I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Chapter 857 She is actually the little master Fu! !

There are very few magic weapons to maintain air luck, and they don't bring many to this world.

In the group, only Xuan Lao, the left protector, and the right protector can use it.

Doctor Baipao, as one of Elder Xuan's many subordinates, naturally couldn't use a magic weapon to maintain the luck of his soul.

Therefore, if their subordinates want to stay in this world and not be rejected by this world, they can only find a human body to live in in order to stay in this world for a long time.

In other words, if she was accidentally killed by Pei Xiubai now.

Although her soul will not suffer any injuries, she will be immediately rejected from this world, and then discovered by Heavenly Dao, and will be punished extremely severely.

In this way, it is almost like death.

The white-robed woman didn't dare to joke about her life. Seeing that the tip of the knife was approaching, she couldn't care too much, and she didn't even have time to pinch the magic, so she stumbled and avoided the side in embarrassment.

But even so, her arm was slashed blood red by Pei Xiubai's dagger!

The woman in white robe gritted her teeth, seeing Pei Xiubai's stab in the air, followed by another savage stab, she didn't give her a chance to react at all. In desperation, the woman in white robe could only dodge desperately, even pinching spells, There is no time to call other people over.

On the contrary, it was extremely embarrassing to hide!

Close combat without spells is undoubtedly beneficial to Pei Xiubai.

He didn't want to fight, he just made a fake move. After the white-robed woman dodged, the dagger in his hand suddenly turned in a different direction. The sharp and bright blade stabbed the white-robed woman's eyes, and clearly showed the stunned look at the bottom of her eyes. .

The inevitable dagger was about to pierce her neck.

The blood temperature of the woman in white robe instantly faded.

However, at this moment, a yellowish spell came straight at it, turning the dagger in Pei Xiubai's hand into powder!

Obviously, the grey-robed man who was knocked unconscious by Pei Xiubai woke up!

Probably because of the soul power in his body, the gray-robed man who should have been in a coma for more than three hours, regained consciousness within a few minutes after the restoration of the soul power in his body.

Pei Xiu's white pupils sank.


If I had known this, he should have wiped his neck with a knife before!

The white-robed woman had a happy expression on her face, and without thinking, she shouted at the gray-robed man, "Catch him! He wants to kill Elder Xuan!"

The woman in white robe is not stupid. Since Pei Xiubai escaped from the room, not only did he not want to get out of this room, but he went to Elder Xuan's room in secret. It was because he saw that Elder Xuan was seriously ill and wanted to take this opportunity to kill Elder Xuan. .

Naturally, their subordinates would not agree.

The gray-robed man's expression turned cold, and he was about to cast a spell.

Pei Xiubai's eyes turned cold, knowing that it was not advisable to stay here for a long time. For the convenience of fighting, he brought a knife on his body. Now that knife was destroyed by magic, only powder was left. .

Moreover, the gray-robed man is also awake now, and the situation is very unfavorable for them.

The white-robed woman was killed by Pei Xiubai just now, and she was very embarrassed to hide. Now that the situation has turned around, she quickly recited a spell, trying to arrest Pei Xiubai and tortured her so that she could express her bad breath.

Seeing this, Pei Xiubai didn't care too much, he could only deal with the doctor in white robe in time, and he kicked the woman in white robe who was chanting the curse to the ground.

In this way, there is no doubt that the gray-robed man will be left behind.

And this man in gray robe prefers not to die. He was going to enter the room and kill Pei Xiubai and Lu Li. Unfortunately, he was called away by the two men who were called away by Elder Xuan's illness. Now, seeing Pei Xiubai in This.

The man in gray robe naturally wouldn't be merciful, he had accumulated a mass of soul power, and he was about to kill Pei Xiubai completely.

When Pei Xiubai was fighting against the white-robed woman, he naturally saw the yellowish but extremely powerful soul power in his hand from the corner of his eye. There is the possibility of being blown away!


The gray-robed man sneered: "Today is your day of death!"

With that said, the gray-robed man was about to attack Pei Xiubai with his soul power.

But in the next second, the soul power did not wave from the gray-robed man's hand, instead, a loud bang came from the gray-robed man's neck.

His expression was stunned, but his body was swaying violently, and then he fell directly to the ground!

The woman in white robe was stunned, what's going on?

Soon, she waved her hand over there and knew it!

It turned out that Pei Xiubai was not the only one who came in stealthily!

I saw a cute little loli standing on the chair, and the little loli was holding an iron bed leg...

The white-robed woman's pupils shrank fiercely.

It turned out to be Lu Li!

Yes, Pei Xiubai can escape, why can't Lu Li!

She was careless!

Obviously, just like Pei Xiubai, the one who knocked the back of the grey robe man's neck was her!

Maybe it's not too tall, the little girl can only climb on the chair and knock.

Before she could knock people unconscious, the little girl climbed down from the chair again, hugged the legs of the bed, and acted as a stick.

Hit it, and the little mouth hummed angrily:

"You are not allowed to bully Brother Xiu Bai! No! No!! No!!!"

Wait a minute.

The white-robed woman's gaze was fixed on the leg of the bed in her hand.

bed legs?

Where did the bed legs come from? !

The woman in white robe widened her eyes, as if thinking of something.

Sure enough, when he turned his head and saw that the bed that Elder Xuan slept on had collapsed by a quarter.

One of the legs of the bed was violently broken off.

Woman in white robe: "..."

Pei Xiubai: "..."

If Lu Qidong was here, he would definitely praise the little girl softly, she is a person who does big things quietly.

In the few seconds that the white-robed woman was stunned, Pei Xiubai took out a knife from the wholesale bag that the little girl was carrying.

Before the white-robed woman could react, Pei Xiubai stabbed her in the neck ruthlessly!

Blood splattered from her neck, staining Pei Xiubai, and even her own eyes.

The white-robed woman's pupils widened, but she didn't have the chance to resist. She fell down like this, but before she fell, her consciousness completely plunged into darkness.

She seemed to see something out of the corner of her eye, and her breathing suddenly became rapid for a few minutes, as if she wanted to struggle...

Master Fu!

Lu Li!

Lu Li is the little master Fu!

She is actually the little master Fu! !

The white-robed woman's fingers trembled violently, pointing at Lu Li, as if she was going to kill her, but in the end, her vitality dissipated due to excessive blood loss, and she fell heavily on the ground.

Pei Xiubai noticed the sight of the woman in the white robe and followed.

I saw the fair skin on the back of the neck of the little loli who was bending over to beat the bad guy.

I don't know when, there is a strange and coquettish red pattern like blood.

That is……

Pei Xiubai's eyes narrowed fiercely.

A lively little koi with a tail like layers of veil.

——It's exactly the same as the one he caught at Pei's house before.

[Yes, the pattern is the seal! The more complete and red the pattern, the weaker the seal. 】

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