I built an armada

Chapter 121 Bureau Chief: Don’t ask, I can’t make it right!

Wan Long, a powerful major of the Navy, is assigned to the battalion, commanding four companies with a total of 500 people. It is an independent battalion affiliated with units above the division and is mainly responsible for the security of some confidential projects.

When Su Dingping was at the 335 Research Institute, Xu Dongguo personally ordered Wan Long to lead a company to be responsible for security.

Later, Su Dingping moved to the military base in the northern sea area, while Wan Long continued to stay at the 335 Research Institute to cooperate with Su Dingping's protection work when he returned to Harbin at any time.

At present, he led a company of troops, got in the car and went straight to the airport.

Xu Dongguo didn't say where he was going, nor what he was going to do. Wan Long didn't ask any more questions, he just carried out the order and was done.

Half an hour later, Harbin Northern Military Airport.

After getting out of the car, Wan Long led the company and ran all the way.

As soon as I arrived at the airport, I found that the other three companies under my command, totaling 360 people, were ready to go. Not only that, even his own battalion headquarters personnel came.

"Hello, Chief!"

Upon seeing Wan Long, the three company commanders saluted at the same time.

The deputy battalion commander stepped forward and said: "Battal Commander, 379 people from our department were supposed to be present, but they actually arrived! Please give instructions from the battalion commander."

"They're all here!" Wan Long was a little surprised.

He glanced at everyone.

Judging from the postures of these people, it seemed that they all wanted to leave with him.

Previously, only one company was dispatched to protect the 335 Research Institute, but now the entire battalion has to be dispatched!

500 people!

How big of a classified project requires 500 people to be responsible for security?

Immediately, Wanlong noticed several large transport planes parked nearby.

The staff next to the transport plane walked over quickly after seeing Wan Long.

"Chief, this is a document from the Northern Fleet Command."

As he said that, the other party handed over a sealed document bag.

Wan Long took the document bag, tore off the seal, took out the documents inside and took a look.

There is not much content, so Wan Long is asked to take the entire battalion on a large transport plane to the next destination. Someone will specifically convey the subsequent specific tasks to the next destination.

Staring at the document, Wan Long was secretly frightened.

The confidentiality level of this mission was higher than that of all the security work he had been responsible for before. Specific instructions were given in stages, which greatly ensured the confidentiality of the mission.

"The Navy Day was held in the morning, and such a big move was made in the evening. What project is worthy of such a big move?"

Thinking of this, Wan Long immediately said to the deputy battalion commander.

"All units check each other and are not allowed to bring any irrelevant equipment onto the transport plane!"

"Yes! Battalion Commander!"

After a while, the four companies completed checking each other.

"Batalion Commander, everything is fine." said the deputy battalion commander.

Wan Long said: "Give me the order. Don't ask what you are doing or where you are going!"

"Yes! Battalion Commander!"

As the instructions were passed to everyone, Wan Long immediately said: "Everyone board the plane and set off immediately!"

"Yes! Battalion Commander!"

Soon, 500 people boarded several transport planes in an orderly manner.

Accompanied by bursts of roaring sounds, several transport planes took off one after another and disappeared into the vast night.

At the same time, a naval military base.

The battalion commander who was leading the night drill was suddenly called away.

"Hello, Chief."

"Tian Qishan, there is a mission from above. Your Second Company will gather at a location 20 kilometers away to the north at seven o'clock tonight! Perform a special training mission!"

"Yes! Chief!"

After the instructions, the regiment leader went to each battalion headquarters to conduct one-on-one notifications.

The same situation was carried out at multiple naval bases at the same time.

Obviously, it is impossible to mobilize 4,500 people from just one naval base. In that case, the movement would be too loud and could easily be noticed by interested parties.

And by distributing it to various sub-bases, the noise will be much smaller.

It is very common for a military base to be short of hundreds of personnel to perform special tasks.

Before seven o'clock, Tian Qishan's second company packed up their things and quietly assembled.

Taking advantage of the darkness, they set off towards their destination.

At the same time as they left, several companies in the base also quietly left from different directions.

There is not much weight to carry, and the 20 kilometers away can be reached in an hour of rapid marching.

At the destination, more than a dozen transport trucks were waiting.

As soon as the second company arrived, someone came over and said: "Command, get in the car quickly!"


The commander of the second company directed everyone to quickly board the car, and soon after, the other companies also arrived.

Before long, more than a dozen transport trucks were filled with people.

After the personnel gathered, more than a dozen transport trucks quickly disappeared into the night.

In the carriage, passwords were passed down one after another.

"Go ahead and tell me, don't ask where you are going or what you are doing!"

"Notify me, don't ask..."

Some of the ministries take transport vehicles, some take transport planes, and some take trains.

Before arriving, neither the sailors nor the driver knew where the destination was.

The destinations that these transportation devices can reach are limited, and the final destination requires them to rush there.

On the other side, on the way back to the Northern Fleet headquarters from the military base in the northern seas, Xu Dongguo quickly issued a series of confidential instructions.

Not only his side, Xiao Chongjun and Qian Wenbing also acted the same after receiving the news from the Navy Headquarters.

The list of personnel transfers was provided by the heads of the three major fleets. Xu Dongguo and others did not know exactly who to transfer until Liu Huaming from the headquarters made the decision.

When the time came and the order from the headquarters came down, the three chiefs knew exactly who had been transferred and gave the order directly to the transferred departments.

Moreover, Liu Huaming personally sent someone to notify the final destination instructions at the junction point.

The secret mobilization of 4,500 people is unfolding in full swing but quietly.

The battalion led by Wan Long was not included in the mobilization of 4,500 personnel.

The 4,500 people are only the construction personnel needed for the integrated military factory. The 500 people in Wanlong are responsible for security work and were selected by Liu Huaming alone.

Because Wan Long had a relationship with Su Dingping several times, and was also responsible for protecting Su Dingping's safety secretly. The two parties have a basis for cooperation, so mobilizing the Wanlong battalion will also facilitate subsequent management.

Returning to the headquarters, Xu Dongguo immediately contacted Liu Huaming.

"Chief, everything has been deployed and all ministries have set off!"

"Very good, Comrade Wenbing and Comrade Chongjun have also started." Liu Huaming said: "After waiting for a month, it is finally starting."

Obviously, Liu Huaming has also been looking forward to the construction of an integrated military factory for a long time.

"By the way, Comrade Dongguo, what did Dingping say?"

Xu Dongguo quickly repeated what Su Dingping said before.

After listening, Liu Huaming secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, there is a backup plan in Dingping, otherwise, this month's work would have been in vain. However, I will continue to think of ways to deal with that batch of equipment. Although there is a backup plan, it will definitely have some shortcomings."

The conversation changed and Liu Huaming continued to ask: "Have you received the news about the Varyag aircraft carrier?"

"Yes, chief. I have contacted Wang De and Zhao Quanfa and asked them to find a way to communicate with the Ertu tribe."

"It's probably of no use." Liu Huaming said: "I received the exact news that they deliberately attacked the Kavalag aircraft carrier, and the Ertu tribe had the instruction of the Eagle tribe behind it!"

Hearing the news, Xu Dongguo's heart suddenly sank.

If it is the Ertu tribe's unilateral idea, there is still room for negotiation.

But the Eagle Tribe is involved behind the scenes, and the trouble is big.

"Let me tell you, there is no direct conflict of interest between the Ertu tribe and us. How could the Ertu tribe suddenly make such a poor excuse, saying that the passage of the Varyag through the Ertu Strait will have a major impact on the Ertu Strait. That's it. ah."

"Chief, do you need to send someone to communicate with the Eagle Tribe?"

Liu Huaming shook his head and said: "No! The situation is unclear at the moment. If we skip the Ertu tribe and go directly to the Eagle tribe, then purchasing the Varyag aircraft carrier will become an action of our navy. In that case, the Eagle tribe will not be able to let it go. "

"We'll wait and see what happens. When the time comes, we'll let people from the Ministry of Foreign Trade negotiate with the Ertu tribe. If it doesn't work, we'll think of other solutions."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Dongguo sighed.

He felt that the navy was still a bit lacking at the moment.

Apart from anything else, if the navy is as powerful as the Eastern Barren Tribe, even if the Eagle Tribe instructs the Ertu Tribe to intercept the Varyag aircraft carrier, the Ertu Tribe will have to carefully consider offending a powerful people for the sake of the Varyag aircraft carrier. Is the Navy worth it?

"The navy does not have a strong ocean-going force and cannot form a sufficient deterrent to the Ertu tribe six thousand kilometers away."

Nuclear weapons give our side the trump card to flip the table, but we can't just flip the table when things happen. That's not realistic.

Xu Dongguo knew clearly that without relying on the power of the army and air force, it would be difficult for the navy to protect itself in the Dongzhou waters. Ocean deterrence? I dare not even think about it.

"From the light blue navy to the dark blue navy, the navy takes the first step of the three-step strategy. We must hurry up. If we continue like this, we will never be like this again!"

In the past, Xu Dongguo would definitely comfort himself: endure it for a while, and endure it again.

But in the afternoon, 052B had an arm wrestling match with the Murasame-class guidance pilot, and Xu Dongguo felt that his waist had become much tougher.

If it weren't for the fact that the Ertu tribe was too far away, it would have been almost ten thousand miles away by sea. As long as it is in the waters of Dongzhou, the Northern Fleet will definitely arrive at the opponent's doorstep to pick up the Varyag aircraft carrier before dawn tomorrow.

At the same time, Zhang Zhaoxin was conducting a mental rehearsal before the live broadcast backstage in the "Military One-on-One" studio.

051C was unveiled on Navy Day in the morning. When he connects to the audience, he will inevitably face more problems, so he needs to be prepared.

When it first aired, the audience almost lost their minds while connecting to the show. Subsequently, the program team adjusted the audience connection link, and the program team selected people to connect backstage.

However, this situation caused a large number of military fans to complain online. As Zhang Zhaoxin's business capabilities gradually strengthened, he readjusted to connect with real audiences.

"Colonel Zhang, it's almost time, we can start."

"Okay, I'll be there right away."

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Zhaoxin came to the studio.

As the program progressed, half an hour later, the audience connection session came.

"Friends in the audience, the next step is the interactive session between Colonel Zhang and you! The teacher in the background just sent word that the number of calls coming in today is several times more than before! So, who will be the first lucky audience today? ?let us wait and see."

The military fans in front of the TV couldn't help laughing when they heard these words.

The reason why there are more calls today than before is because they reached an agreement on the Iron Blood Network.

Those military fans rushed to call, and the operators behind the scenes were shocked.

As the phone beeped in the studio, the military fans in front of the TV became anxious.

Finally, the voice of the first lucky viewer rang in the studio.

"Hello, Colonel Zhang, I would like to ask if something happened on the sea this afternoon?"

Zhang Zhaoxin's expression remained unchanged, but he was slightly shocked.

When the other party came up and asked about such a confidential matter, it was really beyond his expectation.

Under normal circumstances, shouldn’t we ask about 051C? After all, it is the first modern warship in our navy. I think we don’t pay enough attention to it.

I rehearsed countless answers in my mind, wouldn’t they all be in vain?

Zhang Zhaoxin quietly became vigilant in his heart.

His intuition told him that this was not an ordinary audience, but must be senior military fans.

Only they have the ability and channels to find out some gossip.

"Something happened in the sea? Why didn't I know?" Zhang Zhaoxin looked confused, but it didn't look like he was faking it.

"Colonel Zhang, some fishermen saw the warship at that time..."

The other party Balabala talked for a long time, and the military fans in front of the TV watched with gusto.

They know that the other person is one of them!

A group call worked!

At the moment, all of their eyes were focused on Zhang Zhaoxin, eager to see the answer from the expression on his face.

"Oh, you're talking about this."

Zhang Zhaoxin's originally confused expression suddenly turned into a smile.

Everyone listens, eh? Sure enough, there is a situation!


Zhang Zhaoxin explained: "This is a long story, and viewers who follow our navy must know it. Our sea area is large, and the coast guard force is often insufficient, so our navy sometimes takes on the responsibility of the coast guard."

"Our warships sometimes act as coast guard ships to maintain order on the sea."

"This is not a big deal, and there is nothing to hide from you." Zhang Zhaoxin said with a smile, "When the coast guard becomes stronger in the future, we won't need the navy's help. It's just a small matter, don't take it too seriously."

The audience in front of the TV was entertained, but the military fans who paid attention to the matter were greatly puzzled.

They had heard of warships being temporarily used as coast guard vessels, more than once.

The navy is like this, and the coast guard is even less powerful.

The sea area with a radius of 4.93 million square kilometers really needs the navy to help coordinate the work of the coast guard.

But this time things are different from the past.

Of this they were quite certain.

"That's right." said the audience on the other end of the line.

"But I heard that a sea line leading to the Eastern Barren tribe was suddenly blocked in an emergency. This should not be a naval military exercise. Under normal circumstances, naval military exercises will be notified a few days in advance."

Zhang Zhaoxin still had a smile on his face, but he felt bitter inside.

Today's military fans are so knowledgeable that they blocked the excuses they prepared in advance.

It’s hard to fool military fans this time.

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