I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Chapter 822 The TV I watched was

Facts have proved that the gentle and patient line of tenderness and kindness is not suitable for a father named Lu.

He is obviously more suitable for expressing his personal opinion on his lack of money to marry a wife in the future with practical actions.

Sure enough, after beating the little girl all over her head and crying, Lu Junhan's breath that was stuck in his chest finally eased a lot.

Although the little girl was beaten very badly, she suddenly froze when she heard her father's promise that she would have only one daughter in her life, and she would never buy another daughter, let alone have another daughter. Eyes, happy to even forget how to cry.

Just looking up at her white face full of tears, her soft body hugged Lu Junhan's legs, and her sweet and sticky little milky voice said, "Dad, Lili loves you so much", "You are this one. The best dad in the world!"

The Qu Si Nian next to him is almost sour to the essence of lemon.

But Jian Yi had already looked away, shielded his hearing, and planned to see and hear nothing.

He was afraid that if he continued to watch it, he would really drag Jian Xiyan for sex reassignment surgery, so that he would completely turn into a girl.

Fortunately, Qu Sinian and the others didn't stay sour for too long, and the show started soon.

The theme of the third issue is "Survival in the Wilderness".

As the name suggests, the 6 groups of guests must spend the night on the top of the mountain, and the program team will not give the 6 groups of guests any transportation in the middle. The guests can only walk along the cement mountain road from the foot of the mountain to the mountain.

Fortunately, this mountain is not too high. It is probably because there is a temple on the mountain. During the Chinese New Year, many people will come to the mountain to pray for blessings. For the convenience of pedestrians, it has also been repaired to be wide, stable and safe. cement pavement.

Even if you really walk, the slowest and slowest, an hour is enough to reach the top of the mountain.

Of course, the level of difficulty set by the program group is not on the way up the mountain.


Jian Cheng Lang clenched his fists and coughed lightly.

In the live broadcast room, the audience swiped under the barrage of "Jiangui is so guilty, there must be nothing good in waiting!"

He was facing several groups of luggage that had been confiscated by the program crew, and now the light guest, briefly introduced himself.

Of course, this introduction is naturally aimed at the newcomer Liu Peng's group.

Then Jian Cheng Lang said loudly with a smile:

"I think you all know the tasks of this phase. Later, you will walk to the mountain on foot. We will spend the night on the mountain. When we come down from the mountain on the second day, the task will be completed. However, before going up the mountain, Let's play a game first."

Qu Sinian noticed that Lu Junhan's expression darkened slightly after Jian Chenglang's words.

Before he could ask aloud, Qu Sinian soon knew why Lu Junhan's expression was so ugly.

because this game...

Also very, very exhausting dad.

Qu Sinian: "..."

Jian Chenglang's game is very similar to Draw I Guess, but it is more difficult than Draw I Guess.

The 6 groups of guests are divided into two groups, and the program group will give each group of guests a line or a story.

Then 6 people pass the story one after another, until the last person, who repeats the most accurate lines and has the most correct words, this group wins.

The winning group will have the right to choose tents first.

Qu Sinian took a look at the 6 tents brought by the program team. The best tent is a very cute giraffe tent. It does not need to be built manually. The interior is very spacious and firm. It is undoubtedly a luxury villa in the room.

And the worst tent has pieces of support, and the tent's fabric is also a low-quality, rough tent fabric that is not waterproof at all.

At the same time, the space built is very small, it is a small square, and only a child can barely live in it. Even if the child does live in, it is difficult to stretch his limbs. Naturally, if an adult wants to squeeze in, he may The tent is directly bursting!

You can see how small it is.

It's also enough to see how frantic the show crew is.

Originally, Qu Sinian, who wanted to abstain from giving up to save his life as soon as he heard the rules of the game, had to bite the bullet in order not to live in the square at night.

And Jian Yi and Lu Junhan have beaten Jian Chenglang back.


Since the boss at the top has been eliminated by Jian Yi and Lu Junhan, in order not to delay the filming process, the producer directly took 8 cardboard line cards for the guests to draw.

And the first guests of each group must be children.

The first person in Lu Li's group to communicate was Qu Qianqian.

This is obviously after serious and careful analysis by the fathers. The whole process took less than two seconds, and the most simple and rude elimination method was used——

Putting Lu Li in the first place is undoubtedly the trend of the whole team's destruction, but Jian Xiyan can't speak, he is slow in writing, talking and talking, and he is likely to fight with his father behind him, which will also lead to the destruction of the whole team.

After thinking about it, only Qu Qianqian was left.

The producer gave Qu Qianqian the No. 3 line card that she had drawn, and did not forget to remind her: "You only have thirty seconds to memorize, hurry up."

Qu Qianqian already understood the rules of the game, nodded, and turned over the cards she had drawn. She saw a large section of densely packed words with pinyin notes:

[Xiao Ming has a father named Xiaotian, who is very tall. On this day, Xiaotian ate 2 eggs, a slice of bread, and 2 cups of milk for breakfast, and ate 2 bowls of vegetable rice and 1 bowl of old hen stew for lunch. In the afternoon, he also drank a large glass of Coke. I got a big red apple, and when I was bored, I also watched the TV series "My Dad"...]

There is also a long description about going to bed at dinner. Qu Qianqian hasn't had time to read it, and thirty seconds is up.

The producer took the card back and asked Qu Sinian, who was behind Qu Qianqian, to take off his earplugs and blindfolds, and listen to Qu Qianqian's description to him.

The described time is one minute.

Qu Qianqian looked at the back and forgot the front. She frowned and said with all her might:

"my dad……"

Qu Sinian: "..."

? ? ?

Playing so big as soon as you come up?

The audience in the live broadcast room was laughing crazy:

[Xiao Ming: Return my father! ! 】

[Hahaha, that's right, the card clearly says Xiaoming's father! How did you become a singer-songwriter! 】

"I was watching TV," Qu Qianqian obviously remembered the latter part more clearly, "The TV I watched was the TV of My Dad."

Qu Sinian: "..."

[I feel that the actor Qu Ying is confused. Hahaha. Is this the so-called I see myself? 】

[No, the actor Qu shouldn't think that the TV "My Dad" that Baby Qianqian is talking about means watching his own TV, right? 】

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