I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Chapter 824 Pear and Dad's Treasure Hunt (2)

Jian Cheng Lang gave the guests a color map.

Each of the attractions modules above are depicted in extremely simple and detailed manner.

Even a tiny river, and even a small patch of green grass, are clearly marked on it.

It is very similar to the topographic map of the scenic spot placed at the gate when going to the amusement park in the past.

Even every place with hidden treasures is specially marked with a small red dot.

Anyone with a little IQ can basically understand it.

"Dad, what should I do, people can't understand it."

Xiao Luli turned around and asked her father for help with a bitter face.

Qu Sinian: "..."

Jian Yi: "..."

I don't understand how serious you were just looking at it.

Lu Junhan glanced at the mountain map in her small hand, opened his thin lips lightly, and said directly, "The map is upside down."

Little Lolita widened her eyes, looked at the map in her hand again, and found that it seemed to be the other way around, so she quickly flipped the map back:

"Yeah, why is the map given by Uncle Jian in the opposite direction! No wonder people can't understand it!"

Lu Junhan: "..."

Qu Sinian: "..."

Jian Yi: "..."

Jian Chenglang: "..."

It's you who took it the other way, what about the map I gave you! !

Jian Xiyan, who also held the map upside down next to her, glanced at Xiao Luli. Seeing that she had turned the map upside down, she quickly reversed the map in her hand. Qu Qianqian blinked and followed suit.

Jian Yi: "..."

Qu Sinian: "..."

Jian Chenglang: "..."

Let these three little guys hold the map, let alone dig for treasure, they and their father may not be able to get out of this mountain in this life.

After the little girl reversed the map, she began to think again with a professional spirit and a serious expression like an expert, but this time, it only lasted for two seconds, she scratched her head and said to Lu Junhan eagerly. :

"Dad, people don't seem to understand anymore."

Lu Junhan: "..."

"Dad," Lu Li tilted his head and thought for a while, raised his face, and said in a milky voice, "Did Uncle Jian guide give you the wrong map?"

Jian Chenglang: "..."

Jian Chenglang gritted his teeth, but he had a confused and sultry smile on his face:

"Li Li, have you ever thought that it might not be a problem with the map?"

Little Loli widened her eyes and said in surprise, "Is that your problem, Uncle Jian?"

Without waiting for Jian Chenglang to answer, she trotted in front of Jian Chenglang, raised her little fat face, and said in surprise:

"Uncle Jian, you really gave us the wrong map? Where is the real map? Can my dad and I understand it? If we don't understand, can you change a map that both my dad and I can understand? ?"

Jian Chenglang: "..."

The audience in the live broadcast room went crazy with laughter.

This series of questions directly caught Jian Chenglang by surprise. In the next second, he clasped his fists with both hands: "Okay! You won! See you again!"

Having said that, Jian Cheng Lang ran away without saying a word.

Leaving the little girl alone, she turned her head to look at Lu Junhan in confusion, scratched her head, and said confusedly, "Dad, did Uncle Jian guide him to find the real map for us?"

Qu Sinian: "..."

Jian Yi: "..."

Lu Junhan looked at Jian Chenglang's fast back, and said in a light voice, "No, he's not in good health, so he went for a run."

Qu Sinian: "..."

Jian Yi: "..."

Xiao Luli really believed it. In order not to disturb Jian Chenglang's running and exercising, the little girl had to reluctantly use the "fake map" in her hand.

Fortunately, although she, Xiyan brother and Qianqian sister didn't understand the map very well.

But adults like Dad, Uncle Jian, and Uncle Qu can understand it.

After a while, they dug out a large bottle of mineral water wrapped in a plastic bag film from a sand pit not far away.

Xiao Luli held the large bottle of mineral water, and Xiao Nianyin said happily, "Dad, look, we have water to drink!"

That small appearance is simply happier than digging out a million.

Qu Qianqian also dug up something next to her: "Sister Lili! There are cups here! There are so many cups!"

Qu Qianqian dug out a long disposable cup.

And Jian Xiyan also came back, holding a pack of straws with at least thirty straws in his hand.

At this moment, Liu Peng and Bai Xinlian also followed, but they were the only ones who followed.

While Zhou Xiaoxiao and the others were still fighting against the cumbersome and cumbersome giraffe tent.

Liu Peng and Bai Xinlian saw that Lu Junhan and the others had already climbed the mountain and went further and further. Without thinking, they gave up the heavy giraffe tent they had just won in the game.

Directly carry an empty backpack that the show team sent to each guest.

Holding the treasure map, I followed it up the mountain.

The purpose of the show that Liu Peng and Bai Xinlian came to participate in this time was not to increase their popularity and become popular in the entertainment circle.

They made Liu Peng and Bai Xinlian, who were originally in this world, into puppets.

Instead of them, there is a legitimate identity that Jian Chenglang can't find wrong to participate in this show.

It took so much trouble to get close contact with Lu Li and completely kill her who was likely to be Little Master Fu herself or her puppet.

That's right, Liu Peng is the man in black who appeared at the Lu family banquet before.

And Bai Xinlian was the ruthless woman in white.

They came all the way from Haicheng to Sanya in order to deal with Lu Li and completely get rid of Lu Li, a person they all suspected.

As for the gray-robed old man, he continued to stay in Haicheng with his subordinates.

They probed the pregnant women and the three- or four-year-old girls in Haicheng to find out the true whereabouts of Little Master Fu. At the same time, they found a way to kill Pei Xiubai, the reincarnation of Ye Heng.

In short, they will never let Little Master Fu and Yeheng return to the sky alive!

Originally it was just a tent. No matter how heavy it was, it would hinder the speed of progress, but Liu Peng and Bai Xinlian only needed to move their spells a little, and the extremely heavy tent behind their backs would immediately become paper-like. light.

At that time, it will not be a big problem to carry the tent up the mountain again.

But now it is live broadcast. Before coming, Liu Peng and Bai Xinlian also learned about this variety show on the Internet.

The current popularity is amazing, not only many domestic fans, but also many foreign fans are watching.

This also led to their every move at the moment, under multiple pairs of eyes.

In case they cast spells, or disguise poorly, these audiences find out that they are wrong, and they suspect them, causing widespread riots such as "there may really be gods in the world", and disrupting the world. order.

It will be easy to disturb the heaven.

Once Tiandao was disturbed, Tiandao discovered that they had smuggled into this world.

Not to mention killing Yeheng and Lu Li, they will probably be sent out of this world as soon as possible!

Therefore, Liu Peng and Bai Xinlian threw the tent directly and followed Lu Junhan closely, waiting for the opportunity to kill Lu Li.

Soon, this opportunity will come.

【and also! The update this month is not stable, I said it before, there are too many things, sorry sorry ha]

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