I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Chapter 821 What should I do if I have no money to marry a wife

Lu Junhan went here to answer the phone, not to avoid Lu Li, but to avoid the camera of the show team.

As for the content of the call, it's the same as usual.

It's nothing more than that Song Qingwan and Lu Qidong were worried, and they called specifically to tell him not to bully that little troublemaker.

As soon as Lu Junhan heard what they were going to say, he hung up after hearing a few words.

This also led to the reason that although the little loli was very sticky to her father, when her father ran here to answer the phone, she immediately followed her, but in the end she didn't hear the slightest bit of the call.

Until now, she still thought that her father had not started talking on the phone.

Leaning on his side, the old man with his little ears pricked up.

For fear of missing a word.

Lu Junhan originally wanted to scare the little idiot, to see if she dares to eavesdrop next time.

But before he could speak, another phone call came in, from Chen Shuo.

Before he came to record the show, Lu Junhan had finished his part of the work, and Lu Qidong had to deal with the rest, but he was no longer needed.

Chen Shuo called him now, obviously not for work, but to find clues about Haicheng's disappearance.

Lu Junhan obviously thought about it with Qu Sinian.

In the few days vacated by the recording of the program, quickly find out the mastermind behind the disappearance case, and take the initiative in your own hands.

Moreover, neither of them are people who sit still.

Lu Junhan answered the phone, and before he said a word, Chen Shuo immediately reported:

"Young Master Lu, three more little girls have gone missing today, and they are also children from big families. But the good news is that I just asked someone to collect the common characteristics of these missing little girls. I found that, They are all from the top big family in Haicheng, they are beautiful in appearance, and they are generally three or four years old..."

Chen Shuo paused, looked at the IQ test report that each missing girl had done before, and added easily:

"Moreover, their IQs are quite high. The stupidest one has an IQ of 120, which is more than 40 higher than the young lady!"

In short, the mastermind behind the disappearance really wanted to kidnap the little girl, but he really didn't think their IQ was only 75. To this day, he still insisted that he was not a human being, but a little girl who was a carp spirit.

As a result, the alarm is lifted, which is not a great news!

Lu Junhan: "..."

Fortunately, Lu Junhan didn't stay silent for too long. Obviously, he was used to his daughter's low IQ, and asked Chen Shuo to continue reporting.

But the little girl squatting in the grass was not very good. On the phone, Chen Shuo's voice came into her ears intermittently, probably through the phone, and Xiao Luli didn't recognize it for a while. It was Uncle Chen's voice.

She only heard a few vague sentences on the phone: "there are three little girls today", "all of them are very beautiful", "also three or four years old", "and all of them have high IQs".

Little Lolita's black eyes were instantly rounded, and her little hand hammered the ground again!


Dad is really going to buy a new daughter!

Also, buy three at a time!

What a loser!

Chen Shuo was probably coerced and held hostage by Song Qingwan, and after a while after reporting, he bit his head and asked about Xiao Luli's situation, and then asked if she could come over to answer the phone.

Lu Junhan instantly guessed whose handwriting it was, and also knew Song Qingwan's character of never giving up.

He glanced directly and squatted in the grass not far away, as if sulking, with a puffed face, and was constantly pulling the grass underneath, like a little girl who had a grudge against the grass.

After a long silence for a while, the man withdrew his gaze and said to the phone calmly:

"She's fighting with the grass, she's busy and can't answer the phone."

Song Qingwan: "..."

Lu Qidong: "..."

Lu Junhan: "It's okay, I'll hang up."

Song Qingwan didn't give up and took Chen Shuo's call. Hearing this, she quickly said, "Hey, brat, wait a minute!"

Lu Junhan raised his wrist, looked at the time, and said blankly, "You only have one minute."

Song Qingwan knew that the recording of the show was about to start, so she didn't say much nonsense:

"I put a bottle of mosquito repellent in Lili's schoolbag before. It's hot over there, and there must be a lot of mosquitoes on the mountain. You will spray her quickly so that she won't be bitten."


Lu Junhan hung up the phone, turned his head and said to the little girl squatting in the tall grass:

"come over."

Men are not as careful as women.

This was indeed something Lu Junhan didn't notice.

Grass has always been a favorite place for mosquitoes to hide, and there are far more of them than anywhere else.

This little thing has been squatting in it for so long, and he is still wearing shorts and shorts, with his arms and legs exposed, I am afraid that he has been bitten by mosquitoes all over his body.

Lu Junhan frowned tightly.

Little Loli's first reaction was surprise. She didn't expect her father to find her. She was hiding so well!

Dad is so stupid, he shouldn't have noticed her.

But after hearing Lu Junhan's words, not only did she not move, but she pouted angrily and turned her head with a "hum", "I don't want it!"

Lu Junhan: "..."

Lu Jun was as cold as frost: "Are you looking for a pump again?"

Seeing his cold and inhuman face, the little girl felt extremely aggrieved. She squatted in the grass, her eyes instantly flushed red, and the tears fell, and she couldn't help falling.

She wiped her tears with her little hands, and the little milky voice choked:

"Dad, you know to beat others, you don't even know that they are about to die of sadness..."

Lu Junhan: "..."

How can there be so much sadness at such a young age.

Lu Junhan didn't say much, strode over, stretched out his hand, and carried the person out of the grass first.

Seeing her crying pear blossoms with rain, out of breath, the man closed his eyes, opened them again, wiped the tears from her cheeks with his rough fingers, and asked her as calmly as possible:

"Tell me, why are you crying again?"

Lu Junhan frowned slightly.

Did you squat in the grass for too long?

"People didn't cry!"

Little Loli raised her hand, wiped her tears, and said sincerely, "People, people are sad..."

What's the difference?

Lu Junhan was silent for a while, and then asked, "Then why are you sad?"

Xiao Luli raised her big tearful eyes, "Dad, don't you know what people are sad about?"

Lu Junhan said simply: "I don't know."

Little Loli seemed to be extremely sad, and she cried even more sadly, "Dad, how could you not know! People have been crying for so long, and they are almost dying, if you don't know, then they are not white. Are you crying..."

Lu Junhan: "..."

Lu Junhan didn't change his face, and said simply and rudely, "I don't know because your dad is stupid."

Jian Cheng Lang passing by: "???"

But the little girl was really coaxed.

She opened her tearful eyes, sniffed, grabbed her little hand, and said in a very sad and sad way:

"Dad, you already have one daughter, why do you have to buy three more daughters? Besides, and you are so poor, can't you just buy one daughter? Buy three at a time, if in the future, Dad, you No money to marry a wife, no money to marry a mother, so what should I do..."

Lu Junhan: "..."

Jian Chenglang: "..."

Is he your dad, or are you his dad?

You're so heartbroken about your dad's future.

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