I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Chapter 885 Dad is at work selling fish

"That, Lili, are you really a carp essence?"

As soon as Song Qingwan said these words, almost everyone in the living room, including Lu Anran and Yu Zheng who watched the video, all looked over.

Little Loli nodded: "Yes!"

Lu Qidong didn't expect the little girl to admit it so quickly, but then he thought about it, Li Li didn't hide them from them, and just said frankly that she was a carp essence, but they didn't believe it.

He brought a basin of water over and said curiously:

"Then Lili, can you turn into a fish for grandpa now? Grandpa hasn't seen carp essence yet!"

Little Loli hesitated.

Lu Qidong thought she was unwilling, but just wanted to say, if she doesn't want to, forget it.

Lu Qidong just wanted to see is believing.

After all, the fact that a man becomes a fish is indeed too bizarre.

Moreover, he is also a little curious about immortals.

Who would have thought that the point where the little girl hesitated was:

"If people turn into fish, will you, Grandpa, take them away as monsters?"

Mom said that if she turned into a fish in front of humans, she would be taken away as a monster.

After taking her away, she can't see her father.

But grandpa was really nice to her.

Xiao Luli didn't want to refuse and hurt Lu Qidong's heart.

Lu Qidong was stunned for a moment, then rubbed her little head and smiled gently:

"How is that possible! Even if it becomes a fish, our pear is still our pear. Not only will Grandpa not catch you, but he will protect you so that no one else will take you away!"

Lu Qidong actually thought very clearly, although he didn't know how their granddaughter became an immortal.

But she didn't hurt anyone, and she didn't do anything bad.

Moreover, he and Song Qingwan's illness, the little girl may have helped a lot.

Without her, their family wouldn't be able to have the happy reunion now, and Lu Anran would be even less likely to be pregnant.

In Lu Qidong's opinion, this is not a monster or a fairy, but a little lucky star in their family!

Song Qingwan and the others are the same.

If they really thought Lu Li was weird, they thought she was an outlier, they would have sent her away immediately when they knew she could give others luck.

How could she go to great lengths to find a way to help her in order to cover up the fact that she could give others luck, so as not to arouse suspicion from other families.

Moreover, due to the matter of Elder Xuan, Song Qingwan and the others already had a preliminary understanding of the fact that there are gods in this world, and that gods can spell.

Now that I know that the little girl is a carp fairy, it is not so unacceptable.

However, although they have accepted this matter well, they are still curious how she casts the spell.

Elder Xuan and his subordinates were immortals. They also heard it from Pei Xiubai's mouth, but never saw it with their own eyes.

One more thing.

They went to great lengths to collect Xuan Lao and his villa, just to understand what an immortal like Xuan Lao was like.

And what process they need to go through to cast spells, and what weaknesses do they have.

Knowing yourself and the enemy, the next time Elder Xuan and his subordinates make a comeback, they will be able to win every battle.

Knowing the gods is very important.

But Xuan Lao's subordinates were too vigilant. Before they committed suicide, they deliberately destroyed all the information about them in the villa, leaving no words behind. Lu Junhan and the others naturally had no way of understanding them.

Who knows, just when they were frowning, a little fairy came directly to the door.

Or their Lu family's family.

Moreover, if nothing else, the little girl should come from the same world as Elder Xuan and the others, otherwise Elder Xuan would not be able to hunt her down for no reason.

Li Li may have come to this world to avoid the pursuit of Xuan Lao.

No matter what, Lili is a member of their family, no matter what, they will not let her have any damage.

"And it's not just grandpa who will protect you,"

Lu Qidong said again: "your aunt, aunt, good uncle, and your father, we will all protect you."

Lu Anran and the others nodded in agreement.

Little Loli: "Liar!"

Lu Qidong was stunned: "How did grandpa lie?"

The little girl glanced at Lu Junhan, hugged her arms, and said angrily, "Dad won't protect Lili! He can only beat others! He's a fart dad!"

Lu Qidong: "..."

Song Qingwan: "..."

Lu Anran: "..."

Yu Zheng: "..."

Lu Junhan glanced at her and sneered: "Are you tired of living again?"

"Dad, you can't hit someone! If you hit someone! You'll regret it!"

Little Lolita's little milky voice is hard-hearted, showing an unprecedented tenacious and unyielding spirit of resistance, but her little hands hold her head tightly, take a step back, and the dark and bright big fish eyes watch Lu Junhan's hands vigilantly:

"Because, because they want to turn grandpa into a fish..."

Lu Qidong: "..."

Lu Junhan: "..."

For the 301st time, Lu Junhan doubted whether this product was his seed.


The little girl likes to turn into a fish and play in the water.

Seeing that she will not be taken away, there are still many people who will protect her.

Not long after, a dazzling red light flashed, but the lovely and beautiful little loli disappeared in place in an instant.

The next second, in the basin filled with water, out of thin air, there was a small fish with a tail like a veil, a maple red body, a cute and cute appearance, and was shaking his head and swimming in the water.

Song Qingwan and others surrounded the water basin in a circle, all looking at the probe in shock.

They don't usually raise or eat less fish. At a glance, they can see that the little girl looks like a koi fish!

Song Qingwan, Lu Junhan, Lu Qidong and others, who never believed that the koi fish, the mascot of Haicheng, could bring good luck, were kept just for food: "..."

Koi fish may not bring good luck, but koi fish can!

Song Qingwan looked at the little fish in the water basin and muttered to herself, "This, is this really a pear?"

At this moment, Xiaoyuer stuck his head out of the water, spit out a few bubbles, and said, "Dad! Your face is so big and big, it looks like a monster!"

Song Qingwan: "..."

Lu Qidong: "..."


With this tone, who else is there besides their pears!

Lu Junhan's response to the phrase "like a monster" was that he stretched out a finger and pressed the cute little fish head out of the water with a blank expression.

Little Luli: "..."

Song Qingwan seemed to suddenly think of something and asked, "Li Li, when you first came here to find your father, did you also turn into a fish and hide in the lake?"


The little fish that was pressed into the water came out again, and it was the familiar little milky voice, and she could still hear her depression:

"Originally, I became a human and wanted to enter this house to find my father, but the bodyguards and uncles who were walking up and down the road wouldn't let me find him. They said that my father was working outside and selling fish, and he hasn't come back yet."

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