I become light in American comics

Chapter 165 Fallen Realm

Having seen Shen You's strength, speed and his powerful energy projection ability before, Diana thought she had a rough idea of ​​the opponent's strength.

But now she realizes that it seems to be just the tip of the iceberg.

He could actually lift the curse of Medusa, the gorgon long famous among the gods?

After looking at Shen You in surprise for a moment, she asked with some confusion: "Do you still know magic?"

"I just understand a little bit about the principles, but I don't know magic." Shen You said naturally, "This is science."

Diana raised an eyebrow.

real or fake? You call this science?

At this moment, Superman broke out of the stone and woke up, and saw Diana at a glance.

"Are you Wonder Woman?" Superman looked surprised.

"Do you know me?"

Diana was a little surprised. Although she has been in the human world for a long time, she usually doesn't show much publicity and has deliberately avoided being photographed by the media. Therefore, most of the things about her are legends circulating in the market, which are not widely circulated.

"I have traveled around the world, investigating various anecdotes and supernatural rumors around the world, hoping to find clues about my own life experience. I heard about you somewhere. The locals said that you prevented a cult activity. , saved many children. They call you Wonder Woman."

Superman smiled.

"I've always wanted to get to know you."

"I have also heard a lot about you. The Son of Tomorrow, the Man of Steel." Diana also smiled, "The gods represent the past, an era that has long been lonely. And you can see the future."

"I consider myself just an ordinary person. I just try my best not to waste my talents."

Superman said, changing the topic.

"So, what happened this time? Luther came and robbed the Metropolitan Museum, and brought some helpers I've never seen before. They seemed to be looking for something."

"The key to the Fallen Realm." Diana said. "It contains the relics of Zeus."

She paused and added: "My father's relics."

"Huh?" Superman looked surprised, "Your father is..."

"Yes. It's a pity that we are late." Diana frowned, "They have already taken the key. They went in, but we were blocked from the Fallen Realm."

"Not necessarily." Shen You suddenly said.

From the beginning, he had been holding his left hand flat, looking at the empty hall as if he was calculating something.

Diana said: "It's useless. The Fallen Realm must have a key to open it, and now the key has been taken away. If there is anyone else who might have a way to enter, it is the Queen Hera.

But Hera obviously can't help us.

Um! ? ? "

Before she could finish her words, the heroine had already seen a look of surprise on her face as golden electric light splashed out from the space. A soft light surrounded the space, and a crack was slowly opened.

The realm of depravity was opened by him?


As soon as Luther and Circe entered the Fallen Realm, Shen You and Diana chased them to the museum. Not long after the entrance was closed, the time-travel bracelet could still capture the remaining spatial anomalies and monitor the weak points on the spatial barrier that had not yet recovered.

Shen You, who has studied the Speed ​​Force to this point, has a deep understanding of the unique laws of time and space in the DC world, and his application of the bracelet's functions has naturally improved.

So he just activated the function of the bracelet, released light energy to the weak point, and rubbed it for a while.

Then it went away.


Seeing the gap expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye, Diana looked at Shen You with an increasingly weird expression.

The clear look in his eyes is saying, you still said you don’t know magic?

Shen You said innocently: "I really don't know magic. This is science."

Although in the eyes of ordinary people, their Kingdom of Light's science and magic are pretty much the same.

Diana: "."

Okay, whatever you say is what it is.

Soon, the gap was opened to a similar size, enough for one person to pass through.

"I'll go with you," Superman said.

"That's very dangerous." Diana looked at him, "I know you are strong. I have seen your actions on the news. But it is obvious that you are not very good at dealing with magic. This is not your battle."

"This was my fight when they invaded the Metropolitan Museum." Da Chao said, "Besides, do you know what the S on my chest means?"

"Um Super?"

"not completely."


"No," Superman explained. "It represents hope. It means that wherever there is need, Superman will be there."

WW pondered for a moment.

"But I hope it doesn't start with S?"

"Uh, it's not important." Superman said, "Don't worry, they just made a sneak attack and I was careless. It won't be so easy this time."

"All right."

Diana nodded.

"It's an honor to fight alongside you. Now, enter the realm of corruption!"

The three of them entered one after another.

The crack fluctuated violently, expanded briefly, and then shrank again, converging until it disappeared.

After entering it, what comes into view is a deep purple tunnel. Like the turbulence of time and space, a sense of weightlessness swept over me, and unknown energy blew head-on like a strong wind, making it almost difficult to maintain balance.

The dazzling light changes, and after an unknown length of shuttle journey, it reaches its end. Shen You felt that his body was suddenly recaptured by gravity. He flipped nimbly and landed on the ground in a half-crouch.

Shen You looked up and saw chaos.

The deep purple void looked like countless floating islands. There is no concept of up and down, some of them are pointing up and some are pointing down, and there is no order.

The peaks on the island he stood on were as sharp as a chip, and the boulders were full of cracks carved by time. Plants grow chaotically, some crawling all over the surface of the boulders like blood vessels of life. On the top of the mountain, you can see the remains of some ancient buildings, with obvious ancient Greek style, but most of them are in ruins, as if they are struggling on the edge of collapse at any time.

Looking around, Diana and Superman were gone. Maybe it was the manic turbulence when they entered that affected their placement in this field, or it could simply be that the placement was random. This area reminded him a bit of the Speed ​​Field that he had entered before. The laws in the entire space were more chaotic than those in the outside world.

But it's not a big problem.

"Pal, scan the magic signature energy fluctuations approaching the Olympus Protoss, help me mark and track that direction."

"No problem, sir. Scanning in progress."



The melodious sound of the bells sounded like a demonic sound, spreading around Hera's palace.

Hera held the hammer and struck the golden bell continuously. The transparent sound waves turned into a vortex under the guidance of the queen's magic power, swirling and spreading in the open space, opening an entrance.

"The Fallen Realm." Apollo's eyes lit up as he watched, and flames almost overflowed from his mouth and nose like uncontrollable ambition.

"I can only help you so far." Hera said expressionlessly, "This is the entrance to the Fallen Realm. After entering, everything will be up to you."

"I see."

Apollo chuckled and stepped forward.

"Also, don't forget our agreement." Hera said coldly, "I will help you get the power of Zeus, and that Amazon..."

"I know I know."

Apollo rubbed his hands together excitedly.

"Believe me, my dear Queen. That Amazon. She is already dead."

Continue to update three times

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