I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Chapter 886 Personal attacks are too much

Not surprisingly, this bodyguard walking up and down the road should be the security guard patrolling the villa area.

Speaking of this, Xiao Yu'er became a little angry, and the gauze-like tail swept the water several times:

"They also say that Dad doesn't have a daughter at all... But how is that possible! If Dad doesn't have a daughter, where did Lili come from?"

Is she also like the monkey uncle in TV Journey to the West, who got out of the rock?

What rock did she come out of?


Didn't she come out of a fish egg?

The little girl's brain froze.

Song Qingwan: "..."

Lu Qidong: "..."

In fact, your dad wants to know more than you, where are you from.

Song Qingwan said: "Then what? Then you came in as a fish?"

Song Qingwan still remembers that the Lu family was hosting a banquet at that time, and a new batch of koi fish was brought in, ready to be poured into the pond.

If the little girl turned into a fish, she must have gotten into that batch of new koi fish.

Then, following the batch of koi fish, they entered the pond together.

This is the scene where the little girl emerges from the water.

But it's no wonder that the surveillance didn't capture her figure, she had turned into a fish, so it would be strange if she could be photographed.

"Yes," Xiao Yuer happily spit bubbles in the water:

"Because the fish in the box said that they will enter Dad's house later, and Dad will change them to a bigger house. Anyway, treat them well, and let me live with them too. Where's the house!"

Song Qingwan: "..."

Lu Qidong: "..."

Lu Anran: "..."

So, you're all dumped into the pond together.

From then on, lived a life of living in a big house and being eaten by others?

Lu Qidong asked: "Lili, when you first came to see your father, were you already a carp spirit?"

"That's right," Xiao Yu'er pouted, and the little milk voice was dissatisfied:

"He has always been a carp spirit! I told my father a long time ago, but my father just doesn't believe him! He still beats him! He also said that he watched too many cartoons! Humph! He just watched too many movies !"

Lu Junhan: "..."

Lu Qidong: "..."

Song Qingwan: "..."

No, don’t save keywords that shouldn’t be saved, it’s easy to cause misunderstandings, you know!

Song Qingwan said solemnly: "Yes, yes, it is indeed your father's fault! We Lili are so cute, how could we lie! Don't worry, I will let your grandpa beat him later, and teach him a good lesson! "

"Yes! Hit him! Beat him to death!" Xiao Yu'er's momentum suddenly came, and the little milk said crisply: "Knock off his head and butt!"

Lu Junhan lowered his eyes and sneered: "Believe it or not, I made you into braised fish at night?"

Xiao Yuer: "..."

Xiao Yu'er shrank the head of the fish in fear, but still defended in a low voice: "Braised fish is not good, but fish with pickled cabbage is delicious."

After all, it is fish, and I still prefer food with soup and water.

Lu Junhan: "..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Yu'er couldn't help swallowing: "Dad, shall we have pickled fish for lunch? The pickled fish is super delicious!"

Lu Qidong: "..."

Song Qingwan: "..."

Lu Junhan looked at her cute little fish head, couldn't hold back, stretched out his hand, and pushed her little fish head back into the water again.

Little Luli: "..."

If you don't eat, don't eat!

What are you doing pressing her head!

Her head can't be eaten!

Afterwards, Song Qingwan was afraid of tiring the child, thinking that she would spend a lot of time together in the future, so she would have time to ask, so she only asked about the pattern behind her.

It's a pity that even the little girl herself doesn't know what the pattern represents, she only knows that the fish is her own, it seems that it grew out of her own body, and has nothing to do with Mr. Xuan.

Song Qingwan and the others are not gods after all, they still couldn't let go when they heard the little girl said that it had nothing to do with Mr. Xuan, and they only asked the little girl to tell them immediately if she felt unwell in the future.

Xiao Luli naturally nodded in agreement.


At noon, I finally responded to the little girl's request and specially made a pot of sauerkraut fish.

Xiao Luli sat on the children's chair at the dining table, clutching the spoons and chopsticks, devoting herself to eating, as if no one could stop her from finishing the pot of pickled fish.

That ferocious cooking posture, those who know it, think she is a carp spirit, those who don't know it, think she is a wolf that has been hungry for three days!


The arrival of the old man.

It was Lu Qidong who opened the door.

As soon as Mr. Lu entered the door, he asked in a deep voice: "I heard that the little girl and Miss Lu were kidnapped, where are they? Have you been rescued?"

"It's rescued," Lu Qidong said, "No, everyone is eating here."

"No, Dad, your news is really outdated," Song Qingwan filled him with a bowl of chicken soup, handed it to him, and then gave him a blank look. "What happened yesterday, I don't know until now."

Mr. Lu frowned coldly, took the bowl of soup, and said violently:

"You think I want to! If you don't want to inherit my position, I won't retire at this age, and I will still be busy in the team all day long!"

The old man is old, but he has not abdicated. He usually trains people in the base. The base is usually in a very remote place, the signal is not good, and the news is blocked.

What happened yesterday can be received today, and then hurried back, it is considered very fast.

"That's right, I can't beat you," Song Qingwan said, "Hurry up and sit down and eat."

Mr. Lu didn't intend to quarrel, he just came back to see the two girls, and he was relieved to see that they were fine.

This rest assured, naturally the mood is also better.

He didn't ask too many specific details, as long as people are fine.

Just as he was about to sit down, he seemed to catch sight of something out of the corner of his eye: "Huh?"

Mr. Lu frowned tightly, and poked his head over, a dazzling red flashed into his eyes instantly: "Girl, what is that painted on your neck?"


Little Luli was just praised by her aunt and grandpa for this fish. Even her aunt and good uncle thought it was a beautiful fish. Seeing her grandpa asking, she couldn't help but want to show off:

"Grandpa, isn't this fish beautiful?"

Song Qingwan's expression changed suddenly: "That's bad."

Even Lu Anran's usually calm expression also changed accordingly.

Lu Qidong: "?"

Yu Zheng: "?"

Soon, they will know.

"Good looking fart!"

Mr. Lu was furious:

"It's gaudy! It's so ugly! It's not good-looking at all! Who gave you the tattoo? Was it your aunt or your grandfather, or the two of them together? I knew they wouldn't do anything good!"

Lu Qidong: "??"

Song Qingwan: "???"

Personal attacks are too much.

After Mr. Lu finished speaking, he looked directly at Song Qingwan and the others, blowing his beard and staring:

"You guys are too much! This girl is still so young, you just took her to get a tattoo, have you considered..."

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