I built an armada

Chapter 145 The big dog is here to give money! The Navy's big move!

After the commendation, Xu Dongguo and others came to Su Dingping's office.

Sun Yongguo, Lu Guangjun, Zhou Qinglei and others were all there.

"Comrade Zhou Qinglei." Xu Dongguo looked at Zhou Qinglei and said, "How is the training of 052C?"

"Report to the chief, there is no problem."

Zhou Qinglei said seriously.


Nodding, Xu Dongguo said again.

"The transfer order from above has been issued. Next, you will be responsible for commanding the 052C to go to the Eastern Fleet. The first 052C will serve in the Eastern Fleet!"

"Chief, what about our fleet?"

"Why are you so anxious? Is there anything else you can do without?" Xu Dongguo glared at him angrily.

Although he also covets 052C, after all, 052B is here, and 052B is not weak, so he can accept Liu Huaming's arrangement.

"In the following period, you will be responsible for teaching them how to operate the 052C in the Eastern Fleet. Specifically, when you arrive at the Eastern Fleet, Chief Xiao will explain it to you in detail."

"Yes, Chief!"

"If you are all right, Dingping and I will have a few words alone." While speaking, Xu Dongguo looked around at the crowd.

Sun Yongguo and others quickly found a reason to leave.

After everyone left, Xu Dongguo looked at Su Dingping and said.

"Dingping, there is something I want to discuss with you."

Su Dingping was surprised.

Could it be the Varyag thing again?

Regarding the Varyag, he had already given hints, and Xu Dongguo and others also thought of the Laxi tribe and took action.

Selling warships to the Laxi tribe is only the first step, and there are many methods that have not yet been used.

"Chief, please speak."

"You also know about the Tesha tribe. In a while, the fourth 051C will be launched. By then, the four ships will be delivered collectively..."

After a brief explanation, Xu Dongguo mentioned the situation of the Eastern Wilderness tribe coming to sea.

Having said that, he got to the point.

"Adjusting the escort plan, I plan to add 052C to the escort team. What do you think?"

"You are the chief engineer of 052C. You know better than us how powerful 052C is! If faced with a crisis, how much force do you think 052C can withstand?"

Su Dingping knew clearly that the so-called force it could withstand meant how many warships the 052C could withstand.

After all, it is Haizi's warship and has been famous for a long time. Xu Dongguo cannot ignore it even if he wants to.

"Chief, in my opinion, it is not a problem for one 052C to withstand three warships without sending out King Kong-class guides!"

"Three ships?"

Xu Dongguo looked surprised.

That is the warship owned by the Eastern Barren Tribe. Can one 052C resist three?

"Yes, chief, three ships! This is still a conservative estimate!" Su Dingping said sternly: "If we really let go of the fight and keep a good combat distance, five ships will be no problem."

Su Dingping didn't say anything, it was only when the 052C was fully loaded with ammunition.

If there were supply ships available to provide supplies at any time, we could almost go sideways.

Of course, when the real fight started, there was no time to replenish supplies.

"Three ships!" Xu Dongguo looked thoughtful, "With your words, I feel more at ease."

Half an hour later, Xu Dongguo left the integrated military factory with satisfaction.

Since it is possible to challenge three ships without losing, then if they are dispatched together with the 052B, it will not be a problem to safely deliver the four 051C ships to the Tesha tribe.

As long as the 052C can hold on for a while, the Air Force's support can catch up in any crisis situation.

If that doesn't work, transfer another 956E from the Southern Fleet.

Be careful not to make a big mistake, your reputation must be established, so that you can have a steady stream of orders.

Sitting in the car, looking through the car window at the integrated military factory that was going away, Xu Dongguo thought to himself.

As soon as he returned to the base, he quickly started to make contact.

The next night, the port of the military base in the Eastern Sea.

Xiao Chongjun brought his people to the port in person and waited there.

Cao Youren, the former captain of 956E, and other naval officers and soldiers also stood not far behind Xiao Chongjun, looking at the distant sea.

At the moment, they didn't know what happened, but they suddenly received an order to hand over the 956E to the Type 052 guided missile captain, and then followed Xiao Chongjun to the port.

Cao Youren and others have experience in operating modern warships, and it will be easier to get started with the 052C later.

"The chief called us here. Did something happen?" asked the former 956E deputy captain.

Cao Youren shook his head: "I don't know, I haven't received any news at all."

"Why do I think the chief is more anxious than us?"

"How do I know?" Cao Youren glared at the other party and whispered: "Pay attention to discipline!"


At this moment, a correspondent quickly ran to Xiao Chongjun and said: "Report to the chief, they will arrive in half an hour!"

"Okay. I understand." Xiao Chongjun nodded.

The guard said from the side: "Chief, there is still half an hour, why don't you go back first?"

"There's only half an hour left. It doesn't matter if you wait!"

Xiao Chongjun shook his head.

After seeing the powerful strength of 052C last month, he was looking forward to it.

He was very confident about beating Xu Dongguo, but he was still unsure about how to beat Qian Wenbing.

He was very satisfied with the result, and the first 052C served in the Eastern Fleet first.

He has been waiting for this day for almost a month.

He couldn't wait to see 052C for a long time, and he could bear to wait for half an hour at the port.

Finally, a little light came from the end of the dark sea.

The moment he saw the bright light, Xiao Chongjun knew that 052C was coming!

Cao Youren and others not far behind him also saw the light.

"I guess some chief is here!"

Cao Youren and others secretly thought.

But then I felt something was wrong. Under normal circumstances, the chief would fly directly to the headquarters base.

How could anyone come here on a warship?

And let them wait here together.

Are there new warships coming?

But when the new warship comes, there is no need for the commander to come and wait in person.

I've been waiting for almost half an hour, and it looks like there's still about twenty minutes left.

What kind of warship is so grand?

Cao Youren and others thought about it over and over again.

As 052C got closer and closer, Cao Youren and others finally saw it clearly.

It was indeed a warship, but it was different from what I knew.

"This is not 052B." The deputy captain muttered in surprise.

"I have an impression of the Northern Fleet's 052B, but it really doesn't look like it!"

Cao Youren shook his head.

"The 052B has not been put into mass production?" the vice-captain was confused. "It would be a pity that such a powerful warship has not been put into mass production."

"What if it's the optimized 052B?"

As soon as Cao Youren said these words, the deputy captain looked stunned. He felt that this was a high possibility.

Looking at the growing 052C in his sight, his inner expectations grew.

He has been coveting 052B for a long time. How about the optimized 052B?

Just thinking about it made him excited.

Not only them, Xiao Chongjun also looked at 052C with intense eyes.

After waiting for so long, I can finally see the real thing!

After a while, under night, the brand-new 052C docked at the port.

Looking at this warship that was very different from 052B, Cao Youren and others were stunned.

This is not the optimized 052B!

The appearance is different. There is no radome 052B on top, and the overall main control room has also changed.

What kind of warship is this?

Cao Youren and others looked at each other in shock and did not react for a moment.

"Quick, get ready." Xiao Chongjun said to Cao Youren and others.

Soon, Zhou Qinglei walked off the warship.

"Chief, by order of Chief Xu, 052C is delivered, please give instructions!"

"Thank you for your hard work, Comrade Zhou Qinglei."

Xiao Chongjun looked at 052C, and the more he looked at it, the more satisfied he became.

"Let's go up and have a look!"

With that said, Xiao Chongjun led Cao Youren and others onto the warship.

After shopping for more than an hour, when Xiao Chongjun stepped off the warship, he couldn't hide the smile in his eyes.

The power of 052C can be seen just by listening to the other party's explanation! Not to mention there are live cases ahead.

"Comrade Cao Youren, lead your people to follow Comrade Zhou Qinglei and learn from it! Do you know, you must master it as soon as possible! From now on, our Eastern Fleet will also have the best warships in the world!"

Xiao Chongjun warned Cao Youren.

"Yes, Chief!"

Like Xiao Chongjun, Cao Youren was also extremely excited.

As a captain, he knows all the data explained by Zhou Qinglei. He can't see the end of how powerful 052C is.

Cao Youren could wake up laughing in his dreams at the thought of commanding such a warship from now on.

There is already 052C, who still cares about 052B?

"Comrade Zhou Qinglei, I will trouble you in the next period of time." Xiao Chongjun said seriously to Zhou Qinglei.

"Please don't worry, chief!"

"very good!"

After taking a deep look at 052C, Xiao Chongjun left the scene happily.

As soon as Xiao Chongjun left, Cao Youren and others immediately became more relaxed.

"Lao Zhou, don't be stunned, hurry up, let's get on the ship!"

Cao Youren said impatiently.


This night is destined to be a sleepless night for Cao Youren and others.

After working hard until dawn the next day, Cao Youren and others reluctantly let Zhou Qinglei and others rest.

"I thought it was a 052B modification, but I didn't expect it to be a 052C! Incredible, really incredible!"

The deputy captain stood on the deck, watching the morning sun shining on the warship, and felt so beautiful in his heart.

"Isn't it! 052C! The next generation of 052B!"

Cao Youren sighed with emotion: "It's a pity that Zhou Qinglei doesn't want to reveal anything."

Regarding the integrated military factory, Zhou Qinglei did not say a word about the mass production of the 052C, including the sinking of the Congyun by the 052C last month.

Although I didn't get any valuable information, with 052C here, nothing mattered anymore.

"Let everyone go back and review the knowledge taught by Zhou Qinglei and the others! We must master 052C in the shortest possible time!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Time flies, and ten days have passed in the blink of an eye.

The Donghuang Tribe came to the headquarters conference room.

Murakami Hayaki is listening to the investigation report of Tao Shugami and Wada Inoshita.

Inoshita Wada said: "...After more than a month of investigation, there are indeed no suspicious and important clues in the sea! In addition, we set up ambushes many times, but in the end we did not catch any fish!"

"General Hayaki, I suspect that the White Bear Tribe just happened randomly and did not do it on purpose!"

Just casually sink the Congyun?

If you tell me, who will believe it?

If there is no perfect arrangement, if it is exposed, how will it end afterwards?

Obviously, Murakami Hayaki did not accept the findings.

Then, he looked at Tian Fu on the tree.

"Mr. Tian Fu, you have been busy for more than a month. I hope you can bring me some good news!"

Tian Fu on the tree quickly stood up and said.

"General Hayaki, after a month of secret investigation into the White Bear Tribe, we have lost several important spies, but we have also gained some precious information!"

Upon hearing this, Murakami Saki suddenly became energetic.

Inoshita Wada looked at Tian Fu on the tree with a surprised look on his face.

That's not what you told me before the meeting!

Didn't you say that no valuable clues were investigated?

Tian Fu on the tree turned a blind eye to the gaze cast by Inoshita Wada, and he continued.

"We have conducted an in-depth investigation into the White Bear Tribe Navy. After inquiries from many parties, we can confirm that they were not operating on the high seas at that time!"

"Where are their air force formations?"

Murakami Saki asked quickly.

Tian Fu on the tree said with a serious face: "We spent a lot of money to clear up some relationships! One thing is certain right now, their air force formation did not have any external operations that day!"

The Navy didn't take action!

The Air Force didn't even take action!

Isn’t this what the hell?

"You mean, the White Bear Tribe didn't do this?"

Murakami Hayaki looked at Tianfu on the tree and frowned slightly.


Tian Fu on the tree nodded heavily.

Wasn't it done by the White Bear Tribe? Who else could have done it?

Could it be the Eagle Tribe?


It can't be the navy or air force on the opposite side, right?

But why is it that even the other party is confused about the information they get from the other side?

Murakami Hayaki couldn't figure out the key even if he tried his best.

Compared to the Long Xia Navy or Air Force, he was more willing to believe that the White Bear Tribe was responsible.

There is no way, the strength is there.

How could Long Xia's navy and air force be able to withstand their own navy?

"So you two have been busy for more than a month, and your work has been in vain?" Murakami Saki glanced at the two of them and said.

The two looked at each other and fell into silence.

Tian Fu on the tree was still very panicked.

No trace of the high-precision equipment that disappeared last time on the Shanhua was found, and no important information was found on the Congyun this time.

He felt that his job as the head of the intelligence department was about to end.

For a moment, the entire conference room fell into silence.

After a while, Tian Fu on the tree said tentatively.

"General Zaomu, I suspect that this matter was probably done by the Long Xia tribe!"

Longxia tribe?

As soon as these words came out, the faces of several people present showed disbelief.

As old rivals, they know very well what the situation is like with the Longxia tribe's navy and air force.

They did not doubt the Longxia tribe, no matter who they suspected before.

"Why?" Murakami Saki replied in an indifferent tone.

"Because of the Shanhua incident, all the high-precision equipment and special materials that flowed from my hometown to the other side have not been accounted for. This is abnormal!"

Tianfu on the tree explained.

"Moreover, during this period of investigation on the White Bear Tribe, we unexpectedly discovered that the Longxia Tribe had purchased high-tech equipment and special materials from various Western countries! The White Bear Tribe even intervened!"

"With such a large-scale secret purchase, it is obvious that they have a big operation to try to avoid all our eyes and ears!"

"So I think the possibility of the Longxia tribe is very high!"

Inoshita Wada originally planned to refute, giving an example of how the Long Xia tribe's navy was, and how their air force was.

But after hearing what the other party said, I couldn't help but feel doubtful.

No matter how you look at it, something feels wrong.

"There is indeed something fishy!"

Not only him, but others also began to think seriously about this matter.

Even Murakami Saki couldn't help but turn his attention to the Longxia tribe again.

After pondering for a while, he said: "Be prepared with both hands! First, conduct a secret investigation of the Western countries to see if there is any movement from the Longxia tribe!"

"Second, send someone to conduct a close and in-depth investigation of the Longxia tribe! Don't be reluctant to spend money! If you should spend it, spend it as hard as you can! I want a 100% certain result! Do you know?"

"Yes! General!"

Tian Fu said on the tree.

It was originally just an expedient measure for him to lead the trouble to the Longxia tribe.

Although he said that, considering the actual situation, he remained extremely skeptical about his words.

But at least his position has been saved, unlike Harada Hiroki, who has not participated in high-level Haizi meetings since the Congyun incident.

Soon, the time came to the morning of the 19th.

An international special plane landed in Zhejiang.

In the afternoon of the same day, Zhang Zhaoxin took Bird Edin and others to the port of the military base in the Eastern Sea.

Four brand new 051Cs are waiting there quietly.

Upon seeing 051C, Bird Edin quickly sent people to investigate on the warship.

This matter had been mentioned a long time ago, so Zhang Zhaoxin didn't mind. Instead, he took Bird Edin and others to wait in the conference room.

"Colonel Zhang, we trust your credibility! But you also know, after all, it is a large project worth 1.48 billion U.S. dollars. I have to be careful so that I can give an explanation to the Crown Prince."

"Mr. Bird Edin, we all understand the truth! It's okay! The goods should be inspected!"

Zhang Zhaoxin said with a smile.

"If you don't inspect the goods, we will feel uneasy."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

For more than three hours, several military experts came back after studying four 051Cs.

Several people communicated in Tesha tribal language.

"Your Excellency Bird Edin, everything has been tested, and the data is exactly the same as before!"

"No discrepancies?"


After getting the affirmative answer, Bird Edding immediately looked at Zhang Zhaoxin with a smile and said: "Colonel Zhang, the inspection is completed! Wait a moment!"

With that said, he took out his satellite phone and walked out.

In just a short while, Bird Edin came back.

"Colonel Zhang, the remaining US$740 million has been remitted."

Zhang Zhaoxin didn't ask any questions and said directly: "I can rest assured that you are doing your work!"

Seeing that Bird Edin was about to speak, Zhang Zhaoxin continued.

"We have arranged the escort plan. When the time comes, Mr. Bird Edin, you can go back with the ship!"

A smile appeared in Bird Aidin's eyes, and what he wanted to say was exactly what Zhang Zhaoxin said.

"I can rest assured that you are doing things!"

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Zhaoxin stood up and stretched out his hand.

“Happy to work with!”

“Happy to work with!”

The two shook hands tightly.

After arranging accommodation for Bode Edin and others, Zhang Zhaoxin found someone to inquire about the situation.

"Colonel Zhang, the money has arrived."

"I can rest assured that!"

Immediately afterwards, he called Xiao Chongjun.

"Chief Xiao, the mission is accomplished!"

"Very good, you have worked hard, others will be responsible for the follow-up!"

At the Eastern Fleet Command, as soon as Xiao Chongjun hung up the phone, the guard walked in quickly.

"Chief, there are still two hours left. Captain Wu of the Southern Fleet is about to arrive."

"Okay, I get it."

Looking at the guard's leaving figure, Xiao Chongjun frowned slightly.

This escort plan will dispatch a 052B, a 956E, and a 052C! The three major fleets took out all the warships they had at the bottom of the box.

However, since 052C arrived not long ago, Cao Youren and others are not yet skilled enough. In addition, Zhou Qinglei and others had experience in operating the 052C to sink the Congyun, so the command of 956E this time was continued by Zhou Qinglei and others.

Senior officers such as Cao Youren will be dispatched with 052C, and their main tasks are to observe and learn.

After all, the Eastern Fleet also dispatched a warship, and Xiao Chongjun felt a little more comfortable.

In addition to the three main battleships, there are also several multi-functional supply ships that will accompany the large force.

From here we go to Tesha tribe, which is more than 8,000 kilometers away by sea.

Whether it is the main battleship or the goods being escorted, they all need to be resupplied halfway.

"Hope everything goes well tomorrow!"

Xiao Chongjun thought secretly in his heart.

At the same time, the Eastern Wasteland tribe.

Shushang Tianfu came to Murakami Asagi's office in a hurry.

Once inside, he was straightforward.

"General Zaomu, the investigation has concluded, and the Longxia tribe will take big action!"

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