I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Chapter 188 We Are Not Bad People

Zhang Yiming, the little fat man closed his eyes, like a bull, the little fat hand threw his hands desperately, and shouted loudly while poking:

"Yes! We are very good! If you, if you don't leave, I, I will call the teacher!"

Both Jian Cheng Lang and Jian Yi are somewhat skilled, so they don't care about a group of children, and they dodge after taking a few steps back.

He frowned slightly, but didn't have time to speak.

I saw Xiao Lu Li over there with his hands on his hips, his fair little face fat and tender, and he said to Qin Xiyan in a sincere voice:

"Brother Xiyan, they are all bad people. Don't go with them! Otherwise, they will sell you for candy! When your parents can't find you, they will cry to death."

Jian Yi: "..."

Jian Chenglang: "..."

Qin Xiyan held back his breath and shook his head desperately. The more anxious he became, the less he could speak: "No, no..."

Qu Qianqian stood on the spot, raised her chin, the branch she held in her hand assumed the posture of a hero using a sword, and said crisply:

"That's right! Bad guys! You don't want to kidnap my brother Xiyan! He's easy to deceive, but we can't be deceived!"

Zhang Yiming agrees:

"That's right! Don't try to lie to us! My dad told me that mom and dad can't go to kindergarten, so in kindergarten, only teachers are adults, and other adults are bad people who steal children! You are bad people! Bad people! Look at me. sword!"

Saying that, Fatty Zhang poked a branch aggressively.

Who knows, I didn't pay attention, one stumbled, his foot tripped over a stone, and with a direct "bang", he sat on the ground with his buttocks.

The little fat man was immediately stunned.

Jian Yi: "..."

Jian Chenglang: "..."

Such a cute bunch of little guys.

I really want to be stomped to death.

After Xiao Luli carefully instructed Qin Xiyan, the Queen Mother, she turned around again, rolled up her sleeves, and began to speak harshly in a milky voice.

"Bad people! If you don't leave, I'll let my dad beat you to death. My dad is so powerful, he'll beat you to the ground—"

Qin Xiyan couldn't do anything in a hurry. He couldn't say what he wanted to say, so he rushed towards Jian Yi and took a few deep breaths before he let out a clear and loud voice:


The three children were dumbfounded when they heard the sound of "Dad".

Qin Xiyan's small body stood in front of Jian Yi, whose face was freezing, and looked at Xiao Lu Li and the others who were shocked. After holding back, he quickly explained in a low voice:

"Don't, don't fight. He, he's my dad, not a bad guy..."

Xiao Luli pursed her lips, blinked her eyes, pointed at Jian Cheng Lang with her fair little finger, and whispered a little confusedly:

"Then, what about him? Brother Xiyan, is this your father too?"

Jian Chenglang: "..."

Damn, what are kids thinking now!

Jian Chenglang closed his eyes, touched Qin Xiyan's little head, finally took a deep breath, and smiled helplessly:

"Children, let me introduce myself, I'm his little uncle, which is his father's brother."

After a pause, he curved the corners of his mouth, revealing a teasing joke: "Don't worry, we are really not bad people."

five minutes later--

"Uncle, do you eat candy?"

Xiao Luli pursed her lips, opened her big black and innocent eyes, and her fair, fat little face was so soft and cute.

It was impossible to see that five minutes ago, she was the one who shouted that her father wanted to kill them:

"This candy is delicious!"

【Five more pulls! Let me tell you something, maybe it will be on the shelves on the 16th of this month, and I should have at least 30,000 words by then. If you have a monthly pass, please leave it to me, mua~]

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