I built an armada

Chapter 142 It was us who did it! Bureau Chief: How should I make up this?

At the North Sea Fleet Command, Xu Dongguo was stunned for a while after receiving the news from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"Why did you move so fast this time?"

Xu Dongguo was a little surprised. In his understanding, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was very cautious in doing things, and its wording was also very strict and restrained.

But he did not expect that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' statement would be so harsh this time, which really surprised him.

"Is it Chief Liu?"

"No, it should be Xue Shuai's attitude."

After thinking about it, he felt that it was Xue Shuai's instruction that made the Ministry of Foreign Affairs so tough.

"It's time to be strong again."

A smile appeared on Xu Dongguo's face.

If the navy is not strong, the army and air force can only deter the surrounding tribes.

But since the Army showed off its iron fist a few years ago, the neighboring tribes have become much more honest.

For them, there is currently no need to warn them through foreign affairs.

But for those tribes facing each other across the sea, the army and the air force with half the strength are beyond the reach and the deterrence is not enough.

At this time, the navy is needed. Only the navy can reach the tribe across the sea across hundreds of kilometers of sea.

Only when the navy is strong can the external deterrence announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs be effective.

Obviously, the launch of 052C and its record gave Xue Shuai a lot of confidence.

Starting in December last year, only nine months ago, the Navy's warships have jumped three times in a row.

From the original non-modern warship, it has become a modern advanced warship that can be on par with the King Kong-class guided drive!

If the navy is given more time, Xue Shuai believes that sooner or later his country will become a naval power.

When the situation is good, if we don't get tougher, we will really be sorry for 052C's record.

"Xue Shuai probably spent a lot of time convincing the higher-ups to change their normal behavior."

"That's good. Let our own people get used to it first, and let other tribes get used to it. Otherwise, they won't be used to the sudden rise of our navy in the future."

Thinking of this, the smile on Xu Dongguo's face became even brighter.

He leaned back on the chair and fell into a deep sleep after not sleeping for two days and two nights.

The official announcement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the external platform has already caused a huge disturbance among the tribes in the Dongzhou Sea even before it has been transmitted back to the country.

At the Navy Headquarters of the Iron Monkey Tribe, which had been sharpening its sword and preparing for an opportunity to take revenge, Chen Fuyong excitedly knocked on the door of General Nancy Ding's office.

"General Nancy Din, what a happy event."

As soon as he entered the door, Chen Fuyong said.

"Just now, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was opposite..."

After Chen Fuyong explained everything about the situation, Nancy Ding frowned slightly.

"What kind of happy event is this? The opponent suddenly changed from normal to tough. This is not good news for us."

"If we want to do something small in the future, it won't be that easy."

Chen Fuyong shook his head and said.

"General Nancy Din, what if we change the angle?"

Nancy Ding looked at the other party in surprise, waiting for the next step.

Chen Fuyong explained.

"In recent months, the conflict between the opposite side and the Eastern Wasteland tribe on the sea has been intensifying. This is an indisputable fact!"

"Although we still don't know what happened in the past few days, judging from the attitude of the foreign affairs department, the Donghuang tribe's behavior must have been excessive."

Nancy Ding vaguely thought of something, and her expression couldn't help but have a hint of expectation: "Continue talking."

"Excessive behavior means that the conflict will intensify! In this way, it is only a matter of time before the two parties come to a deadlock! Once they fight to the death, the strength of the opposing navy will inevitably put them at a disadvantage immediately."

"What if they restrain each other?"

"Impossible! The hatred between the two sides is too great and cannot be restrained at all! The harder the pressure, the more violent the outbreak will be! The attitude of the Foreign Affairs Ministry this time is a signal! They can no longer bear it!"

Chen Fuyong said with a smile.

"At that time, it's our chance to take action!"

"An accident happened on the Xizhun Reef before, causing us to lose the Mekong River! When both sides got jealous, we took advantage of the opportunity! Let alone take down the Xizhun Reef, if we take down a few more reefs and islands, the other side will not be able to do anything at all. !”

"And we will definitely not be the only ones to take action when the time comes! The Non-Soldier Tribe, the Clay Tribe, the Thousand Buddha Tribe... none of them can sit still!"

"Wolves chase tigers to carve up huge sea resources!"

The more he talked, the more energetic Chen Fuyong became, with his eyebrows flying and saliva flying everywhere.

In the past, Nancy Din would have scolded him long ago.

But this time, he was also moved by what the other party said.

Once the opposite side and the Donghuang Tribe Sea fight to the death, most of the naval power will inevitably be withdrawn. By then, there will be very few forces left in the southern sea area.

He didn't need many tribes to take action. He felt that with just his two modern warships, he could run rampant.

I'm just afraid that if both parties restrain themselves, it will be in vain.

Thinking of this, Nancy Ding's eyebrows overflowed with a smile.

"It seems it was worth our patience to wait!"

"Yes! I believe that this day will not last long!" Chen Fuyong vowed.

"Very good. Don't act recklessly in the near future. Maintain restraint! Give them the illusion that we have restrained ourselves! Only when we make them feel that this area is stable enough will they take action against the Eastern Wilderness tribe."

Nancy Ding warned in a serious tone.

"Send someone to keep an eye on the movements of both sides. If there is any news, report it immediately!"

"Yes, General Nancy Din."

Looking at Chen Fuyong's leaving figure, Nancy Ding's eyes flickered a few times.

He has never forgotten the hatred of the Mekong River for a moment.

Similarly, General Emilio held an important meeting in the conference room of the Non-Soldier Tribe Navy Headquarters.

"This is the current situation. What do you think?"

Emilio asked as he glanced at the several persons in charge.

Olivia said: "The conflict between the two sides has been going on for a long time. This time the other side has suddenly become tougher. It is very likely that the two sides have reached the point where it is about to break out."

"Personally, I think, keep waiting! Choose the opportunity to act!"

Nodding, Emilio asked: "Where are the others?"

Carlos said quickly.

"The situation is still unclear, and I think we should wait!"



Several people felt that it was best to wait for the opportunity, Emilio pondered for a while and said.

"Since everyone is in agreement, let's continue to wait for the good opportunity! Let's put aside the matters in the sea area for now! We have been waiting for almost half a year, and we don't care about waiting a little longer!"

Since the last incident of the Mekong, the non-soldier tribes have realized that the opposite navy is a little different from before, so they have restrained many small actions.

Now seeing that the conflict between the other party and the Eastern Wilderness tribe continues to intensify, Emilio feels that his previous wait was correct.

He dreamed of getting a share of the huge maritime resources in the south.

Once the pack of wolves rises, he feels that with its powerful naval fleet, it should be able to occupy a very vast ocean territory.

The Thousand Buddha Tribe, the Mudong Tribe, etc. are all looking forward to igniting the flames of war as soon as possible.

Other continents were too far away from the East Continent, so those tribes didn’t take it seriously after learning the news, and didn’t even bother to inquire about it.

At the same time, the White Bear Tribe Navy Headquarters.

The Donghuang Tribe's actions against the White Bear Tribe soon attracted the attention of the KGB, and the relevant news reached Lermontov as soon as possible.

Looking at the naval commanders below, Lermontov said.

"I heard that the Eastern Wilderness tribe has been very active in our area recently?"

"Has anyone had contact with one of their people? Is there such a thing?"

Pushkin and others looked at each other and expressed their ignorance.

"Take care of your own people when you go back. You all know what you should and shouldn't do! Once I find out you are a collaborator, don't blame me for being rude!"

Lermontov shouted sharply, and everyone expressed their intention to go back and strictly control the situation.

Changing the topic, Lermontov continued: "After discovering the anomaly early this morning, the KGB personnel also launched an investigation into the Eastern Wilderness tribe."

"Currently, according to the preliminary results of the investigation, just yesterday, Donghuang Tribe was suspected of damaging a warship at sea!"

"Damaged a warship?" Pushkin's expression changed slightly and said, "What's the situation? How could a good man damage a warship?"

Others asked too.

"General, is the information accurate?"

"Under normal circumstances, how could a warship be damaged? This is unreasonable."

"Did a mistake occur during troop training? The damage is understandable, but if it is damaged... it's hard to say! General, could this be a smoke bomb released by Hai Zi? You also know that the people of the Eastern Wilderness tribe have always been known for their cunning."

Lermontov said after listening to the words of several people.

"This is also what surprises me. It goes against common sense and there must be something fishy! But the time is too short, and there is no detailed information from the KGB."

Suddenly, Pushkin said: "General, if this is true, then it can be explained that the people from the Eastern Wilderness tribe are extremely active here."

Lermontov was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted.

"You mean, they suspect we did it?"

"Yes!" Pushkin said sternly: "Looking at the entire Dongzhou sea area, the only one that can cause damage to their sea is our navy. Although most of our navy's power is deployed elsewhere, there are not many left here. Not much! But enough to be the first suspect.”

After a pause, Pushkin asked: "General, do you need to explain this matter?"

"Did we do this?" Lermontov asked.

Pushkin shook his head.

"If it's not the case, why do you need to explain?"

"Aren't you worried about causing unnecessary trouble?"

"Don't say it wasn't us! Even if it was us, so what? He's just a loser of the Eagle Tribe, does he deserve an explanation from us?"

Lermontov's tone changed, and his disdain was palpable.

Pushkin looked embarrassed and realized that he had said the wrong thing. Just when he was about to take remedial measures, there was a knock on the door in the conference room.

"General, latest news from the KGB."


Soon, the other party sent the information to Lermontov.

After reading the information, Lermontov's expression changed slightly.

"General, what's wrong?"

"The Foreign Affairs Department of the Longxia Tribe issued a serious warning on the external platform, and the target was the Donghuang Tribe! In addition, the KGB confirmed that the news that the Donghuang Tribe lost a warship on the high seas yesterday is true! The Chuxue-class destroyer— —Congyun! The specific cause is still under investigation."

With that said, Lermontov passed on the information.

Lermontov had no doubts about KGB intelligence.

It is not an exaggeration to claim that it is the most powerful and all-pervasive intelligence department in the entire Blue Star. Sometimes, even the intelligence department of the Eagle Tribe is inferior.

After several people read it, their expressions also changed.

Pushkin said seriously: "In the huge Dongzhou waters, the only one that can pose a threat to the sea is our fleet, except for the Eagle Tribe aircraft carrier fleet."

"But we didn't do this, and naturally it couldn't have been done by the Eagle Tribe! In this case, it's either their own fault, or..."

Lermontov frowned and said, "Longxia tribe?"

"Although this possibility is very small, at the moment, it seems to be the only outcome."

As soon as these words came out, everyone frowned and felt a lot heavier.

Another commander of the navy, Daleft, said: "This is unscientific! We all know the situation of the Longxia Tribe Navy."

"At this time last year, they were still overjoyed with the arrival of the two 956Es! In just one year, they were able to kill the Congyun?"

"Everyone knows what's going on with our foreign trade version 956E! If two ships go out together, it won't be a problem to kill the Congyun, but if the Congyun wants to run away, it will be easy!"

"Unless they are sure of killing with one hit! Two 956Es cooperate with several fighter jets! But in this case, how can Haizi let the Congyun fight alone? I think there is something fishy here!"

Listening to Daleft's words, several people nodded.

This thing is really unreasonable.

"What if they have a new breakthrough?" Pushkin said: "Don't forget, less than a year after they owned the 956E, they had the self-produced 051C! It is also a modern-class warship, of course, much worse than the 956E .”

Daleft immediately said: "You said it yourself, the data released by 051C is much worse than that of 956E! Even if you hide it, how strong can it be? No matter how hard you hide it, the equipment on 051C cannot be faked! One step at a time How strong can a guided-missile destroyer be if it doesn’t even have a launch system?”

"Then will they have a new breakthrough?" Pushkin blurted out.

"New breakthrough?" Daleft's tone instantly increased by several decibels: "Mr. Pushkin, are you kidding? Do you know how difficult it is to break through a new technology? The other side is still blocked by all parties! Even without the blockade, they wouldn’t have had a new breakthrough so quickly!”

"Then again." Daleft continued: "If they really did it, how could their Foreign Affairs Department be the first to issue a warning? In my opinion, this matter is full of mystery!"

The current reality made them unable to be wary of the Longxia Tribal Navy.

If the Longxia Tribe Navy 051C had appeared five or six years ago, or even ten years ago, then all the spearheads would now be directed at the Longxia Tribe Navy.

But they know how difficult it is to make breakthroughs in warship technology.

Technology is one aspect, but military spending is equally important.

In their opinion, the Longxia tribe has neither!

They feel that if they hadn't "funded the enemy", the Longxia tribe wouldn't even have 051C yet!

Unable to figure out why, everyone present fell into silence.

Suddenly, Daleft laughed: "It wasn't us, it wasn't the Eagle Tribe, and it wasn't the Longxia Tribe! Then this matter is interesting."

Lermontov seemed to have thought of something and frowned.

"You mean, they plan to attack the Longxia tribe?"

Daleft said sternly: "Exclude all impossibilities, and even if the remaining one is unbelievable, it is probably the truth!"

Pushkin asked: "Does the Eagle Tribe support this? Don't forget, the Eastern Wasteland Tribe has no right to fight."

"That's what I'm confused about."

Daleft said helplessly.

"In recent months, the Eagle Tribe has secretly mobilized more than 100,000 troops to the central region! It could take a few months, or it could take a year and a half, and the Eagle Tribe will definitely take action against the Keyi Tribe."

"At this juncture, the Donghuang tribe should not act recklessly."

Several people looked at each other, and all kinds of speculations were blocked by realistic factors.

Why the Donghuang tribe lost a warship suddenly became a mystery.

Dong Dong——

Lermontov knocked on the table and said: "Put aside the matters in the Dongzhou Sea area for now. Now we have to focus on the actions in the central region. The Eagle Tribe takes action and the interests of the central region are re-divided. We also want to occupy more of it!"

Pushkin and others nodded.

After a while, Donghuang tribe's actions in the free sea area became more and more frequent.

Just in case, and to fish out the mastermind behind the scenes, many warships seemed to be acting alone, but in fact there were several warships ambushing behind them.

As time went by, the news that Haizi had lost a warship quickly spread at the Blue Star level under the secret manipulation of the White Bear Tribe.

There is even a vague argument that it was the Longxia tribe that did it.

After learning about the situation, the Iron Monkey Tribe, Feibing Tribe and other tribes that were ready to take action became more and more passionate.

This kind of operation is all too familiar to them.

The Donghuang tribe lost a few people back then, but now the Donghuang tribe lost a warship at sea.

The tribes felt that destroying warships was a lie, but imitating the past was true!

They know how strong Haizi is. Can the Longxia tribe do this? Even if I kill them, I won’t believe it!

In their view, Haizi's unprovoked damage to a warship looked like a huge conspiracy!

A great drama that I directed and acted in!

In an instant, these tribes were gearing up, waiting for both sides to take action, eager to carve up the resources in the sea.

On the evening of August 7, Zhang Zhaoxin, who was preparing for the next episode of the "Military Intelligence One-on-One" program, also learned the relevant news.

"Hai Zi damaged a warship on the high seas? I'm sorry! Is it true or false?"

"There is still news that we did it? Are you crazy? This is slander!"

Zhang Zhaoxin was stunned when he learned of the situation.

Then, he asked everyone around him that he could ask, but he didn't get anything.

Thinking of the seriousness of this matter, he quickly dialed Xu Dongguo's phone number.

"Chief, the sea is on the high seas..."

Before Zhang Zhaoxin spoke, Xu Dongguo said: "I don't know."

"Chief, I haven't finished speaking yet."

"I do not know anything."

"Chief, there are rumors outside that our navy did it. I suspect this is Haizi's conspiracy. Chief, be vigilant."

"I understand." Xu Dongguo said calmly: "Is there anything else?"

"Chief, it's gone."

"Do your job well, I have something else to do."

After saying that, Xu Dongguo hung up the phone bluntly.

Listening to the busy signal on the phone, Zhang Zhaoxin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as the leader is prepared, he is afraid that the damn Donghuang tribe will suddenly attack!

It is no longer a few decades ago. Whether the Donghuang tribe can make it ashore alive is a matter of debate.

Zhang Zhaoxin, who had just calmed down a lot, suddenly thought of Xu Dongguo's abnormality just now.

its not right.

Logically speaking, when such a major event occurs, the leader should not remain calm as if nothing happened.

What about urgency?

No matter how calm he is, it is impossible for his words to be without the slightest sense of urgency.

The more he thought about it, the more confused Zhang Zhaoxin became.

He instinctively felt that something was wrong!

But to say that this matter was not a conspiracy, but that it was really done by his own side, he himself did not believe it.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a serious statement just a few days ago. How could it be possible that we did this? Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Even so, he still felt that Xu Dongguo's reaction was fishy.

He was about to contact Sun Yongguo and others to find out more, but suddenly he remembered that there had been no news from them for more than three months.

I tried, but sure enough I still couldn't get in touch.

"Dean Sun and the others have lost all letters, and there is no news from Dingping either! Hey, I really don't know what they did."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Zhaoxin's body shook violently.

Now that Su Dingping and others had lost contact for a long time, he felt that they must be doing something big.

Almost subconsciously, he thought of the original 052B, which swept the Eastern Fleet and Southern Fleet after its emergence, and then sank the Mekong.

Thinking of Xu Dongguo's abnormal attitude just now, Zhang Zhaoxin had a terrible speculation in his mind.

For a moment, he stood frozen on the spot.

"Oh my God! It's not really us who did it!"

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was a possibility!

"It's over, it's over, how can I be round now!"

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