: Red Alert Legion’s air strike!

Jingdong battlefield.

The attack by the United Wa State Army and the Mongla Army was somewhat sudden, but the Red Police Corps on the front line had actually been prepared. Therefore, when the Wa State Army and the Mongla Army launched a harassment attack, the Red Police Corps responded immediately.

However, the enemy did not launch a direct attack on the Red Police Corps stronghold on the Jingdong Plain. Instead, they relied on the cover of the mountains and jungles on the outskirts of the Jingdong Plain to engage in cold-blooded attacks while hiding in the jungle.

From time to time, I fired a few shots from here. When the Red Alert soldiers counterattacked, I immediately escaped into the forest and changed positions.

Or a few soldiers operate a small-caliber mortar and conduct rapid shelling towards the military stronghold of the Red Police Corps.

For example, 60mm mortars and 82mm mortars can pour out thirty rounds of artillery shells in one minute, and even in the hands of skilled veteran artillerymen, they can fire thirty-five rounds of artillery shells in one minute.

Then these Wa State Army and Mongla Army artillerymen hit and ran.

Moreover, this small-caliber mortar is also very light. The 60mm mortar weighs only a dozen kilograms, and the 82mm mortar weighs only more than forty kilograms. After the split, the barrel and bottom plate are lighter and only need Two or three people can form an artillery team and run over the mountains and plains with the 307 mortar.

Therefore, under the guerrilla harassment and artillery bombardment of the Wa State Army and the Mongla Army, the garrison soldiers of the Red Police Army did not pursue them, but followed the original plan and waited for the enemy’s attack.

Unfortunately, the commanders of the Wa State Army and the Mongla Army did not intend to attack the Jingdong Plain. They fought for more than half an hour and continued to engage in guerrilla artillery warfare in the jungle outside the Jingdong Plain.

As Wang Yao’s order was conveyed to the front line, Zhao Wenlong, commander of the 2nd Battalion of the Red Police Infantry who was in charge of the Jingdong soldiers, and several other battalion commanders immediately began to organize a counterattack plan after discussion.

The red police force on the Jingdong front line was led by Zhao Wenlong as the front line commander, the third battalion commander Sun Hao as the deputy commander, and the fifth battalion commander Yang Yunlong as the front line chief of staff, forming a temporary front line combat headquarters.

The total number of Red Police Corps and militia guards on the Jingdong frontline exceeds 6,000, as well as various heavy weapons and air support. Therefore, Wang Yao did not send additional infantry support to Jingdong.

Instead, an additional large reconnaissance aircraft was dispatched.

High above Jingdong, a large plane with twin propeller engines painted in green and gray was hovering in the sky at a speed of 500 kilometers per hour.

This is a Soviet reconnaissance aircraft. It was modified from the former Soviet Il-4 bomber. It is equipped with various aerial cameras, radar, infrared equipment, electronic reconnaissance equipment, etc. It can conduct large-scale reconnaissance of ground targets from high altitudes. .

With the addition of this large reconnaissance aircraft, the Red Alert Command on the Jingdong front line immediately had a general understanding of the surrounding enemy forces.

Based on the high-altitude shots taken by the reconnaissance aircraft and the images captured by infrared equipment, analysts on the ground immediately marked the dynamics of the enemy forces on the periphery of the Jingdong Plain, and even found several artillery positions.

So he immediately contacted the Air Force attack aircraft unit and requested an air fire strike.

Soon, six Intruder fighter jets entered the Jingdong airspace from the south. Ground analysts were updating the intelligence returned by the reconnaissance aircraft in real time, allowing the attack aircraft squadron to better provide air strikes.

The six Intruder attack planes spread out and headed towards their respective targets.

The purpose of this operation was to attack enemy guerrilla forces in the jungle. Therefore, most of the ammunition carried by the intruder attack aircraft were air-to-ground missiles and rockets.

After arriving over the target, the intruder attack aircraft immediately opened its cabin and launched multiple air-to-ground missiles or rockets towards the target.

Whistling sounds echoed in the air, and air-to-surface missiles and rockets rushed into the dense jungle to attack the enemies hiding in the forest.

Although there was a jungle as cover, the huge explosions and shock waves still caused serious damage to the enemies in the jungle.

Enemy mortar and machine gun positions, as well as locations where large numbers of soldiers were holed up, were attacked from the air.

In the primeval forest on the outskirts of the Jingdong Plain, large fireballs rose up one after another, and the sound of explosions came one after another (abcf).

The Wa State Army and the Mongla Army, which have been fighting jungle guerrilla warfare all their lives, were not bombed by the air force for the first time, but this was the first time they encountered such a precise air attack.

The first wave of air strikes caused heavy losses to the artillery units of the Wa State Army and the Mongla Army.

Only a small number of small-caliber mortars were carried away by artillerymen and maneuvered quickly, thus escaping this disaster.

But soon the red alert reconnaissance aircraft in the air discovered these fleeing artillery pieces, and ground analysts once again updated the target’s dynamics.

The Intruder attack aircraft left and returned, flying back again to conduct a second round of air strikes against the fleeing enemy artillery.

In the mountainous area in the northeastern part of the Jingdong Plain, at the entrance of a cave with steep cliffs, Bao Jiaxiang, commander-in-chief of the United Wa State Army, looked at the large reconnaissance plane hovering in the sky with a telescope in his hand, trembling all over.

On the ground, although his troops were hiding in the dense jungle, they were still accurately targeted by air-to-surface missiles and rockets from the attack aircraft whizzing by. Troops continued to report various losses.

“Commander-in-Chief! The enemy’s aerial firepower is too fierce! The artillery regiment! It has been almost destroyed!” Chief of Staff Zhao Yanlun walked over from the cave and said with a sad expression.

In this military operation, the Wa State Army’s artillery regiment only brought artillery such as mortars and rocket launchers that could be transported by humans. It did not bring heavy firepower such as howitzers and anti-aircraft guns.

Because the mountain roads in northern Myanmar are too difficult to walk, their heavy firepower with wheels cannot move quickly in the mountains and forests of northern Myanmar.

The battle against Jingdong this time required rapid deployment, so there was no time to carry howitzers and anti-aircraft guns.

So now that they have suffered an aerial attack from the Red Police Corps, they don’t even have an anti-aircraft gun that can shoot up to a thousand meters. They can only turn some machine guns with their muzzles pointed upward and temporarily use them as anti-aircraft machine guns.

However, the air force reconnaissance aircraft on the opposite side was at an altitude of several thousand meters. The attack aircraft was too fast. Most of the Wa State Army’s machine guns had a caliber of only 7.62 mm. There were not even a few 12.7 mm machine guns. They could not cause effective damage to the opponent’s aircraft. !

And once their machine gun firepower points are exposed, they will soon be counterattacked by attack aircraft, and rockets will attack overwhelmingly!

“Order all troops to move deep into the jungle to avoid enemy aircraft and avoid the enemy’s sharp edges!” Bao Jiaxiang could only order this.

“Those artillery pieces will explode when they are exploded! The enemy is about to launch a counterattack. When they enter the jungle! I want them to know that this virgin forest in northern Myanmar! Who has the final say!” Bao Jiaxiang is very familiar with jungle guerrilla warfare. Have confidence.

Isn’t it just an air raid? It was not like his United Wa State Army had never been attacked by the Burmese army. Fortunately, they were not beaten away in the end.

Even after so many years of peace and the Myanmar Army updating its equipment, it was still deeply troubled by jungle guerrilla warfare when it was fighting the Kokang Army and the Kachin Army.

However, Bao Jiaxiang will soon pay the price for his pride! .

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