Intermediate Gold Magic Spells: Gold and stone, rotten wood, such as water, mountain fire, ripping earth, the art of the five elements, should be led by gold and stone, cast my body with the power of gold and stone, hold gold in my hand, take wood as my body, such as water, mountain fire, and tearing earth are all dancing in my hands.

Split, burn, dance, show your might, O endless sea of my magic!

Intermediate Water Magic Spell: Everything in the world is based on water, live on water, surge, wreak havoc, and vent all the anger, irritability, and unwillingness in your heart like a flood.

Listen to my anger, my irritability, my unwillingness, O omnipotent Creator, and let me, under your protection, manifest a power that is far less than a thousandth of yours.

Intermediate Fire Magic Spell: Blazing fire, don't be confined to this small space, expand outward, in your fiery body, you are the king of all things, nothing in the world can restrain you, burn, burn to your heart's content.

Quench all the filth of this world in the power of your fire, and dye this world a fiery color.


It's just that he silently memorized a few intermediate magic spells with different attributes in his heart, and he actually consumed mental power so much.

If I had used all this magic directly, I would have been lying on the ground immobile right now, right?

It seems....

After all, my cultivation is still not enough.

As I am now, if I go to the National Capital University of Magic, will I really be able to protect myself?

After all, it's a place where the strong are respected.

"You... Are you okay?

Just as I was gasping for breath, Wen Mengdie, who was originally concentrating on the magic test, suddenly looked at me and asked.

"No..... It's not a big deal, it's just that it's too much to memorize magic spells in my heart, and I'll be fine after a while. "

I really am.

Obviously, the place where he is staying now is Wen Mengdie's house, and he is actually addicted to reciting magic spells silently.


Recite magic spells silently???

Although I have known for a long time that he is at a height that is far beyond the reach of people of our age.

But what I never expected was that now he could actually recite magic spells in his heart.

So what level of magic spell was he just reciting?


Or is it advanced?

Even if he wanted to memorize intermediate or advanced magic spells at this age, it seemed unrealistic.

If that's what you guess...

He must have just been reciting a rudimentary magic spell.

Looking at his panting appearance, it seems that he is still a little too forced.

If I could, I still don't want him to push himself too hard.

If you want to cast magic, you only need the caster to have their own magic.

Whether it's elementary, intermediate, or advanced magic, you can cast it at will.

But in order to perform these spells, you have to have enough magic.

After all, magic is something that is unleashed through the medium of magic.

If you don't have enough magic, you won't be able to do it successfully.

By the way, the primary, intermediate, and advanced magic that I just mentioned that can be cast at will are all performed through some external auxiliary conditions.

It's not like those people who have enough magic power to be able to perform the real level of magic.

If you want to cast those levels of magic without relying on external supports, you must chant the corresponding level of magic spell in its entirety.

If we compare the magic that can be cast through external forces with the complete chanting of a complete magic spell, it can be said that the magic cast by the former does not even have one-tenth of the power of the latter.

If you want to chant magic spells in their entirety, you have to memorize them.

But magic is something that can only be performed by those who are favored by the heavens.

If you want to memorize magic spells, you need to have enough mental power, otherwise, you can't just read a magic spell in its entirety.

Not to mention singing it.

If you're in the school, you can chant slowly while reading a magic textbook.

But in a real battle, who's going to give you the time to chant slowly?

Besides, even if someone gives you time, who can guarantee that you will actually be able to chant the magic spell in its entirety?

It's already a great thing to be able to look at a magic textbook and chant magic spells in its entirety.

And You Zhuang Zhou was silently reciting a magic spell in his heart just now?

If you want to memorize magic spells in your mind, the prerequisite is to be able to chant the whole magic spell smoothly from a magic textbook!

But looking at him now, he should have failed.

If he had succeeded in reciting it silently, how could he be like this?

At this time, it is not appropriate for me to comfort or praise.


I simply chose to ignore it.

Instead of reciting magic spells or something in my mind, I'd better continue to do my magic tests.

After all, that kind of thing is still too far away from me now.

And chanting magic spells is too mentally draining, and I don't want to do something that is too tiring to do it.

What about me...

It's good to be responsible and look beautiful like a flower.

If you fight or something, leave it all to him.

This division of labor must be clear.

Although I would also like to be a powerful female magician like You Zhuang Zhou's mother.

But well...

That's tiring.

For now, let's spend the student days leisurely for the time being.

No one can say for sure what will happen in the future.

Maybe I'll suddenly start to get angry in the future?


I'm going to spend these days at a leisurely pace now.

Hey, hey, hey....

If you can enjoy life, you must enjoy it.

As for the future, I'll leave it to me in the future.

"I'm tired and

want to take a break......."After all, I've been working hard for almost twenty minutes, so it's okay to take a break if you want to...

"How long have you just started? How do you get tired.

"Twenty minutes! I've been doing the test here for 20 minutes.

"In less than half an hour, you're tired?"

"That's right, everyone's physical strength is different, a weak beautiful girl like me, it's not easy to do a twenty-minute test here, okay."


"What do you mean by that?" Look down on me? "

No... How many questions did you do in those twenty minutes?

"It's not too much, I've only done fifty questions, and if I add the fifty questions I did before, I've already done two-thirds of this set of questions."

"In twenty minutes, you did fifty more questions?"

"That's right! Isn't that weird? "

You... It shouldn't be scribbled......."

"You!!! You look down on me like that? It's true that I don't really like to do this kind of test, but I can't do it randomly, right? "

Well... It's my problem, and I shouldn't just say it.

"If you apologize to me so sincerely, then I will forgive you."

"Hmm........ Then you can rest first, and I'll check the question you just answered. "

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