I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Chapter 869 What did you do to me?

At that time, Lu Anran wanted to grab Jiang Xue and ask him clearly——

She suspected that Jiang Xue recognized her identity and poisoned her.

But who knew that there was a severe cramping pain in the abdomen, and there was heavy bleeding from below, and his whole body collapsed instantly, and he didn't even have the strength to open his eyes, let alone turning his head to question Jiang Xue.

After the operation was done and out of the operating room, Lu Anran's body and mood finally recovered, and as soon as he relaxed, a deep sense of sleepiness hit him.

Lu Anran wanted to talk to Yu Zheng about Jiang Xue, but couldn't do it, so she fell asleep.

In desperation, she could only rest for a while, and then find a way to call someone to find Jiang Xue.

Never thought that before she went to find her, Jiang Xue was lucky, she came to her door first.

Lu Anran was silent at first, just quietly observing Jiang Xue.

At that time, in the room, the first person she saw when she woke up from the coma was Jiang Xue.

I haven't had time to understand what kind of person Jiang Xue is. I just subconsciously think that she, like her, is a poor pregnant woman who was captured by those people and locked in a room.

It is inevitable that there will be a lot of sympathy for sharing weal and woe.

Not only was she sympathizing with poor Jiang Xue, but Lu Anran was also feeling sorry for herself.

After all, she had also heard about the weirdness of the disappearance case.

Almost no one can find the mastermind behind the scenes, let alone the lair of the mastermind behind the scenes.

This also means that no one can come to rescue them, and the children in their womb will disappear inexplicably soon, and even they will lose this memory.

I can't recall ever having a baby before.

Thinking of this, Lu Anran couldn't help being a little sad, and it happened that Jiang Xue came over at that time, Lu Anran thought, thinking wildly when alone, it's better for two people to talk together.

Maybe they will find a way to get out.

But what Lu Anran didn't expect was that her body would fail after she didn't say a few words.

It was as if most of the energy in his body had been drained by someone, and his body collapsed in an instant.

At first, Lu Anran thought that because she hadn't been in touch with Xiao Luli for a long time, the good luck on her body was gone, so of course her body would not work.

But thinking about it carefully, Jiang Xue's enthusiasm for her was already very abnormal.

Lu Anran remembered that when the pregnant women in the room woke up and saw a strange room, they were all in shock, fear, confusion, and even panic.

Apparently they had all heard about the disappearance.

No one is like Jiang Xue, who looks pitiful and frightened on the outside, but desperately tries to get close to her.

It's a pity that Lu Anran hasn't been in contact with the other party for too long, and she hasn't observed what kind of person Jiang Xue is, and then she passed out from the pain.

When Lu Anran recovered, she naturally wanted to ask Jiang Xue for clarification.

Lu Anran already had doubts about Jiang Xue, so naturally she no longer had much kindness towards her, instead she became vigilant and defensive.

She even suspected that Jiang Xue came to the ward so impatiently because she saw that she had been rescued and she was still alive, so she tried to get close to her again, poisoned her again, and put her to death.

Or, put the two children in her belly to death.

Thinking of this, Lu Anran's fingers immediately tightened, and her clear eyes sank even more.

Could it be that Jiang Xue was sent by the Yu family?

At that time, Lu Anran divorced Yu Zheng and moved out of Yu's house just for the safety of the two children.

It would be fine if it wasn't a boy in her belly, but it happened to be two boys, which undoubtedly touched the cake of the rest of the Yu family.

Moreover, Yu Zheng's father, who has always been extravagant, has many illegitimate children, and doesn't care about his children, even the old man Yu, has great expectations for these two children, and seems to have a vague desire to train them to be the next heirs.

Now, the rest of the Yu family, especially Yu Zheng's brothers, sisters, and uncles, naturally couldn't sit still.

The solution once and for all is to get rid of these two children.

Then their children still have a chance to become the successor of the next generation of the Yu family.

With this thought in mind, Lu Anran observed Jiang Xue silently and scrutinized. The hand placed under the quilt secretly clenched the saber that Yu Zheng had given her for self-defense before.

Although Lu Anran was born with a weak body due to a genetic defect.

But a few months ago, after the disease that had plagued her for more than 20 years was completely cured, Lu Anran was trying to learn the skills of self-defense. It doesn't matter if you don't have enough strength, as long as you find a good angle, you can still seriously injure the opponent.

Therefore, Lu Anran is not afraid of Jiang Xue.

And I don't know if it's because of the little girl beside her, Lu Anran doesn't feel weak at all, instead she is full of strength, even much better than her previous body.

But what puzzled Lu Anran was that she didn't realize what kind of poison or dagger Jiang Xue was holding in her hand, and when Jiang Xue asked about little Lu Li, and praised her desperately, Lu Anran understood in an instant ——

Jiang Xue was making friends with her again.

Just like in the room in the villa before.

Lu Anran speculated that it might be because her attitude was too indifferent, which caused Jiang Xue to hesitate to make a move.

So, in order to let Jiang Xue show off, Lu Anran smiled slightly.

Sure enough, seeing her smile, Jiang Xue was ecstatic and spoke more vigorously.

This time, Lu Anran did not miss it, Jiang Xue's eyes were full of sarcasm and sarcasm.

Lu Anran's eyes sank, sure enough, there was something wrong with this Jiang Xue.

In this way, Lu Anran couldn't sit still and wait for death, otherwise he wouldn't know how he died.

What's more, there is Lili in the room.

For Lili and herself, she cannot be in a passive position.

She sent a text message to Yu Zheng on her mobile phone under the quilt.


But with Yu Zheng's IQ, he can definitely understand.

After doing this, seeing Jiang Xue wanted to get closer to her again, Lu Anran preemptively interrupted Jiang Xue's hypocritical praise, her eyes were cold:

"Is that all you want to tell me?"

Jiang Xue was stunned: "What?"

Lu Anran didn't play tricks with her, and said coldly:

"Tell me, what did you do to me in the room before?"

After the words fell, before Jiang Xue could react, a sharp saber with a deep chill came to Jiang Xue's neck.

Lu Anran's face was very cold.

The little girl who had just found her mobile phone turned her head and saw her aunt fighting with someone, her dark eyes widened.

Thinking of grandpa, aunt and good uncle asking her to stay and protect aunt.

The little girl ran over in a "clumsy way", tilted her head and thought for a while, and took out two knives from her small bag.

Then again, with the tip of the knife, he slapped Jiang Xue's ass straight, and the little milk voice was crisp:

"Yes! Bad guy! Tell me! What did you do to me before!"

Jiang Xue: "..."


Oh shit!

Why is this hindsight coming again!

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