
A loud bang echoed through the Met, and the shock wave of the explosion blasted through the ceiling. Smoke and dust filled the air, debris was scattered, and alarm bells were deafening.

Lex Luthor, wearing green armor, stepped on the flames and slowly flew down from the smoke screen. The equipment shone with metallic luster, and he was fully armed, but his bald head was exposed, as if he was afraid that someone would not see his shining forehead.

Tourists and spectators were quickly evacuated, and security guards immediately assembled.

"Put your hands up!"

Of course, when he shouted this, he had already fired a gun in his hand. Shoot first, ask questions later, the old Free State security guard.

And of course, all the bullets were aimed at that bare head. No wonder, this guy is dressed in heavy armor that makes him want to be armed to the teeth, with his bare forehead looking like a bullseye on his bald head. Trying to resist the urge to shoot that bald head is like resisting the urge to shoot when you see a certain teacher's best infantry while surfing the Internet. It is really beyond the power of ordinary people's willpower.

However it has no effect.

It’s not that all the security guards’ marksmanship is sunset-red. Although it was extremely difficult to aim the pistol, even with Meng, a few bullets hit Laitu's head by chance. But those bullets clearly hit the wall a long way from his bald head, as if they hit an invisible wall, deformed by the impact and fell to the ground.

Empty the magazine had no effect, and the security guards all widened their eyes in horror, not understanding how this worked.

"Force shield, idiots. The defense generated by my shield generator is much harder than the armor itself." Laitu sneered, "The reason why I designed it like this is to let you hit me in the head."

Of course, this does not rule out the fact that he is extremely narcissistic and wants everyone to see who is in the armor.

"Now, it's my turn."

He raised his right hand, activated the hand mechanism, and assembled his forearm into a dangerous cannon. The muzzle of the cannon glowed with green light, and the deadly energy beam was about to annihilate all the security guards. At this moment, the outer wall of the museum was suddenly penetrated. The red and blue afterimages shot out and appeared in front of the security guards at the critical moment.

A powerful beam impact hit a big "S" directly.

Superman put his hands on his hips, and his red cape flew up under the impact of the beam. Black smoke was rising from his chest, but he seemed to feel nothing at all, staring at Lai Tu with his eyes narrowed.

"Luthor," Superman said, "Is this the end of keeping a low profile?"


Luther seemed to be frightened for a moment, then gritted his teeth, and snorted heavily as if after a fierce ideological struggle.

"You came faster than I thought"

"Give up resistance, Luthor." Superman put his fists on his hips, "You and I both know how this will end."

Unexpectedly, a beam of dark green impact suddenly flew from one side, knocking Superman away suddenly, punching through several booths and cultural relics, and breaking a load-bearing column in the hall.

"Oh, Boy Scout." Luther curled his lips, "It's too easy to deceive."

The witch Circe appeared from the side like a transparent phantom, with a green will-o'-the-wisp in her hand.

"He's strong, but not good with magic. I can feel it," she said with a smile.

But the next second, Superman flew out of the ruins with a bang, seemingly without losing much blood.

Luther looked at Circe: "What did you just say?"

"Yeah but it looks like he's at least durable."

Without saying a word, Superman took off again and prepared to sprint. Unexpectedly, a small snake suddenly popped out of the ruins below him and wrapped around his ankle. The huge force caught him off guard and threw him out.

Superman performed an exaggerated somersault again, breaking the floor and smashing through a bunch of obstacles. However, he got up with a backflip and seemed to be still unharmed.

A figure emerged from under the ruins. Feminine lines, but with a terrifying appearance. Smooth scales cover the skin, and the body is huge and strong. The hair is a mass of intertwined poisonous snakes, each with sharp fangs, hissing and spitting out venom.

"Who is this?" Luther looked at Circe beside him in confusion.

"An ally made during the long battle with that Amazon demigod." Circe put her hands on her hips and smiled coldly, "You should also have heard of her name, mortal. Her name is Medusa."

"Gorgons." Luther nodded, "So the myths are not all made up."

"And her two reliable sisters."

As he spoke, two other strange shadows appeared at the base of the walls on both sides. Scyna and Euryale are succubi with shapes similar to Medusa, with snakes on their heads.

The three Gorgon sisters. The well-known monsters in Greek mythology have been borrowed and adapted in countless popular cultures, and they have retained their iconic powerful abilities in every version.


The three sisters smiled charmingly, and a dangerous red light flashed in their eyes. Every little snake above their heads began to stir restlessly, dancing and hissing.

Three rays of light surrounded Superman from different directions.

The next moment, the Man of Steel maintained his position of rising into the air and was fixed into a stone statue.

"It doesn't look so 'steel' now." Luther sneered.

"Okay, now it's our turn to get down to business."

Circe turned around and made a Seal of Perception. She scanned half a circle with the seal in her hand, and seemed to sense something. As her gesture changed, the magic power was activated.

The objects in the exhibition hall next door reacted immediately. The wall was penetrated, and the golden scepter broke through the wall and shot out, falling into her hand.

Circe turned the scepter half-turn in her hand, activating the red gem set at its tip. Then she pointed her scepter to the side, and the magic power surged, opening a magic vortex out of thin air.

Luther probed: "Is it in here?"

"The state of depravity."

Circe held the scepter upside down and strode into the vortex first.

"Come on, we still have a lot to do."

The criminals disappeared into it, and the vortex quickly closed.

About a few minutes later, Shen You and Diana, who had come all the way from Gotham, both rushed into the hall.

"No, we're already late."

Diana saw the petrified Superman at a glance.

"I recognize this. It's the three Gorgon sisters who also want to get involved in the Fallen Realm."

She flew up to Superman and sighed softly.

"I've heard of him, the Man of Steel in Metropolis. He was a brave warrior and I can tell he fought honorably. It's just a pity

What are you doing "

She looked at Shen You strangely and saw that the latter was raising his arms flat and pointing at the petrified Superman with his fingers spread out.

"I happen to know how to use light to remove petrification. I then scanned the magic frequency acting on him. I simply reverse-analyzed it and made some targeted adjustments. Let me try it and see if it works."

The petrification skill is quite common in the Austrian series. Joanias from U40 showed the light that can restore petrified people and objects to their original state in the 13th episode of TV. Heisei eldest brother Tiga also used form transformation to escape the petrification effect.

Of course, that was all in the Aopeng. Different universes have different skills and different principles. Shen You had read in the literature how to restore people who were petrified by monsters to their original state, but he was not sure about DC's Gorgon.

But he has been studying DC magic for a while. In his eyes, magic is just another way of applying energy. He is no longer as ignorant as he was when he first arrived.

First, scan the working principle of this magic power to do some targeted processing of its recovery light.

"That's impossible," said Diana. "Only she can lift the curse of the Gorgon's petrification, or kill the caster. No one else can."

ha! ? "

Before she finished speaking, Diana's eyes widened.

She was shocked to see that within a moment of the ring of light being released from Shen You's palm, the stone sculpture came loose.

Cracks began to spread along the surface.

With a crackling sound, the stone sculpture suddenly exploded, and Superman suddenly broke free.

Diana looked at Shen You with a strange look on her face and couldn't help but mutter.

"It's really like hell."

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