, after all, it is just a big dream.

When you wake up from your dream, it's time to return to reality.

Perhaps, it is correct for me to understand her name in this way?

I hadn't been to school since that day, and it was close to my magic graduation exams.

It doesn't make much sense to go to school or not.

After all, what should be taught, the school has already been taught.

The rest is just for the students to review on their own.

Then, after the magic graduation exam, I applied to the farthest school in the area, the National Capital University of Magic.

Because I know very well that if I want to forget her forever, I can only do it by leaving her and seeing her again.

At the local University of Magic, it is absolutely not possible.

As for the National Capital University of Magic, it can be said that I was admitted with my grades in the graduation exam, which can be said to be a sure thing.

But Wen Mengdie's words are a different matter.

Because her magic grades couldn't be worse.

Therefore, it is impossible for her to be admitted to the National Capital University of Magic no matter what.

Also, before I broke up with her, she told me that after graduating from the magic exam, she would choose a local magic university to continue her education.


I chose the National Capital University of Magic, so I naturally didn't have to worry about seeing her again.


If that's what I thought at the beginning, that's true.


But why, is she the one I interviewed today to successfully prepare for counseling?

This is the national capital!

It's not the place where she and I were!

According to common sense, shouldn't she choose a random magical university in that place and go on to study naturally?

How could she be in the national capital?


When I was interviewing, the student I was told to be tutored seemed to be a recent graduate who had already been admitted to the National University of Magic, right?


How could her grades meet the admission standards of the National Capital University of Magic?

But that's not what I'm most confused about.

What I wonder most is why my tutor is my ex-girlfriend!

How could something so dramatic really happen in reality?

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