I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Chapter 823 Pear and Dad's Treasure Hunt (1)

[Eh, it's very possible! After all, if it were me, I would never have imagined that the program team would directly arrange the name of the TV series as "My Dad". It would be too misleading to say this! 】

Qu Qianqian thought for a while, and then said, "Then, you are eating and drinking Coke! Also, you ate an egg in the morning, no, it seems like two eggs and a glass of milk."

After that, Qu Qianqian really couldn't remember anything else. After all, there were too many numbers, and they were all one or two, which was very easy to confuse.

Seeing that he still had time, Qu Sinian directly asked some details: "What kind of rice is rice? Is it white rice? And Coke, is it iced or not?"

When he asked this, Qu Qianqian really remembered: "It's not white rice, it's green cabbage rice!"

Because Qu Qianqian herself likes to eat green cabbage rice very much, when Qu Sinian asked, she remembered, as for cola...

She shook her head, indicating that she really didn't remember this.

But the time had come, and even if she remembered, there was no time to speak.

Qu Sinian combined the last sentence Qu Qianqian said just now, and when he spoke to Xiao Luli, it was already a relatively logical and clear sentence:


Qu Sinian pointed to himself, saying that the protagonist of the story was himself, "At breakfast, I ate two eggs and a glass of milk, and at noon I ate two bowls of green rice, drank a glass of Coke, and watched my own performance. television."

【I wipe! This can also be rounded up by Emperor Qu Yingdi, it's too perverted! 】

[Hey, really, except for some misleading ones, the actor Qu Yingdi has actually made up for the original lines to a large extent. 】

[Ah, ah, I hope Baby Lili can give me a little more power later! 】

As if afraid that Xiao Luli could not remember clearly, in this minute, Qu Sinian repeated the words many times. When it was Xiao Luli's turn, she nodded and began to repeat to her expressionless father with great confidence:

"Dad, look at me!"

The little girl learned Qu Sinian's gesture and pointed to herself.

Qu Sinian: "..."

It seems to be wrong, and it seems to be right.

Lu Junhan lifted his eyelids: "Then?"

"Then," Little Loli said solemnly with a small fat face, "then I ate eggs in the morning, two eggs!"

Lu Junhan: "..."

Do you want to give you an award?

Lu Junhan was expressionless: "Oh, that's great, and then what?"

"And then, I drank a Coke!"

The little girl forgot about the milk without thinking, "At noon, I ate and watched TV."

Lu Junhan frowned slightly: "Just like that?"

Before Lu Junhan put on the blindfold, he looked at the line card that Qu Qianqian had drawn from a distance. There were many words, far from such a simple sentence.

This question stopped the little girl.

She scratched her head with her little hand, and her dark and clear eyelashes flickered in confusion, as if she felt that it was indeed more than that.

After all, Uncle Qu has been talking about it for a long time, but fortunately, the little girl is also unwilling to give up.

She thought about it and said in a milky voice,

"Then, when you saw me on TV, you came over and said, you also want to watch it with others, but if they don't want to, you hit them, and it hurts to beat them. Later, at night, they get angry. I ate five bowls of rice!"

Lu Junhan didn't say anything, but the live broadcast room exploded immediately:

[I wipe, I wipe, baby Lili is a prophecy of God? 】

[Ah, ah, eating five bowls of rice at night, can this be said by her? Could it be that the program team gave her a thorough question in advance! 】

[Hahaha, I think too much upstairs, even if it's really clear, do you think Baby Lili's brain can remember it? 】

[What is the truth upstairs. 】

[At that time, when I saw that baby Qianqian didn’t have time to watch the dinner in the back, and saw that I had five bowls of rice for dinner, I immediately felt that this group was out of play. After all, even if it is made up now, there will be no five bowls of rice. What normal person would do it at night The one who eats five bowls of rice is clearly a hole dug by the show team. I didn't expect that baby Lili is so amazing, and she was hit by it as soon as she said it! 】

[Only I am curious, when baby Lili is angry, can she really eat five bowls of rice? 】

[Maybe it's a very small bowl! Not to mention five bowls, I am afraid I can eat ten bowls. 】

Lu Junhan was very straightforward, pointed at Xiao Luli, and directly relayed Xiao Luli's words to Jian Xiyan behind him.

Jian Xiyan thought for a while, looked at his father who took off his blindfold and earphones, and wrote a few keywords on the writing board:

[Sister Lili, in the morning, I had two Coke eggs, and at noon, I watched the TV fight with my father, and I had a meal. I ate five bowls of rice in the evening. 】

Jian Yi was silent for a while.

Like Lu Junhan, he also directly relayed it.

In addition, in the large group of Zhou Xiaoxiao and theirs, the last person to repeat is Liu Peng.

The most surprising thing for the audience is that Liu Peng and Bai Xinlian seem to have very high IQs and very smart people.

In the third session, Zhou Xiaoxiao and their group didn't remember as much as Lu Li's group, they remembered everything.

But when Zhou Xiaoxiao passed a few words to Bai Xinlian, the other party seemed to have read the line card before, so he directly repeated 60% of the original lines.

When she relayed it to Liu Peng, Liu Peng seemed to be thinking, but the answer she finally said was 80% similar to the line card.

This is unprecedented since the major variety shows played this kind of game, and the accuracy rate is terrifying.

In the end, as expected, Lu Li and the others lost.

Jian Chenglang: "..."

Jian Chenglang: "!!!"


He'd better carry the train and train station all night!

But running can't run, not only can't run, Jian Chenglang must also bite the bullet and hand over the three square tents, which are extremely small and simple, and can't live in people, into Jian Yi's hands one by one with a smile.

Fortunately, Qu Si Nian and the others were already mentally prepared, and the game didn't cost too much for their father. Although the result was not good, the three fathers were in a good mood.

Moreover, this square tent is too simple, so when folded, it is only a tiny bit of size, and it is light as if it has no weight at all. When it is carried up the mountain, it is not difficult at all.

In contrast, although Zhou Xiaoxiao and the others won, there was a large group of giraffe tents behind their backs, like a rock that weighed thousands of pounds. The giraffe's long neck couldn't be tucked back, and could only stand straight behind him, not to mention how weird it was.

The expressions of Bai Xinlian and Liu Peng were also very ugly.

It seems that they didn't expect that the tent they got by cheating and using spells to peek at the lines was so troublesome!

Seeing that Lu Li and the others had already traveled lightly and went out for a distance, while they were still thinking about how to completely stuff the tent into their bags, the two of them couldn't help being annoyed.


Over there, Xiao Luli spread out the map that Jian Cheng Lang had given to each group of guests while walking, and began to ponder.

Before, Jian Chenglang gave each group of guests a map, saying that the program group had buried a lot of treasures on the mountain.

As if afraid that the guests would be too lazy to find the treasure, but went straight up the mountain.

Jian Chenglang also specially reminded that those treasures were some children's toys and food.

In short, if you don't look for treasure, you will have nothing to eat tonight even if you have a tent.

[The game in the front tent is not the point, the description is relatively simple, the treasure hunt is the point! 】

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