I built an armada

Chapter 120 A ship with great military achievements! A century-old plan begins! Recruitment from all

Military base in the northern seas.

After a day and night of familiarity and understanding, a total of 41 top military industry experts from the three major research institutes gathered here have a very clear understanding of the next division of labor.

Especially the many advanced technologies mentioned in it shocked them.

I often lament in private that people are just different.

"A group of mathematicians have been busy working for a lifetime, and Gauss completed it in one afternoon! We also have a figure like Gauss in our navy!"

Hearing military industry experts from other research institutes lament there, Li Mingrui suddenly felt very familiar.

"Lao Zhang, why do these words sound so familiar?"

"I remembered." Zhang Gongnong said immediately: "In December last year, when Dingping submitted his graduation project, you said this."

Li Mingrui suddenly realized.

No wonder it felt so familiar to him, he had said it himself.

"At the time, I was just inspired by my feelings. Looking back now, my vision was quite accurate at the time. I hit the nail on the head!"

"Look at it now, there is nothing wrong with this sentence when applied to Dingping."

Zhang Gongnong smiled and said: "I still remember how excited we were when 956E first arrived. We didn't sleep a wink for several nights! What about now? To put it bluntly, 956E didn't even look at it! It's all over now. It’s been a year, times have changed!”

While talking, the two of them looked at Su Dingping, who was discussing matters with Sun Yongguo and others, with complicated and happy eyes.

"I heard from Dingping yesterday that this big project will start in the next few days! I don't know when it will start, but I can't wait now."

Li Mingrui said excitedly.

At this time, a naval officer walked over quickly.

He came straight to Sun Yongguo and said, "Dean Sun, the chief is here."

Sun Yongguo, who was talking to Su Dingping, heard that the chief had arrived and was about to react when Xu Dongguo walked into the temporary classroom with the guards.

The previously huge temporary classroom suddenly seemed crowded as 41 military industry experts all squeezed in.

"Chief, Dingping and I are just going to pick you up." Sun Yongguo said quickly.

"I know you're busy, so I won't bother you."

With that said, Xu Dongguo gestured to the guard.

After a while, the military experts present were invited out.

Soon, only four people, Su Dingping, Sun Yongguo, Lu Guangjun, and Xu Dongguo, were left at the scene.

Seeing the guard's behavior, Su Dingping immediately realized that something big was going to happen to Xu Dongguo.

Has the opportunity for the construction of an integrated military factory arrived?

Sun Yongguo and Lu Guangjun looked at each other, and there was a hint of excitement in their eyes.

"Everyone sit down."

After a few people sat down, Xu Dongguo said again.

"I have two pieces of news this time."

"This is the first one." Xu Dongguo looked at Su Dingping and said with joy on his face: "Dingping, you have done a great job in conquering 052B!"


The three of them looked at each other.

052B didn't show up at the military parade in the morning. How could he perform meritorious service?

Immediately, the three people reacted instantly.

The waters were definitely not calm at that time.

Sure enough, Xu Dongguo's next words verified their speculation, with only slight discrepancies.

"This matter has to start with the purchase of equipment last month..."

After a while, Su Dingping and the other two people suddenly understood everything after listening to Xu Dongguo's story.

Su Dingping was not surprised at all that the 052B was able to stop the Murasame's four anti-ship missiles.

Compared with the 052B in the previous life, the current 052B has greatly improved its combat level!

It's barely qualified to fight against the Kongang-class guide, but it's still no problem to arm-wrestle with the Murasame.

Compared to Su Dingping's calmness, Sun Yongguo and Lu Guangjun looked shocked.

The 052B in our hands can already compete with the Murasame-class guided missile destroyer Murasame of the Donghuang tribe?

This was unthinkable before.

No wonder 052B has made great achievements again.

Unknowingly, our navy has made great progress.

Sun Yongguo and Lu Guangjun were excited.

Soon, the two calmed down again.

They knew very well how busy Xu Dongguo was on weekdays, and the reason for coming here in person was definitely not to tell him the good news! Not to mention, he took the time to explain it in detail.

The former and the second message must be related.

But they couldn't figure it out for a while.

"Chief, what's the second news?" Su Dingping asked.

The smile on Xu Dongguo's face faded and gradually became serious.

Sun Yongguo's heart trembled, knowing that something must have happened.

Xu Dongguo said solemnly: "The second news is also related to the first one. Due to Navy Day in the morning, some of the high-precision equipment and materials that had not yet arrived were intercepted by the West on the way."

After hearing this, Sun Yongguo's expressions became serious.

At present, the integrated military factory has not officially started, and there is a problem with the required equipment, which feels like a bad start.

They knew in their hearts that Xu Dongguo had said so and even made a special trip for this, which meant that the navy had no solution to this matter yet! Not to mention the navy, even high-level officials can't solve it for a while.

Neither the Eastern Wilderness tribe nor the West wants to see them rise! On this point, Sun Yongguo and others felt like a mirror.

After a pause, Xu Dongguo said with some guilt: "Dingping, it's true that we didn't think carefully about this matter. We were impatient. I didn't expect them to be so shameless!"

"But don't worry, Chief Liu is already thinking of a solution. We will definitely solve the problem!"

Suddenly, Su Dingping spoke.

"Chief, do you have the relevant details?"

"Details?" Xu Dongguo was stunned for a moment and said quickly: "Yes!"

As he spoke, he took out the detailed catalog he had brought.

Su Dingping took the detailed catalog and quickly looked through it.

Sun Yongguo and Lu Guangjun didn't say anything, and waited nervously.

After a while, Su Dingping finally finished reading.

I saw him smiling and saying.

"Chief, it's okay, the impact is not big."

"I took a look, and it's only about 6% different from the original demand! With a little adjustment, it won't be a big problem."

Xu Dongguo didn't believe it, "Dingping, we will solve this matter. It must not affect the construction of the integrated military factory."


Su Dingping explained.

“In the planning document I submitted at that time, I originally planned to replace 96% of all equipment.”

Xu Dongguo nodded, he remembered this incident deeply.

Originally, Su Dingping planned to get it done in one step, but later, considering the actual situation, he felt that it was unrealistic.

This led to the 83% renewal rate in the planning book.

But even so, the construction and equipment costs caused by the 83% replacement rate are as high as 15 billion!

"In fact, in addition to the 83% plan, there is also a third filing! At that time, I also considered a backup plan in case the relevant tribes banned the export of certain high-precision equipment."

Su Dingping explained with sincerity.

"It is currently 77%, which is similar to the preliminary plan."

Seeing that Su Dingping's expression didn't seem to be fake, Xu Dongguo asked dubiously.


"Chief, it's absolutely true!"

"Will it not affect the construction of the integrated military factory?"

"It doesn't affect it, but the maintenance cost of subsequent warships will be higher."

After receiving Su Dingping's affirmative answer again, Xu Dongguo's anxious heart finally dropped a lot.

"Now that we have a preparatory plan, I feel more at ease. It doesn't matter if the maintenance cost is higher. Let's get over the current difficulties first."

Maintenance costs are high, Xu Dongguo knows this.

Different levels of advanced equipment and materials have a great impact on the damage resistance of warships.

Especially when it comes to maintenance, the frequency and cost required will increase significantly.

But the current situation is special and this is the only way.

Simply speaking, subsequent warships will not be mass-produced, but will take small steps and develop more advanced ones as they are being built.

With the important things done, Xu Dongguo felt much better.

Sun Yongguo and Lu Guangjun on the side did not speak.

It seems that it is only 6% less, but the overall layout needs to be adjusted a lot. This is a big project.

Does Dingping really have a preparation plan?

The two of them had no idea.

At this moment, the guard walked in quickly.

"Report to the chief, secret message."

As soon as they heard the word 'secret message', Sun Yongguo and Lu Guangjun quickly found an excuse and left.

Xu Dongguo took the secret message and glanced at it, his face suddenly darkened.

The mood that I just woke up suddenly became a lot heavier.

Su Dingping asked: "Chief, what happened?"


After thinking about it, Xu Dongguo said: "Actually, it's not a secret."

"We mentioned the procurement of the Varyag aircraft carrier during the last military training."

Su Dingping realized that he had an impression.

"Are you having trouble purchasing?"

"I have bought it! But on the way back, I was stopped by the native tribes. The Qitu Strait is the only way for the Varyag aircraft carrier to return, and the native tribes have jurisdiction."

Xu Dongguo explained.

“I didn’t expect that Navy Day would have such a big impact!”

After hearing what Xu Dongguo said, Su Dingping immediately reacted.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Dongguo comforted him: "Don't worry about Dingping. Good things come in many ways. Only by overcoming these difficulties can we usher in a new beginning."

Su Dingping nodded.

At this moment, the guard came over with a satellite phone.

"Chief, there is a call from the Navy Headquarters."


Xu Dongguo suddenly realized something and quickly answered the phone.

"Yes, Chief, I understand."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Dongguo said solemnly: "Dingping, the location has been sent to all headquarters, and the plan will officially start at 7 o'clock!"

"Chief, I'm going to get everyone ready."

Immediately, Xu Dongguo quickly left the military base with the guards.

At the same time, Harbin 335 Research Institute.

After Wan Long inspected the deployment situation, he just returned to the office and before he could sit down, the phone on his desk rang.

When he picked it up, Wan Long stood upright instantly.

"Wan Long, new transfer order! From now on, lead the team to evacuate from the 335 Research Institute immediately. You are not responsible for the subsequent security."

"In half an hour, go to the airport. Someone will be waiting for you at the airport! Remember, half an hour!"

"Yes! Chief!"

After hanging up the phone, Wan Long didn't dare to delay and immediately ordered someone to blow the assembly horn.

In less than two minutes, all personnel were assembled.

"Everyone, set off immediately!"

Soon, everyone disappeared into the vast night.

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