I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Chapter 854 Unless it is blind, it cannot see

He said so, those subordinates naturally did not dare to delay.

But the magic weapon to supplement the luck is rare and precious. They smashed it desperately on Xuan Lao as if they didn't want money before. Now there are few magic weapons left in their hands.

The subordinates looked at the only two remaining magic weapons and fell into a dilemma. These two magic weapons were used to save their lives, just in case, unless it was a last resort, Xuan Lao told them not to use them.

But looking at Elder Xuan whose life was hanging by a thread in front of him, his subordinates finally gritted their teeth and used the remaining two magic weapons with a ruthless heart!

Sure enough, after the luck was supplemented and improved, Xuan Lao was black and blue, and his face that did not look like a living person instantly revealed a bit of the blood of a living person, and his physical condition and various indicators were gradually improving.

The subordinates breathed a sigh of relief.

A bunch of people who were worried about Xuan's situation entered the room.

Everyone looked at the old man on the bed worriedly, but no one noticed. At the end of the team, one of them looked at the old Xuan who was full of luck and had a faint golden aura. His fair and delicate face showed a strong greed. look.

Jiang Xue used 30% of her luck to successfully infiltrate her subordinate's team. Under the system's instructions, she even sneaked into the room of Elder Xuan, who had a lot of luck.

What these people don't know is that, in fact, Elder Xuan woke up once just now.

It was forced to wake up by Jiang Xue using an item card.

As soon as Elder Xuan woke up, his brain was still awake, and he suddenly saw Jiang Xue wearing a white robe with a serious expression beside the bed, and thought it was the doctor who came to treat him.

It just so happened that Jiang Xue also softly asked about various conditions of his body, asking him how he was feeling, whether he was feeling sick, and played the role of a doctor to the extreme.

Elder Xuan was not suspicious of her. He was probably overconfident. It was absolutely impossible for outsiders to get in in their base camp.

Therefore, he trusted Jiang Xue very much, and under Jiang Xue's inquiry, he explained his feelings one by one.

It's not that there is no reason for Elder Xuan to cooperate like this. He wants to get better soon, and then he can kill Lu Li with his own hands!

With the case of Pei Xiubai, it is not difficult to guess that the one-time rebound ban on Lu Li must have also failed.

As long as he gets better and uses his soul power a little bit, he can completely kill Lu Li!

So, with Elder Xuan's wholehearted cooperation and trust, Jiang Xue sucked most of the air out of Elder Xuan's body in just a few minutes.

If it wasn't for Elder Xuan who discovered the abnormality of the rapid loss of luck in his body at the end, he suspected that Jiang Xue had done something, and he was wary of her.

Otherwise, Jiang Xue was afraid that he would be able to absorb all the luck in Xuan Lao's body at one time, and let Xuan Lao's soul fly away.

But Jiang Xue did not please.

Originally, the luck she had absorbed from Elder Xuan had increased her own luck value from 30% to over 80%. Unfortunately, before the air luck value reached 90%, the other party discovered the problem. With all her strength, she gave her a fatal blow.

In order to block this blow full of soul power, Jiang Xue had to spend 50% of her luck value to help the rescue system.

So, in the end, after Old Xuan exhausted all his strength, he fainted again.

With the help of the system, Jiang Xue blocked the terrifying blow, and her luck value dropped from more than 80% to more than 30%.

In short, she took a lot of trouble to avoid the crowd and only got less than 10% of the luck value.

How could Jiang Xue be reconciled.

But Jiang Xue couldn't help it no matter how unwilling she was.

The indicators on Xuan Lao's body are probably monitored at any time. Once the situation deteriorates, someone will immediately find out, and it will not take long for someone to rush to this room.

For this, Jiang Xue had to spend 5% of her luck value to let the system find a way to trap those people, buy time, and let her get out of the room.

In this way, Jiang Xue's visit here not only didn't earn her luck value, but also lost a little luck value.

The system even desperately issued a warning in her mind, asking her to pay attention to her luck value.

This undoubtedly annoyed her.

At this moment, I saw that Elder Xuan's body was full of luck, and even the luck was so strong that his body was emitting a dazzling light.

She was like someone who had been walking in the desert for a long time, and suddenly saw a bottle of water, her eyes were astonishingly bright, and the bottom of her eyes showed that she was bound to win.

Jiang Xue's breathing was a little short, and her face was frantic.

If, if she can absorb all the air luck from Xuan Lao, the air luck value on her body will definitely reach over 90%!

She is just one step away from the omnipotent heaven!

Jiang Xue really wanted to throw herself at Elder Xuan in front of everyone, but she couldn't.

She now has very little luck, only 26%, which is just a little bit luckier than 20% of ordinary people.

Being able to hide in the crowd quietly and not be discovered is already considered extremely lucky.

If she went out rashly like this, being watched by so many people, and being scrutinized by so many people, someone would definitely find out that she was not one of them!

The higher the luck value, the more people will be avoided, and the greater the chance of being undetected.

These can only be achieved if the luck value is high enough.

It's a pity that her luck value storage card has long been used up, and there is no extra luck to replenish, so she can only get it from others.

Unless her luck value reaches more than 30%, it is possible to avoid others.

Now she is 30% away from her, and she is only 4% worse in luck.

As long as she gains a little bit of someone's trust and plunders it from him, she can get it.

Jiang Xue's eyes flickered slightly, she looked at the people in the room wearing various robes, trying to find someone who looked stupid and easy to trust others.

But before he could find it out, Jiang Xue, who was standing at the end of the line and stood outside the door of the room, was suddenly reminded by the system in his mind.

【someone is coming. 】

She was stunned for a moment, then turned her head, and Yu Guang suddenly caught a glimpse of two little guys hiding behind a pillar not far away.

Both Pei Xiubai and Lu Li were very lucky. On the way, they didn't meet anyone at all. They were hiding very close to the room, but no one in the room noticed their existence.

Even several of the wise subordinates among them did not notice their arrival.

You can see how lucky they are.

Jiang Xue didn't notice it at first.

But the system is always sensitive to people with strong luck, and it can see the level of luck in each person.

From the system's point of view, Pei Xiubai's existence is not to mention how obvious, from a distance, there is a large group of dazzling golden light hidden behind the pillars, and it is difficult to ignore.

It cannot see unless it is blind.

The system said in a timely manner: [The young man next to Lu Li has a very high air luck, at least 40% air luck by visual inspection, um...]

The system suddenly got stuck, as if it was lost and confused.

Jiang Xue frowned: "What?"

The system murmured: [Strange, this is not his highest... I looked at his legs, and the luck value on them was as high as 65%! 】

[There will be another update tomorrow, good night. 】

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