I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Chapter 807 Lu Junhan is not fat

What, did your dad give you birth as a punching bag?

I'll kill you no matter what.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Xiao Luli tilted her head: "Auntie sister?"

Ruan Zhi came back to his senses and quickly waved his hand: "Okay, okay, I won't run, you go."

Xiao Luli hugged her little cake happily and went to find her father.

But before she took a few steps, Ruan Zhi, who was behind her, quickly took out her mobile phone and called Huo Tingyan, "Brother, Jianghu is in an emergency."

Huo Ting came to the banquet today, and Huo Tingyan and Huo Suiwang, his sons, naturally followed.

Huo Tingyan gestured to the guests in front of him with a smile, then walked to a remote corner, his smile subsided instantly, he took a deep breath, and said expressionlessly:

"Auntie, what did you cause this time?"

"I don't want to either,"

Ruan Zhi felt that he was also wronged:

"Anyway, the situation is urgent, so I'll make a long story short. I'm in the dessert area on the first floor. You come to pick me up from my class, and I'll leave first. You don't have to do anything more, as long as you see Lu Li with her later. Dad Lu Junhan is here, if Lu Junhan doesn't see me and wants to beat his daughter, go and help the little girl..."


The more Huo Tingyan listened, the more wrong it became, and the more inexplicable he became, so he interrupted her quickly:

"I heard that Lu Junhan has always loved his daughter like his life, even holding her in a video conference, how could he hit her?!"

Ruan Zhi raised her eyes, as if she wanted to determine Xiao Lu Li's current position, lest she slip away later and run into the little girl again. Hearing this, she said:

"I don't know, anyway, it was said by the little girl herself, that her father always beat her, and he almost beat her to death several times, but think about it, Lu Junhan's fat man looks like They beat children every day..."

Ruan Zhi, who was looking for the little girl's direction before he could say the word "people", got stuck in an instant!

The next second, the beautiful and beautiful eyes suddenly widened.

Because, she saw the little loli wearing a dark green princess dress, holding a strawberry cake, without any hesitation, walking straight to a corner with her short legs.

There was no one else in that corner, just a handsome man who was leaning against the wall and talking on the phone, with sharp and narrow eyebrows slightly drooping, and a handsome and cold face.

The man stood in the corner, with a tall and straight figure, a dark black iron suit fell into a self-cultivation, the contours of his face were calm and stern, and his pupils were dark and dull, just standing there, there was a strong sense of the body. Strong sense of deterrence and oppression.

He answered the phone with one hand, while the other was slender and slender, with well-jointed white fingers holding a cigarette.

The thin lips were swallowing clouds and mist, the cigarette butts burned brightly and extinguished, and the lingering blue and white smoke blurred his cold and hard face, and it looked more and more unfathomable.

Probably because of his indifference, the aura of keeping strangers away is too strong and terrifying, which caused many guests around him to be looking at him, but they kept hesitating and didn't dare to come forward to say hello.

And this face is very, very familiar to Ruan Zhi.

Her favorite.

Love at first sight face.

Just in such a daze, Xiao Luli walked a few more steps, but she was probably holding a plate of cake in her hand, and the crystal shoes were not very good for walking. She walked very slowly, but it was obvious that she could walk. It can be seen that she is running towards that corner!

Ruan Zhi: "!!!"


Isn't your father that fat man Lu Junhan!

What are you doing running towards Zhang Dazhuang, the handsome guy in my family! ! !

At this moment, Huo Tingyan's voice came:

"No! What did you say? That fat man Lu Junhan?? When did Lu Junhan become fat? I saw him quite thin a few days ago."

【When did Lu Junhan become fat? 】

[I saw that he was quite thin the other day. 】

Ruan Zhi: "!!!"

Ruan Zhi was in the mood to listen, and lowered his hand holding the phone.

She vaguely understood that she might have made a mistake! !

She quickly hung up the phone and ran in the direction of Xiao Luli.

"Wait a minute! Don't hang up! I don't care what you have to do, get me out of here first!"

Huo Tingyan glanced at the news on another mobile phone, and his deep voice was a little hurried:

"Mina just reported to me that she told Lu Junhan about your life experience a few months ago, and now Lu Junhan suspects that you have something to do with her daughter's mother, and he has been sending people to arrest you for the past few months. , hurry up and get out of here, don't run into Lu Junhan!"

Unfortunately, Ruan Zhi had already dropped the hand holding the phone, and the phone had already been taken away by her.

This time, not only did I not hear Huo Tingyan's words.

She also hung up the phone directly.

But Huo Tingyan here has misunderstood.

She thought she had already listened to his words. She was busy running for her life to avoid Lu Junhan's pursuit. After all, this was in the Lu family, Lu Junhan's own territory, and her situation was very, very dangerous. Ruan Zhi should also be Realizing this, he didn't say anything, and hurriedly hung up his phone.

Thinking of this, Huo Tingyan didn't call her again.

At this time, Ruan Zhi, who was running for his life in Huo Tingyan's eyes, held Xiao Luli halfway.

Xiao Luli turned her head and saw that it was her, with a happy expression:

"Auntie sister!"

Ruan Zhi still couldn't believe it, pointed to Lu Junhan, who was on the phone over there, and asked her with difficulty:

"That...is that your father?"


Little Loli's crunchy little milky voice directly destroyed Ruan Zhi's last hope in her heart.

Ruan Zhi was stunned, but he still did not give up, and asked tremblingly, "This, this is what your father said, then who is the fat man I saw before??"

Although Xiao Luli didn't know which old aunt and sister were talking about, the only one she knew who was close to her father's age was a fat man, and that was brother Yiming's father.

She tilted her head and thought for a while, and said in a milky voice, "Auntie sister, are you talking about Uncle Zhang?"

Ruan Zhi: "..."

Ruan Zhi held his forehead and was silent for a long time before taking a deep breath and asked weakly, "You... Uncle Zhang, is your name Zhang Dazhuang?"


Xiao Luli said happily: "Auntie, how did you know! Brother Yiming told others before that his father's name was actually Zhang Dazhuang, not Zhang Daqiang! It was Brother Yiming, he remembered it wrongly. ."

Ruan Zhi: "..."


The truth is revealed.

Lu Junhan is not fat, Zhang Dazhuang is.

Huo Tingyan, you fucking almost killed me!

What the hell did you give me!

As soon as Ruan Zhi thought about it, she had said so many things that she didn't want to see Lu Junhan before, and in front of his daughter, she said that she wanted to teach him how to be a human being.

I can't wait to fall into the lake outside and die without coming out.

five minutes later--

Ruan Zhi touched the little girl's little fat face that she had pinched several times, and said kindly and kindly:

"Hey, Lili, does your face still hurt? I'm sorry, sister... Oh, no, auntie didn't pinch you on purpose before, but saw that there were bugs on your face and was helping you catch them."

[Today's four thousand offer. I went to read a book.

In the next chapter, it is probably the mother who has cast herself into the net. I haven't recognized each other so quickly, and I don't know each other yet. My mother went through the motions. 】

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