I built an armada

Chapter 141 Attack first! Don’t say you didn’t predict what you said!

Tian Fu on the tree was secretly happy. The people he sent out had made a major discovery, and Murakami Asaki had an explanation when he turned around.

As for whether there is any breakthrough progress on Inshiwada's side, it has nothing to do with him.

The two cooperate and are independent of each other.

Tian Fu on the tree said impatiently.

"Say it!"

The other party said quickly.

"General Tianfu, according to the information obtained by our spies deployed on the opposite side, the Lihe has been taken away by them."

The Lihe was taken away by the other side?

The moment he heard the news, the corners of Tian Fu's eyes twitched sharply.

Isn't this good news and can it be considered a major discovery?

Bai was excited!

Tian Fu's expression on the tree suddenly turned ugly.


"There's one more thing, it's quite strange."

On the tree, Tian Fu had a thought in his mind. He thought, there should be good news this time.

With expectation in his eyes, he immediately said: "Tell me and listen."

"According to the information sent by the spies, they only found traces of a small number of the crew of the Rika, and none of the main personnel were found. Especially the captain of the Rika, Shinichi Kamikami. After asking for a long time, there was no news. "

After hearing what the other party said, the expectation in Shushang Tianfu's eyes suddenly dissipated, and he looked at the other party with a hint of evil.

Two pieces of news, neither one is good news!

"Is there any other news?"

"Not yet."

"Okay, let's investigate again and report again." Tian Fu on the tree waved his hand impatiently, indicating that the other party could get out.

Immediately afterwards, he and Inoshita Wada looked at each other and sighed.

There's no good news for either side.

After a while, Tian Fu on the tree said in a deep voice: "The Lihe was indeed taken away by the other side! This is the same as my previous inference."

"I thought it would be sunk by the White Bear Tribe's missile! If it falls into the hands of the opposite party, I'm afraid I will suffer a big loss this time." Inoshita Wada also sighed.

"To be honest, I would rather the Lihe be sunk by a missile than fall into the hands of the other party! We will be very passive now!"

Tian Fu on the tree looked helpless.

The Lihe was sunk, and there was room for maneuver in this matter.

Now the Lihe has been kidnapped by the opposite party, and the spies contacted by the Intelligence Department have not found any trace of Shinji the Supreme. Obviously, Shinye the Supreme has been secretly imprisoned.

There is no way to escape the interrogation.

This operation was a success, and nothing was known about the mysterious warship. However, it lost troops and generals, and Hainan suffered a huge loss.

"Things that were originally a sure thing, who would have thought that the White Bear Tribe would suddenly disrupt the situation!"

Ishita Wada said angrily.

Although the blame for this incident will ultimately fall on Harada Hiroki and has nothing to do with him, it is Haizi's face that is lost, and his face is equally tarnished.

"On the one hand, we have to be careful of the White Bear Tribe, and on the other hand, we have to be careful of sudden attacks from the other side! Life is hard."

Mr. Tian on the tree let out a long sigh, hoping that the spies could bring good news.

At this moment, on the high seas.

Kitahara Sosuke commanded three warships to salvage an area of ​​50 kilometers in the relevant sea area, but no valuable clues were found.

Not even a whole body was seen.

Looking at the debris piled up into a hill on the deck, Inoshita Wada's expression was extremely gloomy.

Three warships sent out several salvage teams, but not even a single survivor was found, which made him feel quite heavy.

"Captain, something is wrong."

The vice-captain rummaged through the debris for a long time, shook off the dirty water on his hands, looked at Sosuke Ibeitahara and said with some confusion.

"It stands to reason that if they are attacked by the White Bear Tribe, as long as they escape in time, there will definitely be survivors!"

"Even if it is too late and the warship is bombarded by missiles in turn, with the relevant rescue equipment on the warship, there will definitely be some survivors! How come there is not even one?"

Kithara Sosuke nodded solemnly, he was also puzzled about this matter.

They never dreamed that there were actually two survivors who were still struggling to survive.

But he was attacked in advance by the Haishan!

The two people who were seriously injured were no match for the Seamount's first mate and others, and the two survivors were eventually choked to death in the seawater.

Not only that, the first mate of the Haishan and others also rowed a life raft on the sea and shouted in Donghuang tribal language.

After walking around and confirming that there were indeed no survivors, we went back satisfied.

If Kitahara Sosuke knew this, he would definitely be so angry that he would vomit blood.

"Forget it, if you can't find it, you can't find it. It's too difficult to survive in this vast sea."

Kithara Sosuke said.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in the deputy captain's mind: "Captain, are there any survivors who were taken away by the other side?"

Upon hearing this, Kitahara Sosuke's eyes suddenly became sharp.

Then, he looked a little more relaxed.

"It's too late to say anything now, let's report the news."

"Continue to send people to expand the area and collect as many as they can find! Take them back tomorrow and give them a grand burial!"

"Yes, Captain!"

After the deployment, Kitahara Sosuke looked towards the dark sea in the distance, and then walked into the main control room.

They kept busy until the sky was getting brighter and the fish belly turned white at the end of the sea. Only then did Kitahara Sosuke helplessly order the return trip.

After five or six hours of salvaging, almost everything that could be found was found. If they couldn't find it, there was nothing they could do.

The rest can only be salvaged by ordinary rescue teams.

As the three warships sailed back in a mighty manner, the 052B and other warships that had been guarding the sea immediately noticed the movement.

In the main control room of 052B, the radar monitor said: "Report to the captain that the opposite warship has withdrawn."

Jiang Shengrong glanced at the radar display and saw that the three little red dots were moving away, and he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

The crisis is temporarily over.

"Notice, continue to stick to your post, take breaks in shifts! Be alert as soon as possible if there is any situation!"

"Yes! Captain!"

After working hard all day and night, Jiang Shengrong was also a little tired.

When the Murasame warship was searching and rescuing, he didn't dare to rest for a moment.

Now that the other side has withdrawn, I can finally take a good nap.

When the news reached the North Sea Fleet Command, Xu Dongguo, who had not slept well for two days and two nights, looked relieved.

"Just retreat! Their momentum has dropped by three points, and it's our turn to take action!"

According to the results of the original discussion, foreign affairs will take action against the bad behavior of the Donghuang tribe.

They first occupied the truth and then muddied the situation. Even if the Donghuang Tribe later found out that the White Bear Tribe did not do this, they could only break their teeth and swallow it.

Immediately afterwards, a detailed interrogation report about Shinye Jiagami was passed over from the security department.

The guard walked over quickly, handed over two sealed documents and said: "Chief, the investigation results of the security department."

"One is the investigation results of the crew on the Lihe, and the other is the investigation of the crew of the Haishan. The investigation of the company where the Haishan is located has already begun, and will start in the next two days."

"Very good! Just find the traitor."

The security department will be responsible for the traitors' affairs, so Xu Dongguo will naturally not ask any more questions.

He took the two documents, tore off the seal and took out the information inside to read.

The interrogation report of Jishang Zhenye and others is very similar to the content of the previous early interrogation sent by Jiang Shengrong, but the details are more detailed.

There were no unexpected findings, and Xu Dongguo looked through the investigation reports of Zhang Ruizhu and others.

From the moment they received the mission to go to sea to Zhang Ruizhu's decision to command the Haishan to collide with the Congyun, Xu Dongguo was deeply moved.

How much courage it takes to ram the Haishan into the Congyun.

When navy soldiers do this, it can be said that they have firm beliefs!

But Zhang Ruizhu was only the captain of a ship, and most of the crew members had their families, including seniors and young ones, and some were the only ones in the family. These people have no hesitation and will dig a hole in the Cong Yun even if they die.

Seeing the sentence "I will eat the incense sticks during Qingming Festival next year", a smile appeared on Xu Dongguo's face for no apparent reason.

After carefully reading the confessions of other people, they all had similar words.

Thinking of those people who were desperately trying to leave, Xu Dongguo sighed: "Everyone is like this, who dares to accuse me?"

Just when he thought there was nothing important, his eyes suddenly froze.

I quickly looked through a few transcripts and saw the same situation.

"They are too courageous! At this juncture, they actually sent people to wipe out the tiger's whiskers in the sea?"

Obviously, the people from the security department took extraordinary measures, and Zhang Ruizhu secretly sent people to sink the survivors of the Congyun. The information was also found out.

"That's all, I've done it all. All I can say is that it's a great job!"

After keeping the two documents separately, Xu Dongguo reported the relevant situation to Liu Huaming.

At the same time, Donghuang Tuhai came out of the headquarters conference room.

Several generals from Haizi gathered here.

Murashita Hayaki was at the head of the table. Jugami Tao, Inoshita Wada and others all arrived, but Harada Hiroki did not show up.

"It's been so long. I wanted to hear good news."

His sharp eyes swept over the people below, and Murakami Hayaki said seriously.

Wada in the well and Tianfu in the tree looked at each other, neither of them spoke first.

Seeing no one speaking, Murakami Hayaki directly called them by name.

"Wada-kun, please tell me."

"Hi! General Hayaki."

Inoshita Wada stood up and said: "After six hours of preliminary salvage, no valuable clues were found! One thing is certain, the other party's tactics are very cunning and there is no way to survive."

"Not a single survivor?"

"Yes, General Hayaki! Not one! Not even a whole body found."

Murakami Hayaki's expression froze, and then he nodded. He had expected this result.

Then, he looked at Tian Fudao on the tree.

"Mr. Tian Fu, where are you?"

"General Hayaki." Tao Shugami stood up and said: "Six hours, time is still a bit rushed. However, we mobilized the spies ambush on the opposite side and found that the Liga was taken away by the opposite side."

Murakami Hayaki frowned slightly, this news was very bad.


"Currently there are clues that indicate that Shinji Jigami and others should be secretly interrogated by the other side!"


Murakami Saki's voice turned cold.

"In addition, judging from the clues collected so far, the navy on the opposite side is also in a state of emergency preparation! Obviously, they are also very nervous about the sudden attack of the White Bear Tribe."

"I don't want to hear this!"

"Hi! General Hayaki." The conversation changed and Tao Shukami continued: "The spies that were previously active in the White Bear Tribe have been activated again. Because the time was too short, they were not discovered yet."

"But one thing is for sure."

Murakami Hayaki raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "What?"

"Due to the last time I inquired about information, I formed a good friendship with an officer of the White Bear Tribe Navy. This time I spent some money and learned from the other party that their navy did not go to sea yesterday!"

As soon as Shushang Tianfu finished speaking, Murakami Hayaki couldn't help but sit up straight, stared at the other person and asked: "Is this true?"

"It should be true! But to make sure there is no problem, I have sent people to contact other officers."

Tianfu on the tree explained quickly.

"I believe it won't be long before this matter can be confirmed!"

Murakami Hayaki said thoughtfully: "If this is true, it was obviously their air force formation that did it."

Although there is no 100% evidence to confirm that it was the White Bear Tribe who did it, but when he thought about the conflicts between the two sides on certain islands, he felt that the other party had enough reasons to commit evil acts.

"As for the Air Force..." mid-sentence, Shushang Tianfu paused for a long time, and then added: "It is very difficult to investigate!"

"I know this." Nodding, Murakami Saki warned: "Hurry up, don't worry about money, just throw it in!"

"If we really get caught, we will be able to take the initiative on the subsequent issue of the four islands. If we sacrifice one Cong Yun to solve the problem of the four islands, overall we will still make a profit."


Afterwards, several people discussed some details for more than an hour.

This includes the methods the opponent may take after Shinji Jigami and others are caught, as well as how one's own side should take countermeasures, etc.

Just when a few people were almost done discussing it, intelligence officers came in a hurry.

"General, something happened."

Upon hearing this, the relaxed expressions on the faces of Murakami, Hayaki, and others instantly froze.

"What's going on?" asked Tian Fu on the tree.

"Just now, news came from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which issued an announcement on the external platform."

Murakami Hayaki's eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Inoshita Wada asked: "What announcement?"

The other party quickly handed over the information.

Murakami Hayaki took a look at the information. Before anyone could react, Murakita Hayaki's expression suddenly changed and he slammed the table and shouted.

"That's unreasonable!"

"General Hayaki, what's wrong?" Inoshita Wada asked quickly.

"See for yourselves!"

Saying that, Murakata Saki threw the information on the table with an angry look.

Several people looked at each other and carefully picked up the information and read it.

[This time, the Donghuang tribe has caused unprovoked troubles many times in the sea area, and we were caught by us yesterday with irrefutable evidence. 】

[We have always been committed to peace and stability in the East Continent Sea, and hereby advise the Donghuang tribe not to go further down the wrong path. Otherwise, we will take all legitimate means to safeguard people's safety and national interests. 】

[Solemn advice, don’t say you didn’t predict what you said! 】

After reading it, several people were so angry that their faces were livid.

Inoshita Wada, who already had a bad temper, said angrily: "Arrogant! Too arrogant!"

Others became angry and shouted angrily.

"It's so lawless. Where do they have the confidence? Do you really think that we, Hai Zi, can't be crushed by mud? The White Bear Tribe just bullied us, but now they want to even come and step on us? That's too much!"

"Iron evidence? General Hayaki, this is a naked threat! Shinji the Supreme must have given a lot of evidence against us! Shinji the Supreme deserves to die!"

"Take care of the White Bear tribe and the opposing navy together!"

Someone shouted.

"General Hayaki, we can't bear this tone!"

Everyone looked at Murakami Hayaki.

They have no power to make decisions, but Murakami Hayaki has a huge say in the cabinet.

He is one of the old talkers of militarism.

Looking at the angry people, Murakami Saki took a slow breath and suppressed the anger in his heart.

"I knew that it would be bad if Jishang Shinye fell into their hands, but I didn't expect them to attack so quickly! Some of the countermeasures we had discussed were suddenly useless!"

"They moved too fast! They didn't act like this in the past! They have never been so radical."

Murakami Hayaki was puzzled.

It had never been like this before, so why did he respond so quickly this time and use such harsh words?

If left to its own devices, it would be a public condemnation.


For them, it is nothing more than scratching an itch and they can deal with it casually.

This time it was different. I almost put the sea food on the grill and grilled it.

The word "strong" is revealed between the lines.

For a moment, he found that not only was the navy on the opposite side somewhat unclear, but the opposite side looked like it was in a fog.

After hearing what he said, Ishita Wada and others also realized that the situation might be a little beyond their expectations.

Tian Fu on the tree said: "General Hayaki, look at the announcement, they are deliberately irritating us and forcing us to take action! But what can their navy do to stop it? Our navy is not of the same order of magnitude at all! Once the two of us start a war, how can we Aren’t you taking advantage of the White Bear Tribe? I don’t believe they can’t see this!”

"There must be something fishy here!"

Inoshita Wada took over and expressed his guess.

"Is there a possibility that the other side has secretly reached an agreement with the White Bear Tribe, and they are just waiting to drag us down in one fell swoop, and then..."

Halfway through his words, Inoshita Wada stopped talking.

His point was so complete that everyone couldn't help but tremble in their hearts.

"But the Eagle Tribe's aircraft carrier fleet is still sitting on our side, how dare they?"

"This is what's weird about me too! I can't figure it out!"

"Then what should we do? We've already lost my wife and lost our troops, but we still have to suffer such humiliation?"

"This is a tricky thing!"

Suddenly being defeated by a general, they were in a terrible mood.

The original layout was disrupted, and they were at a loss what to do for a while.

After a while, Murakami Saki looked a little tired and said.

"The policy towards the White Bear Tribe remains unchanged! As for the other side, I need to go back and think about it carefully."

Faced with the turbulent situation, Murakami Hayaki, who had always been strong, became cautious.

The most important thing is that the hostage is still in the opponent's hands.

Originally, the purpose of ambushing the Haishan was to create such a dilemma for the opponent.

Unexpectedly, he shot himself in the foot. Murakami Saki felt bitter but could not express it.

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