I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Chapter 868 The trust value in you is indeed only 0

Jiang Xue smiled happily:

"But fortunately, your relatives came in time, otherwise we were all imprisoned in the extremely dangerous situation at that time. If they didn't come, I really don't know what to do."

It stands to reason that in Jiang Xue's prediction, what she said would definitely bring back Lu Anran's painful memories in the villa room before, and arouse Lu Anran's deep gratitude to her.

It didn't take long for Lu Anran's eyes to turn red with sadness, and then he opened up his heart and talked to her, and as he talked, Lu Anran would have further trust in her.

But after Jiang Xue finished speaking, she waited for a while, but saw that Lu Anran's eyes were not red and she didn't say anything, and she didn't show any emotion or emotion on her expression, she just looked at her silently.

Rao Jiang Xue, who has seen countless people, can't see what she is thinking in her heart now.

But Jiang Xue did not give up so easily.

She had easily snatched luck from Lu Anran before, and tasted the sweetness of absorbing a huge amount of luck.

Therefore, when she came to the ward, she decided to be more ruthless, absorbing 90% of Lu Anran's luck.

Before getting in touch with Lu Anran and absorbing her luck, it is natural to gain her trust as much as possible.

Of course, as for what will happen to Lu Anran who has lost his luck, it is not within Jiang Xue's consideration.

"Hey, forget it, I'd better not talk about this kind of bad thing, I'll be annoyed if I talk about you."

Jiang Xue sighed, seeing that Lu Anran didn't respond, she immediately changed the subject, and said with concern:

"Sister An Ran, how are you doing now? Do you feel better?"

Lu Anran was silent for a while, then sat up from the hospital bed, she was not weak, it was just that pregnant women were lethargic.

Hearing this, he finally nodded.

Seeing her reaction, Jiang Xue was overjoyed, and went over to tuck her in the quilt, and seemed to inadvertently approach her further: "Hey, by the way, Sister An Ran, where is your family? Why aren't they here?"

At this time, Xiao Luli finally found her mobile phone under the sofa. Hearing this, she quickly got up from the ground, and the little milk said in a hurry:

"Yes, yes! Auntie, I'm not here, she's still here!"

When Jiang Xue asked this question, she originally wanted to talk to Lu Anran more, so as to get closer to each other. Seeing that Lu Li answered instead of Lu Anran, Lu Anran didn't refute her intention to speak, obviously acquiescing. Inevitably I was a little annoyed.

But on the surface, Jiang Xue still knows how to do it. She smiled and said to Lu Li:

"Sorry, Auntie came in in a hurry and didn't see you."

With that said, Jiang Xue turned her head again, and smiled at Lu Anran:

"Is this your child?"

Speaking of little Lu Li, Lu Anran obviously had something to say, she shook her head and said softly: "She is my brother's child."

"Oh, it's your little niece," Jiang Xue smiled, "No wonder she looks so similar to you, and she's also so pretty. Sister An Ran, you are also lucky to have such a beautiful little niece."

Finally, Lu Anran had a rare smile on his face.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Jiang Xue stretched out her hand, stroked the messy hair on Lu Anran's forehead, and said a few good things to Lu Anran about little Lu Li. The system said:

"System, absorb Lu Anran's luck!"

Jiang Xue didn't expect that things would go so smoothly, Lu Li went to find her mobile phone, without her to bother people, and Lu Anran was just as she thought, before saying a few words, she was full of smiles, Trust her more.

The system couldn't wait for a long time: [Yes. 】

The smile on Jiang Xue's fair face widened, and her heart was almost bursting with laughter, but there was unconcealable contempt and contempt hidden deep in her eyes.

Lu Anran was just as she thought, a fool.

It's still the kind of idiot who was fooled once and will be fooled a second time!

But in the next second, Jiang Xue couldn't laugh anymore, and even her expression became very stiff.

System: [Warning! warn! ! Lu Anran's trust value is 0, and he cannot absorb his luck. 】

System: [Warning! warn! Ask the host to grab Lu Anran's trust value in time, the countdown is five seconds. 】

System: [Warning! warn! ! Ask the host to grab Lu Anran's trust value in time, the countdown is three seconds. 】

System: [Warning! warn! ! ! Ask the host to grab Lu Anran's trust value in time, the countdown is one second. 】

System: [Ding——]

System: [After appraisal, the absorption of Lu Anran's luck value failed this time, and the host, Jiang Xue, consumed 2% of the luck value. 】

Jiang Xue's expression changed suddenly.

what happened!

How could Lu Anran's trust value be 0!

Jiang Xue: "System, what's going on? Could it be that you made a mistake in the detection?"

In the room of the villa before, she had only said a few words to Lu Anran. Driven by her own kindness, Lu Anran showed the greatest kindness to her, a strange pregnant woman who was also locked up.

At that time, Lu Anran had more than 50% trust in her!

This time she said a lot to Lu Anran, and without conscience, she praised Lu Li several times. With Lu Anran's kind and helpful character, shouldn't she trust her more?

How can the trust value be 0?

Jiang Xue said decisively:

"I don't agree! You must have made a mistake in the test! How could Lu Anran's trust value be only 0!"

Even the system felt strange, but it still said in a business-like manner:

【I've checked it five times, Lu Anran's trust value for you is indeed only 0! 】

If it wasn't for the negative trust value, the system would even suspect that Lu Anran, like Lu Qidong, had already regarded Jiang Xue as the biggest enemy to guard against. Not only did she not have any trust in Jiang Xue, but she was even full of suspicion and vigilance towards her. explore.

Jiang Xue: "Impossible! You must have made a mistake!"

Jiang Xue still doesn't believe it, Lu Anran is not as smart as her father Lu Qidong, she is a scheming old fox, not as powerful and unfathomable as her brother Lu Junhan.

She, Lu Anran, was just a naive young lady who was doted on by thousands of people and didn't know much about the world.

How could the trust value be the same as her father and her brother, only 0!

But soon, Jiang Xue knew that the system hadn't lied to her.

No matter how Lu Anran is an ignorant young lady, no matter how kind and gentle she is, she is also from the Lu family.

In her bones, there are real, extraordinary and powerful genes of the Lu family.

I saw Lu Anran still staring at Jiang Xue in silence for a few seconds, and finally seemed impatient, and suddenly said coldly, directly interrupting Jiang Xue's hypocritical praise:

"...that's all you want to tell me?"

Jiang Xue was stunned: "What?"

Lu Anran didn't play around with her, and said coldly, "Tell me, what did you do to me in the room before?"

Lu Anran is kind, but she is not stupid.

She was obviously a good person before, but after meeting Jiang Xue and before she had spoken a few words to her, her body was failing.

There is no Jiang Xue playing tricks here, who would believe it.

[Hmm... I was wrong, it should be Lili who is going to abuse Jiang Xue, and after the abuse of Jiang Xue, it is the system. 】

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