What the hell is going on here?

Pei Xiubai pursed his thin lips, his dark and deep eyes changed, and many possibilities flashed through his mind quickly.

Suddenly, he remembered what the little girl had said before—

[People are fish. 】


Pei Xiubai's eyes suddenly darkened a bit, he stepped forward, just about to ask the little girl to clarify.

Suddenly, there was a slight noise from the bed that had collapsed by a quarter, which directly attracted all his attention.

He turned his head to the side and saw Elder Xuan who was waking up over there, his face was extra icy, the ghostly delicate eyebrows showed an unspeakable gloom, and the tip of the dagger clenched in his hand was dripping with red blood.

He narrowed his eyes directly.

He had forgotten that there was still one of the biggest troubles yet to be resolved.

When Elder Xuan opened his eyes and woke up, he immediately noticed something was wrong. The corner of the bed seemed to collapse.

He was lying on the bed in a weird and awkward posture of "slipping down but not going down". To a large extent, he was forced to wake up by this strange and tortured posture.

Elder Xuan frowned, wondering what happened.

Little Loli naturally heard the sound too.

She tilted her head and glanced in the direction of Elder Xuan with clear black eyes.

Seeing that Elder Xuan was awake, she blinked several times, and then she remembered that the "tool" in her hand was borrowed by Elder Xuan.

Immediately, he stopped hitting the grey-robed man, and hurried back with his short legs.

Looking at Elder Xuan on the bed, he whispered, "I'm sorry, Grandpa, they didn't take your things on purpose, don't be afraid, they will give you back now."

Saying that, under the unbelievable gaze of Elder Xuan, who had just woken up after opening her eyes, she didn't know how she escaped from the room.

Little Lolita walked directly to the head of the bed, raised the quarter of the bed that collapsed with her little hand, and neatly put the leg of the bed in her hand upright on the ground.

With a click, the corner of the raised bed fell down and was pressing against the upright leg of the bed.

There is borrowing and repayment, and it is not difficult to borrow again.

Little Loli knows this.

With such a lift and a release, Elder Xuan's body swayed several times.

He almost didn't rip out his internal organs!

But in the end, the foot of the bed was also unstable, and before Elder Xuan recovered from the bumps, with a "boom", the corner of the bed collapsed again.

Xuan Lao was flipped again.

Elder Xuan: "..."

Little Loli was shocked.

Is this grandpa so fat?

The bed was broken by him.

Rao was tossing and bumping, but Xuan Lao's eyes were not blind. He could clearly see that on the white back of the neck, which was not covered by the hair, the little loli with two small ponytails, that unusually vivid and lifelike red brocade carp……

Xuan Lao's old and turbid pupils shrank suddenly, and he shouted out in shock.

"Little Master Fu!"

He said angrily:

"It turns out that you are Master Fu!"

the other side.

Seeing that Xuan Lao's eyes were attracted by the little girl, Pei Xiubai, who was holding the dagger and quietly approaching Xuan Lao, saw this, his eyes suddenly sank, and without thinking, he raised the dagger and stabbed him hard into Xuan Lao's heart. down!

But it was too late.

After Elder Xuan knew that Lu Li was the little master Fu, his face instantly became extremely sinister, and when he raised his hand, it was a severe blow.

Almost without even thinking about it, the huge soul power went directly towards the little girl's body!

Elder Xuan never thought that Lu Li was the little master Fu!

It's no wonder that the left and right guardians couldn't kill her!

Just because she is the little master Fu, she is the most qualified person to become the Dao of Heaven!

How easy is it to die!

Elder Xuan was almost healed by the doctor before, and his qi fortune was strong enough, and his spirit power recovered seven to eighty-eight.

This blow took ten percent of his strength, showing how strong and eager he was to kill Lu Li!

The moment Pei Xiubai's dagger plunged into Elder Xuan's chest, Elder Xuan's huge soul power also rushed in front of the ignorant and innocent little girl.

Xuan Lao is the body of the soul. Although ordinary human daggers can make him bleed and seriously injure him, they cannot kill him. Even if the dagger smashes his heart, he will not die. With soul power, these wounds will be repaired.

Elder Xuan raised his hand contemptuously and waved away Pei Xiubai who was next to him, ignoring the pain in his chest and the warmth of the blood gushing out, and laughed happily.

He will not die.

But Lu Li will.

Lu Li's "Soul Power Rebound" forbidden technique that can only be used once has been used up long ago, and she can't resist another soul power attack!

There is only one fate for her, and that is death!

Once she dies, their mission to this world this time will be completed, and the biggest threat to the Lord in the future will naturally be gone!

How could Elder Xuan not laugh happily!

But in the next second, he couldn't laugh anymore, his old pupils were full of indescribable panic and fear!

"No! No!! It's impossible!"

I saw that after the huge soul power rushed into Lu Li's body, not only did it not let Lu Li's soul fly away, but instead bounced back with 15 times the strength!

The forbidden technique of rebounding soul power on Lu Li did not disappear!

15 times the soul power is enough to destroy two or even three of him. Even at the peak of the Lord's strength, he couldn't display so much soul power!

Elder Xuan panicked and wanted to run away!

But it's too late.

The black soul power dashed straight into Xuan Lao's body, and in an instant, his body was torn into countless pieces.

After that, those fragments gradually became transparent and dissipated between heaven and earth.

No matter who is here, when they see this scene, they will think of one word - soul-shattering.

Pei Xiubai, who was pushed away by Elder Xuan, slammed into the wall and spit out a large mouthful of blood, couldn't hold it any longer, and fell into a deep coma.

Lu Junhan and Pei Mingzhi's people found the villa where Elder Xuan and the others were.

Actually, they got here very early.

But outside the villa, Elder Xuan had already cast a blind eye. Without the guidance of the people in the villa, ordinary people could not get in at all.

As soon as Elder Xuan died, the blindness outside the villa naturally disappeared.

Only then did Lu Junhan and Pei Mingzhi's people find the exact location of the villa.

Knowing that Elder Xuan was dead, and that Elder Xuan's soul was scattered, was too unusual and sensational, and it was not something that would happen in this world at all.

Tiandao has discovered that they secretly used magic weapons to enter this world.

Elder Xuan's subordinates did not dare to act rashly.

You can only use the magic weapon, and quickly return to the heaven to report to the Lord, and then make plans for the future.

Therefore, after Lu Junhan and the others arrived at the villa, they took full precautions.

After all, this villa is the old nest of the mastermind behind the strange and mysterious disappearance case that has been causing a lot of uproar in Haicheng recently.

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