The difficulty of the questions after 51 is not at the same level as the difficulty of the previous 50 questions.


When I heard that Wen Mengdie had completed fifty-one to one hundred questions in only twenty minutes, I subconsciously thought that she was scribbling.

But after the first experience, I felt that I had relied on common sense to think that she was scribbling without actually reading the answers she had written.

It's very bad.


I hurriedly apologized to her after realizing that I had subconsciously said that.


It would be incredible if she really took only twenty minutes to write the questions from fifty-one to one hundred, and the accuracy rate was still above 80 percent.

If I had to answer the question, I would have been able to get it 100% correct.

But if you want to get it 100% right, it will take at least half an hour.

After all, after answering, you have to take some time to check whether there are any mistakes or omissions in the answers you have written down before.

Carelessness is a mistake that everyone makes.

Even if it's me, I can't say 100% it won't be.

So every time I finish the test, I check again to see if there are any mistakes or omissions in my answers.

"Okay... Then I'll leave it to you......."

After Wen Mengdie finished saying this, she handed me the test questions that she pressed under her hand, and then leaned on the desk with her face facing me.

I have to say that she is really cute like this.

She obviously has a cute appearance, but she still makes such a cute action, it's really despicable..........

"Oh... Oh! I

answered softly after taking the test from her, but then I felt that the voice I had just responded was a little too quiet, so I answered again.

"I heard it at the first sound! So, you don't really need to say anything after that. "

Uh... I...... It's not because of this reason that I responded more, but I just felt that what I just responded was a little informal, so I answered more, and that's really it!! "

Even if you realize the real reason for what I did, don't say it to my face!!!

If I do that, I'll be embarrassed to do that kind of thing!

Of course, I'm not saying that I can say that behind my back.


It's really annoying, what the hell am I struggling with here?

"Oh???? I see, I think I'm thinking too much. She

absolutely didn't believe it!

I couldn't be more sure of the smile she was smiling at this time.

It's really hateful, I was actually teased by her again.


I whispered again, and instead of continuing to talk to her, I turned my gaze to the set of questions she had handed me that had already been written to a hundred questions.


Let me see how many of the next 50 questions she completed in just 20 minutes were correct.

Question 51 [Why do you need to chant the corresponding magic spell to cast magic, and if you don't chant, can you successfully cast magic?] If it could be cast, would it be any different from the magic cast by Chant? Answer

: Because chanting a magic spell while performing magic can further increase the courage and understanding of magic in the caster.

If you don't chant magic, you can successfully perform magic.

There are differences, and the most obvious difference is power!

The magic power of a spell cast through a full spell is ten times more powerful than that of a spell cast without chanting a spell.

Question 52 [What magic belongs to the white magic classification, and what magic belongs to the black magic classification?] Answer

: Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth are the five most powerful types of magic in black magic.

Under these five attribute magics, there are also wind attribute magic, thunder attribute magic, dark attribute magic...

These are also spells that fall under the category of black magic.

In the case of white magic, there is only one attribute, and that is magic that can be used to purify the filth of the world.

In layman's terms, it's excess, right?

Question 53: Can magic with different attributes blend with each other? If so, how can they not explode while they are blending? Answer

: Yes.

As we all know, magic is something that is used as a medium of magic power, and if you want them to not explode when they merge, you have to manipulate the distribution of magic power with different attributes through appropriate micro-manipulation.

Generally speaking, it is better to allocate more mana to the stronger stats and less to the weaker attributes.

In this way, the magic of the powerful attribute can suppress the weaker attribute, and as long as it is successfully suppressed, the so-called explosion will naturally not happen.



"Hmm... The check is done.

"How's that, how many things are wrong?"

"This question doesn't feel like it's the way you're always talking."

"What do you mean? Why doesn't this fit my usual way of speaking?

"If it's your usual way of speaking, you should have asked me this way just now, [Well, I shouldn't have written the wrong answer to the question, right?]

""Eh........ Do I look like a girl who would say such arrogant words? People are obviously very modest, right!!! Seriously

, when I heard her say this, I really wanted to complain, "How do you think you have something to do with modesty?" "

People who have always been so arrogant that they can't do it suddenly say that they are actually very modest.

That's surprising enough for me.

"Yes, yes, you are very modest, but I misunderstood."

"Of course, that's your cognitive mistake, after all, Miss Ben has always taken modesty as her motto, so.... How many questions did I get wrong? "


I really don't want to answer her question.

It took her fifty questions in twenty minutes, and it took me about an hour to check her answers with the correct ones.

That's really inferior.

"There are no wrong questions, and the answers you write are all correct."

While I'm also incredulous, facts are facts.

It's not that I don't admit it.

Originally, I thought that it would be good for her to be able to answer these questions in such a short period of time with an 80% correct rate.

But what I never expected was that her accuracy rate not only reached 80%, but even far exceeded the accuracy rate of 8%.

100% correct.

This kind of her really makes me wonder if the person who was at the end of the crane in the class or in the whole grade was from her.

In less than two months, could anyone really go from having almost zero magical theoretical foundation to being an honor student far beyond 95 percent of the students?

There are a total of 150 questions in this set of questions.

Questions from one to fifty can be said to be from elementary school to junior high school.

The 51 to 100 questions are the first to third year of high school.

Moreover, these fifteen questions between 85 and 100 are still questions that I have specially made more difficult.

It took less than five minutes to answer questions from one to fifty, and all of them were correct.

It only took 20 minutes to answer 51 to 100 questions, and all of them were correct.

The time it took to complete these 100 questions added up to less than half an hour.

And judging from her attitude, she doesn't seem to find anything difficult about these topics.

In other words, she is very calm!

I was able to write these questions in less than half an hour with ease, and all of them were correct.

This also shows that her real strength is actually far beyond the level of magic high school.

It wouldn't be surprising if she had been hiding her strength like me before.

If not, then she....

It's horrible.

Although I was curious about how she got admitted to the National University of Magic when I first found out that she was my tutor.

But at that time, I was able to control myself from asking her questions.

But now...

I really can't help it.

Now I can't wait to know if she has been hiding her strength since the beginning, or if she has achieved this result in a short period of time.

"Eh..... Didn't you get it wrong?

"Yes, your answer is all correct."

Looking at her like this, it seems that she herself doesn't think she can answer all the answers correctly?

"Then it seems that I'm still quite smart..."

"I want to ask, in the previous magic exams, you were hiding your true strength, and then answering the questions casually?"

Asked out.

I finally asked.

"Huh... No, I really didn't know the answers to those questions at the time! "

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