I become light in American comics

Chapter 589 It’s super dangerous outside

Gotham City, the City of Sin.

Gotham at night always exudes a suffocating atmosphere. The tall buildings cast deep shadows under the dim lights, and the streets are filled with moist mist, making all sins and secrets hazy and blurry.

The moonlight was blocked by thick clouds in the dark alley, leaving only a little glimmer. The dilapidated brick walls, the indescribable sense of oppression. The tap of high heels echoed in the darkness to the end of the alley. The blonde woman turned around in horror at the dead end, clutching her clutch in fear.

Appearing from the shadows behind her were several men with cold eyes. He has long, disheveled hair, holds a sharp knife, and has a malicious smile on his lips.

The mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole follows behind. This group of men who think they are hunters obviously did not realize that there is another person here in the darkness.

The dart that broke through the air knocked away the sharp knife in the hand of the leading man. The man was startled. He turned around and saw Gotham's Nightmare rushing out of the shadows in the form of a bat. He punched the head hard, knocking out the leading man.


The other gangsters also screamed in terror. It was the biggest nightmare they could encounter in this city.

Batman doesn't know why, but whenever he spends too much time with a certain big blue boy scout in the League, he longs for darkness more.

When I'm with the Justice League, it's always some legendary adventure, saving the planet, correcting time and space, that kind of thing. In comparison, things on the streets are much simpler, with low-life gangsters committing some low-life crimes.

Sometimes the nights were generous to him, and if he was lucky he could even see these scumbags crying.

Unfortunately tonight a red and blue afterimage interrupted Batman's fun before he could do anything.

In the time Batman blinked, all the gangsters in front of him had disappeared as if they had evaporated. The whirlwind picked up his cloak, and the strong wind pressure made him squint his eyes for a moment.

He turned around and saw Superman floating behind him.

"I have a favor to ask, Batman."

"No." Batman said coldly, "I won't lend you my private yacht."

Superman raised an eyebrow.

"I hope you don't mind when I send all your prisoners to jail before you break every rib in them. Maybe we can talk somewhere alone?"


Batman snorted, took out his grappling gun, and flew into the air.

"I'm on patrol, let's talk while we work. Hurry up."

In fact, Superman wanted to say that patrolling would be more efficient if I held you, but after thinking about it, he closed his mouth and followed quietly. Because he knew that saying that would probably make Batman furious, and there would be nothing to talk about later.

"I've been thinking a lot about kryptonite."

"I have read Firestorm's report." Batman said, "Fortunately Firestorm is at the scene. There are not many people in the league who can handle the tiny kryptonite in your wound so quickly. If it were delayed any longer, I don't know what would happen. What other effects.”

"Blessed from misfortune, I guess." Superman sighed.

At this moment, Batman saw something, opened his cape and glided down. He tiptoed from the roof into a dark corner, walking on his knees until his vision was blocked and he moved to a shadowy place. After waiting patiently for about two minutes, a masked gangster who robbed a convenience store suddenly jumped out when he passed by, opened his cloak and scared the guy half to death.

Superman patiently held his arms and floated in the sky the whole time, until he watched him put handcuffs on the poor guy who fainted from shock.

"Don't worry about the electric girl." Batman stood up and continued, "You do a lot of preliminary work, all the preparations, all the arrangements, but some guy got a big deal just by luck. This matter is This is nothing strange to me.”

"No, that's not it." Superman shook his head, "I'm not bothered by the loss this time, but you see, we once thought that kryptonite was one of the rarest substances in the universe. But what about now?

I recently had a nightmare where I saw an entire world covered in kryptonite, from the foundations to the buildings, the entire planet turned green. I have no place here.

What's worse is that this incident made me realize that this scenario is not far from reality. Kryptonite is everywhere, everywhere, in ridiculous amounts.

So much so that any prop master could buy a real piece of Kryptonite for a movie just because the director wanted it to look more realistic. "

Batman snorted: "They actually care about the truth in a place like this."

"Yeah. Wait," Superman raised his eyebrows, "So you've also read the script? You know the origin of Batman they wrote?"

"I don't want to talk about this."

Batman said dryly.

"Let's get back to the point."

"Okay. That is to say, kryptonite is becoming more and more common now. I have even seen people from the upper reaches of society spend a lot of money to order kryptonite engagement rings.

And where I grew up, the small town of Smallville, I found out when I was growing up that there were tons of kryptonite, huge swaths of it. Almost every week a kryptonite weirdo pops up to cause trouble.

So I learned as a kid that Kryptonite brings out the most ferocious sides of people. And for me, this is fatal.

Can you imagine what it would be like to go out every day knowing that you could die at any moment? "

"I don't have to imagine."

Batman said coldly, squatting on a gargoyle.

"There is one thing that has the same effect on me as kryptonite does on you, and its name is a bullet. As long as I make a mistake every night when I go out, a bullet can kill me.

Welcome to the human world, Clark. "

"You know what I mean." Superman pouted.

"I'm just saying, kryptonite makes you more human."

"Someone's going to die," Superman said. "Every time I'm delayed because of Kryptonite, or I'm injured, every second I feel like someone's getting hurt or killed, and I could have saved them."

Batman: "."

"Lana once joked to me that maybe I should collect all the kryptonite around town, seal it up and throw it into the sun."

“And now you’re thinking about feasibility.”

Batman asked quietly.

"But are you talking about the world's kryptonite?"

"Yes." Superman looked at him sincerely, "Are you willing to help me?"


After a moment, Batman said: "That won't be easy. With such a huge amount of kryptonite, and when the magnitude is small enough, its radiation is impossible to detect even with our technology.

We need help from a friend. "

Superman thought for a while: "You mean Mr. Shen?"

"Yes. But I'm not sure if he will be interested in this kind of thing. At present, I observe that in most cases he will not interfere in our affairs."

"It shouldn't be a problem to ask him for help." Superman said, "We are friends, aren't we?"

"Maybe," Batman said, "but I have an idea that has a better chance."

One day later, Kara held Shen You's arm hard and shook it.

"Just help me! Kryptonite is everywhere when I go out now. It's like I'll bump into a piece of kryptonite if I take just two steps. I feel like it's so dangerous outside that I almost don't dare to go out."

"Oh? Can't you do this little thing yourself?"

Shen You was swayed around in her arms, but his face remained unmoved.

"I can scan the wavelength of kryptonite, but if it is too small, I can't do anything. For example, there are fragments with almost no detectable radiation, and molecular-level kryptonite particles."

"That's it." Shen You said thoughtfully, "Since it's so dangerous outside, I guess I shouldn't go shopping with Raven tonight because I have an appointment?"


The hair on Kara's head suddenly stood up, and her little head shook like a rattle.

"That won't work. You still have to go."

"Then tell me honestly, did you really come up with the idea just now?"

The girl remained silent for a few seconds, then honestly disarmed.

"No, Karl asked me to say it."

"I knew it."

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