I built an armada

Chapter 140 Take advantage and have fun secretly! 052C is delicious!

The conference room of the North Sea Fleet Headquarters was quiet.

The news brought by Su Dingping shocked the four of them.

Although Liu Huaming knew that 052C was very strong, very strong, when the results of 052C's first battle were put on the table, Liu Huaming was still in a daze.

Recalling that he was still sighing at how powerful the White Bear tribe's warships were, Qian Wenbing and Xiao Chongjun looked at each other and gave a helpless smile.

Isn't this kind of behavior the behavior of great powers?

Are we becoming a great power for once?

Thinking of this, Qian Wenbing twisted his neck slightly.

No wonder everyone wants to be a great power, it feels pretty good to be a great power.

Xu Dongguo looked at Su Dingping and then at the video in front of him, but said nothing for a long time.

At this time, Su Dingping also noticed the video sent back by 052B that several people were watching.

After a quick glance, Su Dingping suddenly understood.

"Chief, it turns out you all know."


Xu Dongguo coughed lightly and said, "I just learned the details from your mouth."

"We didn't expect that it would be us." Xiao Chongjun took over and said, "If we had known it was us, we would have been so nervous for a long time."

Qian Wenbing also sighed: "At this age, I am still a little out of control. After returning to the south this time, I have to calm down again."

After a while, Liu Huaming said.

"Dingping, are there other things besides this? For example, what difficulties did 052C encounter? In terms of the operation of the integrated military factory? And military expenditures? Just say it while everyone is here."

Su Dingping shook his head repeatedly.

After hearing about the military expenditure, Su Dingping couldn't help but say something.

"The current military expenditure is enough for the next 052C! It may be stretched in the future."

"No problem. Send four 051Cs to Tesha Tribe next month, and Tesha Tribe will pay the remaining half of the payment by then! We will have money by then."

Liu Huaming said immediately.

"Don't worry about military expenses, we will solve it."

"That's okay."

"It's okay. Go back and rest early. You've been tired for a long day." Liu Huaming said with a smile.

"Then the responsibility for sinking the Congyun this time..."

Su Dingping said.

At any time, this would be enough to start a fight.

So he was worried.

"This matter..." After thinking for a while, Liu Huaming smiled again: "There will be no responsibility for this matter! Don't worry! This is a great achievement for our navy! How can you be responsible? You Just be at ease!"

Seeing that Su Dingping was still a little worried, Liu Huaming said solemnly.

"I will discuss it with Xue Shuai later! With Xue Shuai coming forward, there won't be any trouble in this matter."

Hearing this, Su Dingping breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then it'll be a problem for the chief."

"Go back early and rest."

After seeing off Su Dingping, the conference room fell into silence again.

"Dingping is taking responsibility for Comrade Zhou Qinglei."

Xudong National Highway.

"Comrade Zhou Qinglei is the commander of a ship, and the captain has the primary responsibility for everything on the warship. However, there is a reason for this incident, and the situation is critical, and we have no losses. Chief, in my opinion, this matter should Never mind?"

Nodding, Liu Huaming said: "Dingping has taken it all down, this matter is over! I will personally communicate with Xue Shuai."

"With Xue Shuai coming forward to communicate with the superiors, the problem should not be big." Xu Dongguo breathed a sigh of relief.


Qian Wenbing sighed.

"It's a pity that our navy has done such a big thing and promoted the power of our navy, but we can only enjoy it secretly at home and cannot make it public!"

This was a major event that was going to start a war, so I could only enjoy it quietly.

"But then again, the truth is on our side this time, and we have taken advantage of it. Overall, we still make a profit." Xiao Chongjun said: "Now we just have to delay time! The later the Eastern Barren tribe notices, The better for us!"

"As I said just now, I don't know anything. This thing was done by the White Bear Tribe!" Qian Wenbing added.

Xu Dongguo then said: "Not only that, we also have to attack first! Seize the commanding heights first and completely mess up the situation!"

Several people looked at each other and quickly reached a consensus.

Before, they felt aggrieved. They had to bear the risk of war even though they had done nothing.

Now my attitude has changed, I have taken advantage of it, and while I am secretly enjoying myself, I still pretend to be the victim and condemn it out loud.

"Okay. The previously decided strategy remains unchanged! I'll take the first step."

With that said, Liu Huaming stood up and left in a hurry.

After Liu Huaming left, Qian Wenbing said: "Lao Xu, your Northern Fleet already has 052B! Which of our three major fleets will this 052C serve in? Do you have any ideas?"

As soon as these words came out, the originally tense atmosphere was instantly diluted.

Xiao Chongjun reminded: "Old Xu, 052B is better than our 956E."

Xu Dongguo's mouth twitched slightly.

Things on the Haizi side haven't been settled yet, and these two people have already set their sights on 052C.

052C is so powerful, of course he is very greedy.

Thinking that Fang Wenzhao had just been promised in the morning that the Northern Fleet would give up a warship to the Northern Coast Guard, he suddenly felt a lot more comfortable.

Fortunately, I saved some money in advance.

"You have the 051C, and so does the old money! I don't have any in the Eastern Fleet." Xiao Chongjun said in detail: "The main battleships in our Eastern Fleet are only one 956E, one 052, and one 053H3 frigate. Life is difficult."

Qian Wenbing glanced at Xiao Chongjun in surprise.

Didn’t we say that we should squeeze out the Northern Fleet first and then allocate 052C? Why did you include me in this?

"Old Xiao, if you want to say that, I have to talk to you carefully." Qian Wenbing said: "Nuclear submarines! Your Eastern Fleet has them, Lao Xu also has them in the Northern Fleet, but I don't have them in the Southern Fleet!"

"Can it be the same? The enemies here are stronger."

"There are still many enemies on my side!"

"The Eagle Tribe's aircraft carrier strike group is stronger than all your enemies combined! Nuclear submarines are the trump card!"

"That's your business."


Seeing Qian Wenbing and Xiao Chongjun strangled each other, Xu Dongguo said quickly.

"This is my territory. If you want to strangle us, can you go to the chief? Even if you win, it's not our turn to decide who owns 052C."

When the two of them heard it, they immediately understood it.

"Well, you old Xu, you are very greedy, and you even covet 052C."

Xu Dongguo coughed lightly and quickly found an excuse to leave.

Xu Dongguo left, and the two of them looked at each other and left.

Although the sea area is still turbulent, the general direction has been set, and the three leaders are confident.

More than an hour later, Zhou Qinglei arrived at the Northern Fleet headquarters covered in dust.

"Has the chief not rested yet?" Zhou Qinglei asked in a low voice toward the guard.

"Not yet, Captain Zhou."


Zhou Qinglei kept thinking about words in his mind.

After a while, he took a deep breath, with a determined expression on his face, and said: "Please inform the chief."

Dong Dong——

The guard knocked on the door, and just as he was about to speak, he heard Xu Dongguo's voice coming from the room.

"Comrade Qinglei is here?"

"Yes, chief!" Zhou Qinglei said loudly.

"Comrade Qinglei, it's getting very late. Go back and rest early."

Zhou Qinglei was stunned for a moment.

I didn’t say anything, so why was I expelled?

It's over, it's over, the chief probably already knows.

Now he doesn't even want to see me.

Alas, this is a big mistake.

"Chief. There is something..."

"I know that Dingping was here just now."

Zhou Qinglei opened his mouth, but he couldn't say the remaining half of the words.

Chief Master Su has come?


As soon as I returned to the integrated military factory, I came here non-stop without even using the toilet. How could Commander Su arrive before me?

At the moment, he didn't know that Su Dingping came directly by Wuzhi after he left. At this moment, Su Dingping was already on his way back.

Before Zhou Qinglei could think clearly, he heard Xu Dongguo say again.

"Dingping has taken over all the responsibilities, you can go back with peace of mind."

Zhou Qinglei stood there, this news made him feel mixed emotions.

Su Dingping took over all the responsibilities in advance without saying anything to him, which moved him deeply.

"Chief, I..."


Xu Dongguo opened the door and looked at Zhou Qinglei, whose eyes were a little red.

"Go back, 052C still needs you to command."

"Yes, Chief!"

"Cooperate well with Dingping's work when you return."

"Yes, Chief!"

After turning around and walking a few steps, Zhou Qinglei turned around again and asked worriedly.

"Chief, what about Commander Su?"

"Don't worry, this matter is over."

Upon hearing this, Zhou Qinglei said excitedly: "It's the chief. I'll go back right away and promise to cooperate with Chief Su's work!"

Such a serious matter was revealed like this, and Zhou Qinglei was still in a daze.

But when I think about Su Dingping coming forward, it is reasonable for this matter to turn around so quickly.

If Su Dingping hadn't come forward, he would definitely not be able to escape from the military court.

Looking at Zhou Qinglei's hurried away figure, Xu Dongguo smiled and shook his head.

He was not worried at all about holding Su Dingping accountable.

Even if the higher-ups want to blame it, not to mention Liu Huaming will protect it, Xue Yunzhi will also do his best to protect it.

Such a talent will never be seen again after missing it for decades.

In the early morning, Liu Huaming flew back to the capital from the Northern Fleet Headquarters and went straight to the military region headquarters.

It's almost one o'clock, and Xue Yunzhi hasn't rested yet.

Such an important thing happened in the morning, and he still didn't feel sleepy at all.

In the office, Xue Yunzhi paced back and forth by the window.

Although all armies were deployed, he still felt heavy when he thought about the possible war.

Economic development requires a stable environment, military development requires the economy, and both require time.

The spread of war is very detrimental to development.

But you can't give in. If you do, there will never be peace.


At this time, Liu Huaming came in a hurry.

"Xue Shuai, the situation has changed."

"What's wrong? Has it started? The other side is moving so fast?"

Xue Yunzhi was shocked.

"No, Xue Shuai, actually..."

Immediately afterwards, Liu Huaming explained everything.

After listening, Xue Yunzhi was silent for a while.

This result was something he never expected.

We worked together for a long time, but it was actually our own fault? It’s not that the White Bear Tribe is deliberately provoking conflicts between us and the Eastern Wilderness Tribe.

"Now that we have the evidence, we don't suffer any loss. The incident happened suddenly and is excusable."

Xue Yunzhi said: "Don't worry Dingping, I will handle this matter."

"That's what I mean too," Liu Huaming said.

"The 052C is still very good. He has made a contribution as soon as he hit the water! Tell Comrade Zhou Qinglei that this is his credit, so he doesn't need to worry about it."

Obviously, Xu Dongguo had already told Liu Huaming about Zhou Qinglei's request to Xu Dongguo.

Liu Huaming also told Xue Yunzhi just now that after all, his attitude must be correct.

The rest of the matter will be simple. Continue to pretend that you don’t know anything, and the security in the sea area will still be strengthened. The Blue Star level will also publicly condemn it, and first put the blame on the Eastern Wilderness tribe.

Demonstrate the procrastination technique vividly.

The matter was over, and Liu Huaming left with satisfaction.

At the same time, on the sea.

Three warships from the Eastern Wilderness Tribe have arrived at the site of the Congyun incident.

Among them, the Murasame, which was forced to retreat at the sea boundary more than three months ago, is also among them.

In the main control room of the Murasame, Kitahara Sosuke looked at the dark sea in the distance. It was only more than 20 kilometers away from entering the opposite sea.

For more than three months, Kitahara Sosuke has been in a lot of inner suffering, thinking all the time that one day he will be able to regain his position.

When he heard about the ambush of the Seamount, he was the first to ask for help, but Harada Hiroki refused and appointed his own people.

Now that I came here for the second time, I didn't expect that I was here to collect the body of the Congyun.

This made him furious inside.

He felt that if it had been the Murasame, the Seamount would have been kidnapped long ago, and there would be no chance for the White Bear Tribe to stay behind.

"Damn Fujii Hiroki, you deserve to die for ruining our business!" Kitahara Sosuke cursed in his mind.

"Captain, we have arrived at our destination." The deputy captain said from the side.

"I know."

Kitahara Sosuke had a cold face.

"Send someone to search for it and see if you can find any valuable clues."

"Yes, Captain!" The vice-captain was about to take action, then paused and added: "Captain, after such a long time, do you want to expand the search scope?"

"Look at it within a radius of 30...no, 50 kilometers."

"50 kilometers?"

The deputy captain was stunned for a moment and said quickly: "Captain, if it's 50 kilometers, we'll be in the opposite sea area! Right now we are only 23 kilometers away from the dividing line in the opposite sea area! I'm afraid..."

Seeing Kithara Sosuke's cold eyes sweeping over him, the vice-captain immediately said: "I'm not afraid of the other side, I'm worried that the higher-ups won't allow it! There is an accident on the Congyun right now, and there is news that the other side is also actively preparing."

"If we add fuel to the fire at this juncture, the situation will be completely irreversible! Moreover, in the end, wouldn't it be an advantage to the White Bear Tribe?"

Kitahara Aosuke looked thoughtful.

He is not worried about the navy on the other side, but he has to take the White Bear Tribe seriously.

Seeing that Kitahara Sosuke's expression softened slightly, the vice-captain continued: "There are clues that the White Bear Tribe's sudden attack was deliberate. If we act excessively, wouldn't we play into their hands? No one can take advantage of the White Bear Tribe. ah."


Kithara Sosuke took a deep breath and said: "Okay, you can discuss with the people on the other two warships to expand the search area. As for the other side... don't worry about it for now."

When Kithara Sosuke said these words, the vice-captain breathed a sigh of relief.

It was because of Kithara Sosuke's reckless behavior that he got into trouble last time. The reason why he was not laid off was because of Ribo Inoshita and Wada.

If we act rashly at this juncture, neither Jingxia nor Wada can be saved.

"It's the captain, I'll make arrangements right away!"

After explaining everything, Kitahara Sosuke walked to the radar display and stared at the few small red dots on it.

There is a warship 35 kilometers away from the nearest. About 10 kilometers to the left and right of that warship, there was another warship respectively.

Although only three warships were found on the radar display, Kitahara Sosuke knew that there must be other warships outside the range that was not detected by the radar.

The radar monitor said: "Captain, the warship on the other side has not moved."

"I know! Let them wait there, and don't settle accounts with them this time! There will be opportunities in the future!"

Kithara Sosuke withdrew his gaze and looked at the end of the dark sea.

The warship from last time should be there too, right?

I really want to have a good fight with you!

He said silently in his heart.

He is always worried about 052B, who was the one who failed him last time.

Similarly, on the opposite side of the sea, 052B took the lead and stood ready.

When the Murasame and three other warships appeared within the 95-kilometer active detection range of the 052B radar, Captain Jiang Shengrong knew about it and reported it to Xu Dongguo as soon as possible.

After all, we took advantage this time, captured the Lihe, sank the Congyun, and passed the blame to the White Bear tribe, so Xu Dongguo ordered Jiang Shengrong to exercise restraint.

Because of this, warships will be deployed in the sea area 12 kilometers away from the sea boundary line.

"Captain, are we just going to watch like this?" the deputy captain asked.

Jiang Shengrong said seriously: "As long as they don't cross the line, let them go! Once you find that they have crossed the line, you know the rules."

"Yes, Captain!"

More than an hour later, the first wave of salvage results came out.

On the deck of the Murasame, some scattered debris was piled there, which had not been washed away by the sea water.

Looking at these debris, Kitahara Sosuke's face became extremely gloomy.

He saw fragments of clothes belonging to Haizi, a totem flag that had been blown to pieces, and a bunch of other miscellaneous things.

"Is that all?"

"Captain, the other teams haven't returned yet!"

Kithara Sosuke said coldly: "Continue!"

"Yes, Captain!"

At around four o'clock in the morning, Haizi headquarters headquarters.

Inoshita Wada and Jugami Tao, who are responsible for this matter, have not rested yet.

At this moment, the results of the investigation came through.

"General Hotan, the salvage results are out!"

"How's it going?" Inoshita Wada quickly looked over.

"General Hotan, no valuable clues have been found so far! Some remnants have been salvaged."

Inoshita Wada took a deep breath, this result was what he expected.

With so many missiles hitting it, the Cong Yun would definitely not be salvageable if it sank to the bottom of the sea, and the remnants floating on the sea would probably have drifted far away with the waves. As for the body, it was very likely that it was buried alive in the belly of a fish.

Waving his hand, he said with some dejection: "Let them continue."

"Yes, General Wada!"

Immediately afterwards, the person responsible for collecting intelligence walked in and said.

"General Tianfu, we have made a major discovery!"

Upon hearing this, the two of them looked shocked.

After waiting all night, there is finally good news.

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