I become light in American comics

Chapter 163 What did you do last night?

"I'm sorry for not saying hello in advance before coming to visit, but it's hard enough to find you. And I really can't find your contact information. In fact, I don't know if you use a mobile phone."

Lex Luthor put his hands behind his back, spoke lightly, and smiled slightly.

"But it doesn't seem to matter anymore. You still noticed us coming."

"It's hard not to notice, man."

The woman smoothed her eye-catching red hair, chuckled and glanced at Luther's head, which was as shiny as the shining glass wall of the Metropolis.

"Your head is like a street lamp in the dark. You are definitely not good at sneaking in the dark."

The smile disappeared from Luther's face.

"Show some respect to my boss, witch."

The female secretary Moxi stepped forward and said.

"You are facing the smartest person in the world. Ah!"

Moxi screamed and was suddenly lifted upside down. Magic tentacles came from nowhere in the darkness and climbed up her body along her long legs wrapped in black stockings.

And tied her into a turtle shell.

"Oh, please, do it again!"

Moxi struggled hard, but she felt the tentacles wrapped around her tighter and tighter, making her face turn redder.

This situation feels like it was familiar not long ago

No, why are all these crazy women the boss has found some kind of pervert?

Luther glanced sideways at the inappropriately tied position of his secretary hanging in the air, then looked back at the witch in front of him expressionlessly.

"I know about you, Circe. You, and the Amazon known as 'Wonder Woman', you have had many entanglements over the past century."

"Ha, I have experienced more than you think, far more than just a few hundred years." Circe chuckled.

As one of the earliest and most important villains of Wonder Woman, she was born in 1200 BC. She is immortal, ageless, and her magic rivals that of the gods—whom she has been an enemy of for years.

She fought against the Amazons in ancient times and thought they had been wiped out. So when Wonder Woman, a demigod Amazon, was born, Circe learned that the Amazons were not extinct, and immediately targeted Diana as her number one target.

"However, as a mortal, you do know a lot. It's a shame that you were able to find me."

"Not just any mortal, but Lex Luthor, the greatest mind on Earth." Luthor chuckled proudly, "I have established a file of superpowers on Earth. Over the years, I have collected all kinds of information. .

Aliens, laboratory accidents, magic... I know more than most people imagine. "

"So, why did you come to me?"

"For allies, for strength." Luther said angrily as he clenched his fists, "To regain what I once had but now have lost miserably."

Circe glanced at his discerning head again.


Luther's expression froze again.

"Ha, just kidding. Actually, I know you, Lex Luthor. You are one of the few men in the world that I admire."

Circe chuckled.

"You want power, that's a perfect coincidence. I'm currently preparing something that might be of interest to you. Have you heard of the 'Fallen Realm'?"

"No," Luther said, "But I would like to hear the details."

"I knew you were an ambitious man."

Circe stepped forward and deliberately leaned into his arms, her eyes filled with admiration.

"I know you will definitely achieve something. But the night is still very long. Do you want to come to my room and chat slowly?"

Luther pinched the witch's little hand that looked white and delicate but was actually at least three thousand years old.

"My pleasure."

The two held hands and walked into the room.

The female secretary, who was still fighting the tentacles, was crying.

No, boss, can you ask her to put me down now and start working again?

Wow, it seems to be getting tight again

"The Fallen Realm?"

Shen You placed a copy of "Song of Ice and Fire" on the table in front of Diana, and sat across from her.

Diana couldn't wait to take a sip of the ice cream first. Before he could speak, he saw Kara walking out from the direction of the basement, limping while holding her waist.

"I was exhausted from spending the whole night at your place last night, and I still feel a little weak. Can I stop doing it today?"

The little girl was pitiful, her big eyes full of expectation.

Last night was her daily kryptonite weight training. But to be fair, Shen You didn't force her. It was her own expansion. After practicing for several days, she felt that the influence of small fragments of kryptonite on her was close to nothing. For a while, she felt that kryptonite was nothing. So, I decided to try something stronger.

So it became like this, the whole person looked like a salted fish, and the face was green all night long.

"I warned you that it's too big, but you don't believe in evil. Okay, okay, let's not do it today. Have a good rest."


After receiving the permission, Kara's eyes immediately lit up, she was so happy and energetic, and she left as quickly as a gust of wind.

Looking at her back that was fully resurrected at that moment, it didn't look like she was exhausted at all. Shen You suddenly couldn't help but wonder if he had been tricked.

When he turned his head, he saw Diana looking at him suspiciously.

"What did you do to her last night?"

"It's nothing, I'm just helping her train."

I don’t know why, it’s obviously the truth, but even I don’t feel very credible when I say it. If you say this, people will definitely become more suspicious.

But he didn't expect the heroine to immediately show a look of surprise.

"Oh, training. You still dote on her a little too much. How can you relax and slack off occasionally when you are tired? When I was a child, the first two days when I started training, it felt like I was being drained every day. But I still persisted. Come down.

The most important thing in this kind of thing is persistence. This is how real warriors are tempered."

"That makes sense."

Shen You held his chin in thought. He estimated that Kara was probably faking it and might have gone underground to play games at this moment.

"Maybe we should give her more training later."

The heroine licked the ice cream and nodded slightly, showing a "that's how it should be" expression.

"Back to business. Did you just talk about the 'Fallen Realm'?"

"Yes, there are rumors about Olympus recently. Zeus is dead, and the entrance to the Fallen Realm has been reactivated. It is said that there is the secret of Zeus's divine power. Many people are coveting that thing, including many who should not get it. people."

Wonder Woman's expression became serious.

"I am not afraid of facing anyone, including God. But it is foreseeable that if I want to participate, I will probably face more than one or two enemies this time.

So as much as I hate to admit it, I did need some allies this time that I had ignored in the past. "

"We have a rough understanding." Shen You nodded, "Then I guess you already know where the key to the 'Fallen Realm' you mentioned is?"

"There's only an idea. I know it's somewhere in Metropolis, but I need to determine the specific location, and I need the help of a wizard. A wizard who's wise enough."

Having said this, both of them turned to look in the direction of the kitchen.

At this time, there was a thunderous roar in the kitchen.

Then a burnt smell wafted out, it was another pot of lost youth.

Shen You looked at Diana again.

"Wise wizard, huh?"

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