I become light in American comics

Chapter 588 Colored Kryptonite

Firestorm is one of the newest heroes of the Justice League. Abilities include but are not limited to material reorganization, high-temperature flames, shock wave release, super self-healing, virtualization through walls, super-high-speed flight, etc.

After the assessment and experience in Zhenglian, today's Firestorm is no longer a novice who just joined the team. The electric girl opposite is just a small role, and Clark thinks he should be able to handle it well.

And while the fire storm attracted attention, the crew immediately dispersed and ran away without looking back. It seems unlikely that any innocent people would be injured in the fight.

It doesn't look like a job that requires Superman to appear.

However, just in case, Clark ran out with the crew and immediately found a phone booth to transform into Superman and came to the scene.

"Need help?" He crossed his arms and floated in the air.

"Lao Chao? Are you there too?" Firestorm showed a surprised face, but then waved his hand confidently, "No need, Big Blue. Just watch my performance!"


Superman smiled and crossed his arms as he floated to the side. He doesn't mind giving newcomers a chance to practice, but he'll take cover if things start to get out of control.

"Superman? Here?"

The electric girl's eyes overflowed with electricity.

"You must be kidding, right? But I have a good idea. Let's discuss it. If you let me leave, we'll be tied. Then I won't have to throw 100 million kilowatts of electricity at you. Maybe I can give you my contact information."

Speaking of this, she suddenly raised her hand, and a dazzling electric light suddenly aroused.

"like this!"

But Firestorm was already on guard, and with a wave of his right palm, the floor beneath his feet suddenly rose from the ground. An insulated wall grew out of thin air on the original ground, and the strong current was immediately dispersed on the wall.

However, neither of them expected that one of the reverberations of the current would hit a prop box on the crew's table.

The box fell to the ground, the lid fell open, and a green shining crystal rolled out.


The aftermath of the electric light hit the small crystal, and the kryptonite shattered on the spot.

Superman is faster than lightning. He can block missiles with two fingers and chew titanium alloy like chewing gum. And only such a substance can tear him to pieces from the inside.

When the radiation hit him, he slowed down, too slow to avoid the debris flying in the current. Tiny shards of kryptonite hit him like darts, piercing his steel skin and sinking into his body.

Superman snorted miserably, his whole face turned green, he stumbled two steps and quickly fell to the ground.

"Kryptonite!" Firestorm was shocked, "Why is there a piece of kryptonite here?"

"Because kryptonite has become more and more common in the past two years, and it is even common for movie directors to spend money to buy one for real effects."

Firestorm's other half - Professor Stein's head floated next to him and said.

"But don't worry Ronald, have you forgotten what I taught you? We can use our ability to convert his green kryptonite into air."

"Ha! Do you still need to remind me? I already thought of it!"

Firestorm raised his hands and activated the Firestorm Matrix. His ability was immediately locked on the kryptonite, and the matrix of material reorganization rolled past, and the kryptonite fragments emitting green radiation suddenly turned into


"Uh-huh. Uh-huh!"

Superman sat up, but covered his head and roared, his eyes turned red.

The electric girl was startled and raised her hands in a hurry: "Hey! I just want to get some small money, and I haven't had time to get it yet! Don't be so angry."


Superman roared like a beast, and the electric girl was so frightened that she hurriedly released the electric current to block it.

Professor Stein pondered for two seconds.

"Did you just turn it into red kryptonite that angered Superman?"

"Uh, sorry, that was a mistake, guys, a mistake!" Firestorm raised his hands again, "There will be no mistakes this time!"

The Firestorm Matrix activates again. The light rolled by, and the kryptonite transformed again under the power of the matrix.

Became golden?

The furious Superman instantly turned into a confused face.

"Who am I? Where am I? What do I want to do?"

At this time, the electric girl hit him with a flash of light, hitting the "S" on Superman's chest. The shock caused him to take two steps back with an "ah" sound and screamed.

"Hey! Why does this person want to shock me? This is not ladylike at all!"

Firestorm: "."

"So your plan is to turn it into gold kryptonite that will cause Superman to lose his memory?" Professor Stein said.

"Ah, I can't remember the chemical formula of green kryptonite." Firestorm scratched his head, "I just forgot some knowledge! Wait, I remembered it, and it must be correct this time!"

Another Firestorm Matrix. But then the golden kryptonite turned black.

Superman was split into two in front of everyone, covering his head, and turned into two Supermans, one black and one white.

"Oh." Professor Stein said, "That is the black kryptonite of split personality, which can split the two extremes of the best and the most evil in a person's heart."

At this time, Black Superman had already let out a series of villain-like evil "Jie Jie Jie" laughter.

"I like this uniform, pitch black, abyss-like darkness." Black Superman sneered, "Just like my heart. I have the urge to dance, or go chat with pretty girls on the street."

Bai Chaoren said: "No, we shouldn't do that! That would have a very bad impact!"

"Oh, come on! Shut your stinky mouth!"

Black Superman punched White Superman with a bang. The two men struggled together.

"Wow." Firestorm blinked twice, "So the darkest and most evil thing in Brother Blue's heart is to dance on the street and pick up girls?"

"That was a bit unexpected," Professor Stein said.

"Wait a minute, I remember!" Firestorm's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Do you remember the chemical formula?" Professor Stein asked.

"No, I remembered I copied it down!"

Firestorm took off his gloves and saw a long series of chemical formulas written on the uniform on his wrist.

Like a student who makes cheat sheets for exams.

"Ha, that's it! I knew I should remember it!"

The last Firestorm Matrix activates. There was finally no surprise this time. The kryptonite turned into air and disappeared.

Without the influence of kryptonite, the two supermen, one black and one white, quickly merged into one and returned to their original form.

Superman, who returned to normal, took care of the electric girl in less than a blink of an eye and let out a long sigh. Follow him and look back at Firestorm.

"Well done, Firestorm. Just one small problem please don't tell Batman what happened."

However, at this moment, Firestorm was lowering his head and tapping away at his cell phone. While sending a message to someone, he casually agreed: "Of course, no problem. Trust me, I have the tightest tongue."

As he spoke, he was suddenly startled, as if he realized something was wrong.

"Wait a minute," Firestorm raised his head in confusion, "What did you just say?"

Superman looked at the phone in his hand that he had just finished sending the message. The interface that opened was the "Justice League Work Group".

He has already posted the news and pictures to the group.

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