I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Chapter 187 Better than Dad

If something happens, they can be there as soon as possible.

But Qin Xiyan didn't want it.

Don't look at this little guy who doesn't usually make a sound, sometimes he is like a little rabbit, timid.

But he was stubborn, just like his mother.

He also has his own ideas.

He said he didn't want to go to Jane's kindergarten, that is, he didn't want to go, ten horses couldn't pull it back!

They can only rely on him.

After thousands of choices and revisions to family information, he sent the person to Haicheng Kindergarten in a low-key manner.

After all, Qin Xiyan is the only seedling of the Jian family, the eyeballs of Mr. Jian and Mrs. Jian.

If something really happened, they'd be the first to stop with them!

Thinking of this, Jian Cheng Lang asked the most crucial point again, and the sloppy expression on his face became a lot more serious.

With a slight chill in his eyes, he looked at Qin Xiyan and said solemnly:

"Little Yan, tell your uncle the truth, is there anyone bullying you at school?"

Generally, introverted children are not social and are easily bullied.

This is what worries them the most.

Seeing that Qin Xiyan was silent, afraid that he would not dare to speak, Jian Chenglang paused, and his voice softened slightly:

"Xiaoyan, don't be afraid. Remember what we said before? Come to someone else's kindergarten to try a lesson first. If you don't fit in or don't like it, we can go back at any time. You—"

"No, don't go back!"

As if he had been poked to a certain point, Qin Xiyan finally got a little anxious, shook his head desperately, tried hard to hold back his words, and his delicate little face turned red:

"I-I'm not afraid of bullying. Sister Lili, she will... protect me!"

"Sister Lili?" Jian Chenglang was taken aback, and frowned: "Who? Teacher?"

So soon a teacher came to compliment.

Could it be that Xiao Yan's identity has been exposed?

However, this was the first time he had seen Xiaoyan say so many things at one time, and still protect a person so much.

Even Jian Yi looked sideways.

"No, no," Xiao Zhengtai shook his head, his fair cheeks blushed, as if he was a little embarrassed, but there was a light of admiration at the bottom of his beautiful eyes:

"Sister Lili...she's super powerful,"

He paused for a while, then glanced at Jian Yi again, straightened out his small chest, and said proudly, "Better than Dad!"

Jian Yi: "..."

Jian Cheng Lang burst out laughing:

"Hahaha, brother, it seems that you really don't have a tall image in Xiaoyan's heart..."

Jian Yi glanced at him coldly.

At this moment, Qin Xiyan seemed to see something through the car window, his beautiful eyes lit up suddenly, and he shouted crisply:

"Sister Lili!"

Saying that, he straightened his back, turned around and opened the car door, holding his schoolbag, and was about to get out of the car.

Jian Cheng Lang and Jian Yi looked in the direction he was looking at just now.

All ready to see a woman with fluttering dress, intellectual and gentle——

But who knows...

next second.

Not far away, Pi Dian Dian came running three little radish heads.

Jian Chenglang: "..."

Jian Yi: "..."

Qin Xiyan stood outside the car, excitedly waved at them and told them that he was here!

Seeing this, Jian Yi's dark eyes deepened, and she got out of the car directly.

Jian Chenglang finally came to his senses, got out of the car, and said to the happy Qin Xiyan with a smile:

"Little Yan, is this your new friend in kindergarten?"

Qin Xiyan nodded shyly.

Jian Chenglang smiled, and before he could say anything, he saw a very beautiful little girl with double ponytails running over.

Without further ado, he pulled Qin Xiyan beside him behind him.

The little girl's beautiful black eyes looked at him and Jian Yi so vigilantly.

The two men didn't know what to do.

Qu Qianqian and Zhang Yiming over there, each with a long branch in their hands, rushed over and poked at them.

"Bad man! Stay away from brother Xiyan! Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!"

After class just now, they turned their heads and found that brother Xiyan was gone. After asking other children, they found out that a man like a driver had taken brother Xiyan away from the classroom.

They rushed over in a hurry and saw brother Xiyan getting out of the car.

At the same time, two adults in black suits came down next to them, who were indifferent and fierce, and they didn't look like good people!

Fortunately, they came in time, otherwise brother Xiyan would be deceived by the bad guys!

【Four more pulls! Ask for a recommendation ticket! ! It is recommended not to raise the text, there is another chapter! It will be around 9:30! mua~】

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