I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Chapter 808 I want my father to be human


Lu Li's round eyes widened directly.

"That's right," Ruan Zhi lowered his voice and gestured with seriousness, "What about such a big bug!"

Little Lolita's black eyes became rounder, but her little hands clenched into fists angrily.


How did she not know there were bugs on her face!

If she knew, she could take it back and show it to Dad!

Dad will love the bugs she catches!

Seeing that she didn't say a word for a long time, Ruan Zhi still pursed her mouth tightly, thinking she was frightened.

She coughed lightly, reached out and rubbed the little girl's head, and said happily, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Auntie has already caught you, and there are no bugs on your face now!"

[Your face is now. 】

【already. 】

[There are no more bugs. 】

【No. 】

[Insects. 】

Lu Li hung his head down, the small spoon in his hand poked the small cake on the plate, and the little nurse said in a low voice, "Oh..."

Ruan Zhi: "..."

? ? ?

what happened?

Not happy without bugs?

But fortunately, the little girl didn't get discouraged for too long, and she didn't forget to go to her father to show her aunt and sister!

She scooped up the top half of the strawberry with a small spoon, then opened her mouth wide, "Ouch", and stuffed half of the strawberry into her mouth.

Her fair cheeks were puffed up by strawberries, and she looked like a cute little hamster.

After she finished eating the strawberries, she picked herself up again, holding the remaining small cake, turned around aggressively, and was about to continue looking for her father.

Seeing that she was leaving, Ruan Zhi quickly reached out and held her:

"Hey, Lili, wait, I'll go with you."

Xiao Luli's dark eyes lit up for a moment, but then she frowned again, looking at Ruan Zhi's ankle, Xiao Nianyin muttered in confusion:

"But auntie sister, didn't you just say that your feet are so painful that you're dying of pain, so you can't go to Dad with Lili? Why is it okay now?"

Ruan Zhi: "..."

Mainly, I didn't even know just now that your dad was so handsome!

But the hole he dug had to be filled by himself. Looking at the real little girl in front of him, Ruan Zhi said without changing his face:

"Because my feet are suddenly healed again! Go to your dad with you, no problem!"

Little Loli held the cake in one hand, scratched her head in the other, looked at Ruan Zhi's feet suspiciously, and muttered, "But..."

"No but!"

Ruan Zhi was afraid that she could not resist her question, so she pushed her forward without saying a word:

"The little girl's family, where do you come from so many? But do you still want me to teach your father how to be a man?"


Little Loli turned her head and said anxiously, "I want my father to be a man!"

Ruan Zhi: "..."

what's wrong?

Isn't your father human now?

Ruan Zhi didn't say much, but said directly: "If you want, go quickly! Otherwise, if your dad runs away... gone, you and I will wait and cry!"

When she said this, the little girl was in a hurry!


No way!

She can't let her father run away... leave, or her father will not be able to be a man!


in the corner.

Lu Junhan hung up the phone and was about to put away his phone, but suddenly a call came in.

He raised his hand to pick up the phone.

Chen Shuo's voice instantly rang on the phone:

"Young Master Lu, I just received news from below. The Lin Yue we have been looking for for the past few months is now at the banquet!"

In the past few months, they have used their own power to find clues by questioning Mina.

They already knew that Lin Yue was a member of the SY Group.

I also know that Lin Yue's name, Ruan Zhi, was given to her by Ruan Ye herself, and it was not Lin Yue's original real name either.

But more specific, but can not find out.

It's not that their abilities are insufficient, but that Huo Tingyan is in the SY group, and they don't know what Lin Yue has to do with him.

He hid Lin Yue's most real identity information in the innermost part of the SY Group.

Chen Shuo originally planned to ask Huo Suiwang for help, but with the friendship between their family's young master Lu and Huo Suiwang, Huo Suiwang would not help with this little task.

Moreover, as the leader of the SY Group, Huo Suiwang looked up the information of his subordinates, and it was just a matter of ordering him in one sentence.

But Huo Suiwang's coercion, I don't know what happened in the past few months. The busy Shenlong sees the beginning but not the end. It seems that someone in the family has died. In the past few months, the world has been flying all over the world, or he is on the way to pray to God and worship Buddha. , or on the road to the forefront of medical technology.

If the former is successful, maybe there will be a resurrection from the dead, or the theory of reincarnation.

For the latter, if modern technology can really bring a dead person back to life, then the world will definitely be in chaos.

In short, both methods are neither reliable nor practical.

But it's not that they have the final say if it's not practical. At least Huo Suiwang thinks that these two methods are very reliable and practical. No, it's been a few months, and they can't be connected.

He didn't care about the SY Group anymore, and only let Huo Tingyan take over the management on his behalf.

In this way, Lin Yue's real information will be more difficult to obtain.

So, for a few months, they only found out piecemeal:

Six months ago, when the young lady had just returned to Lu's house, Ruan Zhi, also known as Lin Yue, had just defected from a criminal group and was hunted down by several killers.

When she defected from the group, she seemed to be carrying a little girl in her arms.

According to the people from the criminal group, at first glance, the little girl seemed to be five or six similar to the current Lu Li.

That person couldn't guarantee whether he was dazzled. After all, Ruan Zhi hid the little girl deeply and deeply. Only when she was two or three years old did the criminal group know that Ruan Zhi had such a daughter.

And the number of times they met her daughter could be counted with a single slap, and they were not face-to-face every time.

As for the deeper ones, those people don't know.

I am afraid that only Lin Yue himself knows the truth.

This is why Chen Shuo caught her.

They had to confirm whether the little girl Lin Yue brought out of the criminal group at that time was Lu Li.

If so, then Lin Yue is either Xiao Luli's biological mother or someone related to her biological mother.

Even if Lin Yue had nothing to do with Lu Li's biological mother, Lu Li was just picked up by her accidentally.

This is undoubtedly a clue to find Lu Li's biological mother.

Determine where it was picked up, whether it was in Haicheng, Beijing, or somewhere else, so you can obviously tell where the child's mother is.

In this way, the search is undoubtedly greatly shortened and much simpler.

Therefore, Lin Yue is very important.

It's a pity that Lin Yue is either too good or too vigilant.

Every time they come to Lu's house, no matter how strict their defenses are and how many bodyguards they send, they are always slipped away by her.

[The next scene.

In the next chapter, my mother will probably be offline hahaha, poor mother!

In fact, I don't like to write about my mother, because I also like my father and Lili, and my mother is a rival in love!

Well, I have a showdown. In fact, I am Lili's mother, my father's beautiful wife...all mine! 】

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