I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Chapter 855 let us be invisible

Jiang Xue looked over, frowning very tightly.

She said, "How can there be two types of luck in a person?"

The system is also very confused: [This is the first time I have seen this situation. 】

Jiang Xue looked at Pei Xiubai. Although this young man was young, just by looking at his indifferent and indifferent face, he knew that he was extremely difficult to mess with.

This kind of person has always been much more vigilant than others, and if they want to gain their trust, every ten days and a half months, they really can't get it.

On the other hand, the little girl next to him looked stupid, simple and deceitful, not aggressive at all, as if anyone could abduct her if she gave her a piece of candy.

Soon, Jiang Xue set the target on Lu Li.

Jiang Xue asked, "How much luck does Lu Li have now?"

The system didn't detect it before, but I guessed that Lu Junhan's Qi Luck value was so high, and Lu Li had frequent contact with him, so his Qi Luck value must not be low.

The system checked it hard for a long time, and finally got discouraged: [Still can't see it. 】

Probably in order to save his face, the system added: [But the luck value on her body will never be lower than 30%! 】

You know, Lu Junhan's qi luck value is as high as 70%. This level of qi qi can already make the people around him more or less contaminated with some qi luck. Lu Li often contacts Lu Junhan. Her qi luck The value is definitely higher than 30%.

The system guessed that it was most likely that the luck value on Lu Li did not belong to her, but to her father. It just didn't detect how much it was.

Of course, the system never imagined that there will be people in this world with a high level of luck and can escape its detection anytime, anywhere.

Because such a person cannot exist at all, unless this person is the Dao of Heaven, or has the qualifications to become the Dao of Heaven.

After all, the secret has always been unseen.

Unless you pay a terrible price.

What Jiang Xue wanted was not the amount of luck on Lu Li's body, but whether there was enough luck for her to absorb.

Knowing that the luck value on Lu Li's body is not less than 30%, it is completely enough to make up for her 4% air luck value.

Jiang Xue's eyes flashed slightly.

No hesitation.

Wearing a white robe, she secretly left the team and walked in the direction of Pei Xiubai and Lu Li.

Jiang Xue approached Pei Xiubai and the others step by step.

Behind the pillar, Pei Xiubai's eyes became more and more cold, staring at her getting closer and closer, holding a dagger in his hand, his body was ready to go like a cheetah, trying to strike first.

Seeing this, Jiang Xue did not dare to step forward, but with an eager face, she said softly to them:

"Don't hide here, they will find out. I am the doctor here. If you believe me, come with me and I can take you out."

Pei Xiubai didn't move, the ghostly delicate face showed no emotion, and the dagger in his hand didn't let go. Obviously, he didn't believe Jiang Xue's words.

Jiang Xue was not annoyed, but still said softly, "I know you were captured by them, and I also know that you want to escape. I can help you, as long as you believe me."

Pei Xiubai naturally wouldn't believe it easily, he looked straight at Jiang Xue and asked the most crucial question: "Why do you want to help us?"

Judging from Jiang Xue's clothes, it was obvious that he was in the same group as Elder Xuan's subordinates.

Jiang Xue bit her lip, as if she was a little embarrassed, but she finally gritted her teeth and said:

"Let me tell you this, in fact, I don't like their indiscriminate killing of innocent people, but I can't shake so many people by myself, I can only save one."

With that said, Jiang Xue looked back at the room over there and hurriedly said:

"There's no time, they're coming out, we have to leave quickly, otherwise, I'm afraid we won't be able to leave later!"

Since Jiang Xue has the system, not to mention other skills, gaining the trust of others is completely at your fingertips.

She has gained trust and their luck from all kinds of people, she knows what to say to who, and it is easier to approach them.

That's right, Jiang Xue deliberately created a tense atmosphere.

This kind of urgency, when people will find out at any time, the more anxious and flustered, the less time there is for people to think too much.

Naturally, what Jiang Xue said was what it was.

Sure enough, in desperation, Pei Xiubai couldn't take care of it anymore, turned his head and motioned for Xiao Luli to follow Jiang Xue.

Jiang Xue was overjoyed. He didn't expect that Pei Xiubai looked shrewd and not easy to mess with, but in fact, it was nothing more than that.

It is also too young and too young, and has not experienced much sinister human hearts, so it is so easy to believe others.

Jiang Xue slightly hooked her red lips.

That's fine, for things like luck value, she has always thought too little rather than too much. Pei Xiubai is so easy to take the bait, but it is very convenient for her.

After all, Pei Xiubai has more than 40% of his luck value.

There is no need for Pei Xiubai to trust her wholeheartedly, as long as Pei Xiubai believes in her a little bit, she can steal luck from Pei Xiubai.

So Jiang Xue couldn't wait to ask: "System, how much trust does Pei Xiubai have in me?"

Before the system spoke, Jiang Xue saw that Pei Xiubai was docile and completely trusted, followed her appearance, paused, and said, "No need, just grab the luck value from him!"

Just like Pei Xiubai, it is clear that he trusts her very much. Naturally, there is no need to do this again and ask for the degree of trust.

The system apparently thinks so too.

But the next second, the system in Jiang Xue's mind sounded the alarm one after another:

【warn! warn! ! The luck value obtained this time is 0, the target character, Pei Xiubai's trust level is 0, please change the target character immediately, please change the target character immediately! ! ! 】

What? !

Jiang Xue suddenly widened her eyes.

Jiang Xue said to the system in disbelief: "How is this possible! Did you make a mistake..."

Before Jiang Xue could finish her words, an extremely sharp knife was suddenly pushed against her back. Even if she couldn't see it, she could feel the piercing chill from the knife.

In an instant, Jiang Xue didn't dare to move.

But just as Jiang Xue stopped, two more knives landed behind her.

——From a certain little loli who looks at Pei Xiubai, draws scoops according to the gourd, and draws inferences from one thing at the same time.

The little girl was holding two knives in her hands. She was not tall enough, and the tips of the knives just pierced Jiang Xue's legs, but she was very imposing, like a little bandit.

Xiaozui snorted in a milky voice: "Bad man! Don't move! Move and poke your ass!"

Pei Xiubai: "..."

Jiang Xue: "..."


Where the fuck is this rascal from!

Pei Xiubai, who was behind him, changed his previous docility and opened his mouth coldly.

The first opening was an order: "Let's be invisible."

Since they are a group, the stealth spells of the Xuan elders will definitely be used by their subordinates.

Even if not, he needs it now, and she must give it to him!

[Some people don't know what Jiang Xue did when he came out, but he is actually an invisible tool man! Ahem, let’s get down to business, Jiang Xue was written in the outline earlier, and it will involve the subsequent plot, promote the plot, and involve heaven, all of which need such a person to carry out. 】

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